National Coalition Academy CADCA National Coalition Institute Academy - Colorado 1A Welcome to Webinar Session #1 - May 2010 Sharon O’Hara & Catherine.

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Presentation on theme: "National Coalition Academy CADCA National Coalition Institute Academy - Colorado 1A Welcome to Webinar Session #1 - May 2010 Sharon O’Hara & Catherine."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Coalition Academy CADCA National Coalition Institute Academy - Colorado 1A Welcome to Webinar Session #1 - May 2010 Sharon O’Hara & Catherine Brunson CADCA Trainers To access the conference call: Dial toll-free number: 1-800-250-3900 Enter Conference ID: 255630, then press the # key Please mute phones To mute phone, *1 to un-mute, press *1 again

2 National Coalition Academy Purpose & Agenda Overall Purpose: Learning Community AGENDA Welcome & Introductions CADCA Coalition Academy Overview Review of Required Products Review NCA Week 1 – Assessment, Problem Analysis, Logic Model, Capacity Questions / Answers / Discussion Preparation for Week 2 Next Steps

3 National Coalition Academy Strategic Prevention Framework All trainings are built around the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) CADCA Coalition Institute helps Coalitions get smarter, faster

4 National Coalition Academy Essential Processes 1 for Implementing the Strategic Prevention Framework 1. Analyzing Information About the Problem, Goals, and Factors Affecting Them 1. Analyzing Information About the Problem, Goals, and Factors Affecting Them 2. Establishing Vision and Mission 3. Defining Organizational Structure and Operating Mechanisms 3. Defining Organizational Structure and Operating Mechanisms 5. Developing and Using Strategic and Action Plans 8. Developing and Using Strategic and Action Plans 6. Arranging Resources for Community Mobilization 6. Arranging Resources for Community Mobilization 7. Developing Leadership 5. Developing Leadership 8. Implementing Effective Interventions 9. Implementing Effective Interventions 9. Assuring 4. AssuringTechnical Assistance 10. Documenting Progress and Using Feedback 12. Documenting Progress and Using Feedback 11. Making Outcomes Matter 12. Sustaining the Work 10. Sustaining the Work A. Assessment B. Capacity D. Implementation C. Planning E. Evaluation 4. Developing a framework or model of change 7. Developing a framework or model of change 1 Best processes identified through a literature review conducted by Dr. Renee Boothroyd, University of Kansas – used with permission. Sustainability Cultural Competence

5 National Coalition Academy

6 Community Assessment Essential Elements 1.Community Description 2.Needs Assessment 3. Resources Assessment 4. Community History 5. Problem Statement(s)

7 National Coalition Academy Community Assessment Discussion 1.Has your coalition revised its community assessment since the Academy Week 1? If yes, what has changed? 2.If no, why not? Describe challenges, if any, to revising the community assessment. 3.How has the community assessment been shared with the community?

8 National Coalition Academy Problem Analysis 1.Understand the relationship between community issues. 2.Identify root causes. 3.Validate assumptions with community data. 4.Achieve consensus among coalition members. 5.Establish criteria for selecting interventions. 6.Create a picture of problem and its causes (aka a logic model). Goals for Conducting a Problem Analysis

9 National Coalition Academy But Why? Problem But Why Here? Problem Analysis – Root Cause

10 National Coalition Academy Problem Analysis 1.Has your coalition conducted problem analysis based on a revised community assessment? 2.If yes, what were the results?. 3.How has the community been involved in the problem analysis? Discussion

11 National Coalition Academy Logic Models 1.Problem Statement 2.Root Causes 3.Local Conditions –Specific –Identifiable –Actionable

12 National Coalition Academy Adults provide alcohol at home parties Problem Statement But Why?But Why Here? Underage Drinking Easy Access to Alcohol Stores sell to minors Community Norms Tailgating before sporting events Alcohol sales/ marketing at all festivals

13 National Coalition Academy Ways to Critique Logic Models Logic Models 1.Line Logic a.Cause and effect b.Time 2. Completeness 3. Adequate to Produce Results

14 National Coalition Academy Logic Models 1.Has your coalition revised its logic model since Week 1? If yes, describe the changes. 2.How has the logic model been used by the coalition? 3.How has the logic model been shared with the community? Discussion

15 National Coalition Academy Building Coalition Membership Organization/Individual to contact Desired Involvement : Role Skills Resources “WIFM”? Who will make contact? By when? Capacity Building

16 National Coalition Academy Capacity Building KEY is to be… Intentful & Proactive …when building coalition capacity.

17 National Coalition Academy Capacity Building 1.Does the coalition have broad representation from the community? 2.In what ways have you intentionally built capacity in order to complete the community assessment? Conduct problem analysis? 3.What challenges, issues or questions have arisen? Discussion

18 National Coalition Academy Homework from Week 1 Reminder Collect additional data to fill in gaps in Community Assessment Revise Logic Model (if necessary) to reflect the problem, risk factors & local conditions that create / contribute to the problem. Post Community Assessment & Logic Model to the workstation.

19 National Coalition Academy Week 2 Preview 1.Review Logic Models 2.Selecting Interventions 3.Strategic and Action Planning 4.Evaluation a. Outcome Evaluation b. Analysis of Contribution Topics to be Covered

20 National Coalition Academy Next Steps 1.What steps do you need to take to get ready for Week 2 of the Academy? Discussion

21 National Coalition Academy Questions?

22 National Coalition Academy Contacts CADCA Technical Assistance 1-800-54CADCA x 240 Sharon O’Hara 888-718-0708 Catherine Brunson 865-659-0474

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