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Interaction patrick baudisch microsoft research adaptive systemsinteraction focus friday, may 18, large screens.

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Presentation on theme: "Interaction patrick baudisch microsoft research adaptive systemsinteraction focus friday, may 18, large screens."— Presentation transcript:

1 interaction patrick baudisch microsoft research adaptive systemsinteraction focus friday, may 18, large screens

2 techniques devices &

3 is a construct that "implements the hardware binding portion of a user-computer interface design". An earlier informal definition adds that interaction techniques are "ways to use input devices to enter information into the computer. interaction technique [Foley, van Dam, Feiner, Hughes, Computer Graphics Principles and Practice. 1990]

4 always use the most available device mantra only when that fails, escalate to a larger, more powerful device

5 large

6 what changes? making pointing reaching invoking accuracy

7 making

8 projection

9 [guimbretiere, stanford]

10 [Starkweather, MSR]

11 f+c screen [baudisch et al., 2001]

12 escritoire [Mark Ashdown]

13 Lars Eric Holmquist Ubiquitous Graphics

14 handheld [Cao & Balakrishnan UIST 2006] projectors

15 table

16 frustrated total internal reflection

17 pointing

18 gyro mouse

19 [wilson 03] xwand

20 [nintendo 06] wii

21 hull core optical sensor soap

22 touch

23 reaching

24 location-independent [pier & landay, 1992]

25 [pupyref & billinghurst uist96] go

26 [baudisch et al., 2003] drag-and-pop

27 tablecloth [baudisch et al.]

28 invoking

29 sim press [Benko, Wilson, Baudisch CHI 2005]

30 tracking menus [Fitzmaurice et al UIST 2003]

31 hover widget [Grossman et al, CHI 2006]

32 trailing widget [Forlines & Vogel, UIST 06]

33 accuracy

34 high-density cursor

35 mouse ether

36 dual-finger

37 windows paper Grudin

38 groupBar


40 vs.

41 (input: wall display users are mobile users lack of keyboard, pointing accuracy) vs. limitated screen and inputusers perceptual & motor abilities limited can we use the same tools for large and small? [irani, gutwin, yang 2006]

42 papers

43 under table [Forlines et al, UIST 06]

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