Are Believers at a Disadvantage Because Jesus is not Physically Present? John 16 New Life Bible Fellowship Dr. Kermit Ecklebarger March 17, 2013

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1 Are Believers at a Disadvantage Because Jesus is not Physically Present? John 16 New Life Bible Fellowship Dr. Kermit Ecklebarger March 17, 2013

2 Introduction A. Main focus: Preparation for Jesus departure B. Two key themes: ~Impending Crisis ~Role of Holy Spirit

3 Preparation of disciples for future revelation 16:1-33 A. Warning of persecution 16:1-5a (Explanation of teaching strategy) 1. Purpose of present teaching: Not Stumble 2. Prediction of persecution: Excommunication and Execution 3. Reason for delayed teaching: Jesus Presence

4 B. Promise of Holy Spirit 16:5b-15 1. Superiority of HS to Jesus physical Presence 16:5b-7 a. Similar - another advocate 14:16 Paraclete = one called alongside to help A legal term, but not counsel for defense/Lawyer b. Superior - for your good 16:7a c. Sequential - unless I go away, the Advocate will not come 16:7b

5 2. Work of Holy Spirit 16:8-15 a. To world – conviction 16:8-11 ~~Sin – Righteousness – Judgment b. To disciples – revelation 16:12-13 ~~Of new truth – guide into all truth ~~Of future events – show things to come c. To Christ – glorification 16:14-15

6 3. Personhood of Holy Spirit 16:13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. Spirit = Neuter noun he = Masculine demonstrative pronoun, that one, irregular grammar, showing Holy Spirit is a person, not just the power or force of God.

7 Trinity diagram = equilateral triangle is not Father Son is not is not Holy Spirit is God

8 C. Promise of post-resurrection joy 16:16-24 1. Jesus prediction of separation and reuniting 16:16 2. Disciples confusion 16:17-18 What does he mean by saying, in a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me, and because I am going to the Father?

9 3. Jesus clarification 16:19-24 a. Separation brings sorrow to disciples joy to world 16:19-20a b. Reuniting will bring permanent joy to disciples 16:20b-22 ***Like woman at childbirth*** c. Answered Prayer in Jesus name will bring complete joy 16:23-24

10 D. Promise of clearer post-resurrection teaching 16:25-30 1. Clearer information about the Father 16:25 2. Reason for direct access to the Father 16:26-28 3. Disciples confession: You came from God. 16:29-30 E. Promise of peace in tribulation 16:31-33 1. Prediction of disciples scattering 16:31-32 2. Basis for Peace in impending crisis 16:33

11 Heaven (1) Jesus former (3) Jesus anticipated (5) Jesus eternal existence exaltation presence with 3:13/6:38 6:62/14:2-3 /16:28 believers 14:3 Earth (2) Jesus (4) Jesus return temporary for believers 14:3 life 16:28 Jesus Changing Places of Residence

12 CONCLUSION Great assets for living the Christian life 1. Permanent indwelling of Holy Spirit **Not just presence** 14:16=17 2. Co-Witness with Disciples 15:26-27 3. Holy Spirit inspired Bible 16:12-13 4. Joy in adversity and persecution 16:33

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