User Query Control An Enhancement For AS/400 Query On The IBM iSeries from  Copyright I/O International, 2005 Skip Intro.

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2 User Query Control An Enhancement For AS/400 Query On The IBM iSeries from  Copyright I/O International, 2005 Skip Intro

3 2 User Query Control 4 An enhancement for any AS/400 Query installation 4 Applies equally well to DMAS pre- packaged queries 4 Allows multiple users to run the same base query –But have different query controls for each user Query Control at the User Level

4 3 User Query Control 4 Based on a query control record for each user / query combination 4 A query control record controls which query functions of a base query a particular user has the ability to change / execute 4 Maintenance function provided for management use –Creates and maintains query control records –Allows creation of new control records by copying existing ones –Lists all query control records for all end users –Browse control records –Delete unwanted control records –No impact on base query Query Control at the User Level...

5 4 User Query Control 4 Allows management control of –Which queries each user is allowed to run –Which users can modify run-time query options for a given query –Which run-time options a given query user has the ability to change –Which users can change file names for a given query and which ones can not –Which users can change the library in which a given file is accessed –Which users can change the record selection prompt for a given query –Which users can change the type of output for a given query Query Control at the User Level... User Query Control Summary

6 5 (click button to view detail) User Functions Management Functions End User Access to Query Back to Title Page Maintenance of Query Control Records Operational Conditions Pre-Requisites

7 6 User Functions 4 The user is offered a single menu option for query access 4 A list of queries for the active user are displayed 4 Each line displayed represents a query control record previously created by management

8 7 User Functions The User Query List screen displays all queries this user is allowed to access Query options for this user/query may be viewed with option 5 or changed with option 2 Return to User Query Control Summary A query may be run by using option R or submitted to the job queue with option S The user may control the sequence in which his queries are listed by changing the sequence number The selection line may be used to limit the list of queries when many query control records exist for the user 2=Change R=Run query

9 8 Change Query Control The 2=Change option displays the User Query Details screen in Change mode The active user and base query are identified Return to User Query List Screen This option is used by the user to change any of the query functions he is allowed to change prior to running the query Fields displayed in pink (displayed in yellow on the green screen) are protected by management Input fields NOT displayed in pink may be changed by this user

10 9 Run Query If this user is allowed record selection, the Select Records screen is displayed when a “Run” query option is taken The active user may then change record selection as needed If record select is turned “Off” for a given user, this screen will not display and the query will go directly to execution

11 10 Run Query The query executes and produces the intended output (in this example, a display query) This is an example of a pre-packaged DMAS query shipped with the DMAS product Return to User Query List Screen

12 11 Management Functions 4 A maintenance function for management to create and maintain user query control records 4 Displays a list of existing query control records 4 New control records may be created by keying or copying an existing record 4 Existing records may be changed, browsed or deleted 4 Options provided to test any query control record displayed

13 12 Management Functions The User Query Control File Maintenance screen displays all query control records for this query installation Query options may be viewed with option 5 or changed with option 2 Return to User Query Control Summary A query may be tested by using option R or submitting to the job queue with option S The selection line may be used to limit the list of queries when many query control records exist Control records may be created by copying with option 3 or deleted with option 4 New control records may be created with F6 2=Change 3=Copy F6=Add record

14 13 Change a User Query Control Record The 2=Change option displays the User Query Details screen in Change mode The intended user and base query are identified Return to User Query Control F/M Management can set any of the query functions that will be defaults when the user runs the query Fields displayed in pink (displayed in yellow on the green screen) are protected by management Input fields NOT displayed in pink may be changed by this user

15 14 Copy a User Query Control Record The 3=Copy option displays the User Query Details screen in Add mode When copying, the user id of the intended user must be keyed Return to User Query control F/M Management may then change any options that are to be different and/or unique for this user

16 15 Create a New Query Control Record When using F6=Add record to create a new query control record, a blank User Query Details screen is displayed Management must key the user id of the user for which this control record is intended The query description will be displayed once the Enter key is pressed Management may then key the query library and name or use the F4 key to display a list from which to select a query

17 16 Create a New Query Control Record Management then confirms that the correct query has been selected The user sequence, query group and the description may be changed at this time if desired The entire User Query Details screen will be displayed once the Enter key is pressed

18 17 Create a New Query Control record Modifications for this user may then be made to the various query options The intended user and base query are identified Return to User Query Control F/M Fields displayed in pink (displayed in yellow on the green screen) are protected by management Input fields NOT displayed in pink may be changed by this user Management may then change any options that are to be different and/or unique for this user

19 18 Pre-Requisites 4 In order for the I/O User Query Control enhancement to be most effective, please note the following: –The command line should be removed from all query users –All current menu option access to present queries should be removed –Access to any query should only be through the menu option provided by the I/O User Query Control enhancement –Only management has the capability to create or modify base queries –Only management has access to the I/O User Query Maintenance menu option Return to User Query Control Summary

20 19 End of Presentation For more information about the User Query Control Enhancement for the IBM iSeries, call I/O International, Inc. at (914) 232-2233 Thank you for your interest Suite 2002 Pinewood Business Center Somers, New York 10589 Return to User Query Control Summary

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