How do we teach research ethics? Professor Ann Macaskill 1.

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Presentation on theme: "How do we teach research ethics? Professor Ann Macaskill 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we teach research ethics? Professor Ann Macaskill 1

2 Aims and Content 1.Cover University policy & procedures 2.Course content requirements 3.Module leader responsibilities 4.Supervisor responsibilities 5.Training available 6.Teaching strategies 7.Resources 2

3 Background SHU Research Ethics external website where the policy, procedures, proforma & guidance are located: Responsibilities of supervisors were made more explicit in most recent policy update (Feb 2012) 3

4 Content for Course Approval/ Reapproval 1.All research methods modules should have developing awareness of research ethics (or similar wording) as a learning objective with an associated outcome 2.All courses that include student research projects have procedures approved by their FREC, to ensure that ethical scrutiny occurs. 3.Category Approval from the FREC is in place for modules which include small research projects that all students complete each year. 4.Will be checked at approval event. 4

5 Additional Requirements for Studies Published with Students The staff member will need, on acceptance of the publication by a journal, to archive a copy of the paper and the evidence that the research has occurred (e.g. raw data in questionnaires etc., consent forms, lab books, etc.) in the University Research Data Archive. Meets journal and research council guidelines for evidencing research integrity. Service administered through LITS & proforma on the Researchers sections of the LITS website 5

6 Module Leader Ensure that all student research projects undergo ethical scrutiny- Library studies, secondary data analysis, & other low risk - SHU Checklist (SHUREC1) All other research with human participants - SHUREC 2a 6

7 Designated Research Ethics Review Group (Taught Provision) Proforma are reviewed and comments fed back to students and supervisors for action. Once the review group are satisfied students given approval to start. Ethics proforma are put in the appendices to the thesis (& approval letters). This should be work loaded as part of teaching Membership should be rotated to spread expertise. 7

8 Staff Responsibilities re Student supervision: Ensure that appropriate ethical scrutiny of their students' research occurs Take reasonable steps to assure the integrity of the research that they are supervising Failure to do so constitutes research misconduct. 8

9 Modifications to Projects If projects change, the student must submit a modification form to the module tutor detailing the changes and must not collect data until the modification is approved. Failure to do so will result in failure of the research project. Modified proforma and approval letter included in thesis appendices. 9

10 Research Materials used by Students Students are required to submit a file with questionnaire measures, consent forms, participant information sheets, letters to parents, etc., to the supervisor for checking and then transmission to the print unit by the supervisor as required. (Procedure previously agreed with NUS). Students pick up and separate forms. 10

11 Staff Development Staff supervising research projects should regularly update their knowledge: Range of Resources available: Epigeum online modules on Research Ethics & Research Integrity. (Courses located on SHU Space under Organisation Sites labelled Academic CPD Online Courses & click Researcher Development.) set.jsp set.jsp Regular SHU Research Ethics training events. 11

12 How do we teach research ethics? Where do we teach it? 12

13 Resources HEA have lots of resources. E.g. Guide to Dissertations in the Social Sciences (SHU & HEA) Useful for students to access PGR - online ACPD resources - ethics mandatory + Case studies for students: Top Science Scandals of 2012 http://www.the- Science-Scandals-of-2012/ 13

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