Make It Happen Leadership in Teaching - March 20, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Make It Happen Leadership in Teaching - March 20, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Make It Happen Leadership in Teaching - March 20, 2013

2 Introductions

3 Please Do Now: What are the properties of an effective teacher-leader? Take 5 minutes to write your top 3. Share with a partner, and choose 2 as a pair. Be prepared to share-out.

4 A bit of background… What is Instructional Coaching?

5 4 Quadrants


7 Coaches provide in-house professional development in their buildings Ongoing PD instead of “one-and-done” One-on-one coaching In-service training Faculty meetings Study groups Data / Planning teams One-on-One and Small Group Support


9 Coaches work with teachers to collect and use Classroom data Formative assessment data Coaches are teacher-leaders in Data-driven decision making PVAAS CDT Collecting, Analyzing, and Using Data


11 As we transition to the Keystone Exams and PA Common Core Standards: Coaches conduct turn-around training and one-on-one coaching to incorporate literacy into the content areas The PLN course provides coaches and teachers with a wide variety of highly effective literacy strategies and lesson planning practices Evidence-Based Literacy Strategies


13 As we transition to the Educator Effectiveness model: Coaches work with teachers to facilitate professional growth Coaches and teachers work one-on-one to address the goals set during the observation process Reflective and Non-Evaluative Practices

14 Before Pre-conference for planning successful instruction w/ individuals or team of teachers During Co-teaching Modeling After Offering feedback through reflective and non- evaluative conferences The BDA Coaching Cycle Visiting Note taking

15 2013-14 School Year We are welcoming new and returning coaches for next year. Calendar and expectations…

16 Content-Area Vocabulary

17 Interacting with vocabulary: What do you look for in a vocabulary activity? How many words and phrases can you come up with to describe an effective activity for teaching content area vocabulary? Put it on the Wiki!

18 Now how do we share this with other teachers?

19 Lenses of Learning Those of you who attended PLN last year: What do you remember about the 4 Lenses of Learning?

20 Lenses of Learning

21 Let’s take a closer look at what PLN has to say about the 4 Lenses of Learning…

22 Transacting With Text From the title only: What might this story be about?

23 Transacting With Text Read the first page and STOP How do you think the main character is feeling? What might she be thinking about alone in her room?

24 Transacting With Text Read the next page and STOP Revisit your prediction. Has it changed?

25 Transacting With Text Read the last page Was your prediction correct? Turn and talk…

26 Transacting With Text How does this activity look through each of the 4 Lenses of Learning?

27 Professional Readings: Study Groups Split into groups Choose a book Select and interesting passage

28 Professional Readings: Study Groups With your group, design a short BDA around this passage that could be used in a professional study group. Don’t teach the text. Use the text to teach the concept behind it.

29 Standards for Professional Learning Leadership- Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness and results for all students requires skillful leaders who develop capacity, advocate, and create support systems for professional learning. ership#.UUjqZhfvvzw ership#.UUjqZhfvvzw

30 Standards for Professional Learning With a partner: Read the description of the Leadership standard. Choose exactly 15 words that stand out. Write a summary paragraph that includes all 15 words.

31 Ticket Out the Door Using the form on the Wiki: What are some examples of leadership roles you have taken in your school?

32 **need a tech tool And ThinkBlocks And Doc And Form And Wiki pages And Log™

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