When you are ready, click your mouse and we will begin.

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Presentation on theme: "When you are ready, click your mouse and we will begin."— Presentation transcript:

1 When you are ready, click your mouse and we will begin.

2 Today’s Categories…  The Laws  Office Ergonomics  Minimising Waste Make sure you have your Score CardScore Card For every correct answer, write the word you are given into the correct box on the card.

3 Laws Guides 200 400 600 800 Ergonomics Wastage 800 200 400 600 1000

4 Egonomics 200 Back to Board When sitting at the computer, you should be: a) Slouching in a relaxed position with headphones b) Scrunched up as close to the screen as possible c) Making sure you have the one closest to the door d) Comfortable, with everything you need in reach

5 Too relaxed is bad  Being relaxed is fine, but slouching starts to hurt after a while.  Headphones are fine, but remember too loud is too much  Push the button to go back

6 Just enough is fine  Being too close is just as bad as too far away.  Push the button to go back

7 Not really no.  Being first out the door after work is not a workplace issue. Make sure your decisions are based on REAL OHS issues.  Push the button to go back

8 Well Done!  You just won 200 points  The code for your answer sheet is COMFORT Back to Board

9 Ergonomics 400 Back to Board When seated at your desk: a) Put everything a mile away, walking keeps you fit b) Put things up high, out of the way c) Keep the everyday items in reach with no need to twist

10 Pushing too far promotes problems  If things are not where you need them, people will tend to work around them, and that often leads to low efficiency and dagerous work practices.  Push the button to go back

11 Too High, Too Bad  Items dropping from a height or people stretching awkwardly to get them is a major cause of workplace problems  Push the button to go back

12 Well Done!  You just won 400 points  The code for your answer sheet is PLAN Back to Board

13 Ergonomics 600 Back to Board If you hit print by mistake on a 300 page document, you: a) Cancel the print job and put the unwanted paper into the recycling b) Panic c) Just let it go, you can always blame it on someone else

14 Definitely Not  First up, you will be caught eventually.  Second, think of the trees.  Push the button to go back

15 Panicking NEVER works  Sorry, try again. You need to stop wastage.  Push the button to go back

16 Well Done!  You just won 600 points  The code for your answer sheet is CONSERVE Back to Board

17 Ergonomics 800 Back to Board When setting up your workspace: a) You put things where ever you want them b) You make sure your workplace is safe for you and others c) You tell the boss you need more plants

18 Thinking of Others  Your space is important to you, but in the workplace, it must comply with safety laws and your workplaces requirements.  The people around you need to share your space too. It needs to be OK for everyone.  Push the button to go back

19 Not really no.  Plants can lower stress and improve the workplace, but they are deadly to a lot of equipment. The workplace is all about balance and using common sense.  Push the button to go back

20 Well Done!  You just won 800 points  The code for your answer sheet is COMPROMISE Back to Board

21 Ergonomics 1000 Back to Board Seated at your desk, you should have : a) Your elbows at 90 degrees to the table b) Regular breaks and micro pauses c) The monitor at eye height d) Made sure your mouse is within easy reach

22 Great  One good point but you need more  The first word for your score sheet is SAFETY  Push the button to go back

23  But there is more  The second word for your score sheet is REALLY  Push the button to go back Very True

24 That is true  But there is more  The third word for your score sheet is DOES  Push the button to go back

25 Well Done!  The fourth Word for your answer sheet is  If you have all four words, well done, you have won 1000 points. If you only have this word, go back and find the other three. COUNT Back to Board

26 Rules 200 Back to Board A workplace health and safety committee: a) Is totally responsible for OHS b) Is there to carry the can c) Helps ensure safety by minimising dangers d) Allows you to forget about safety

27 Definitely Not  Safety is ALWAYS everyone’s job  Push the button to go back

28 The Committee is not just fiction  The committee is not just there to prove the boss isn’t liable for claims. They are responsible for collating the information.  You still have to think safe  Push the button to go back

29 Not really no.  Safety is EVERY ONE’S job  Push the button to go back

30 Well Done!  You just won 200 points  The code for your answer sheet is EVERYONE Back to Board

31 Rules 400 Back to Board The legislation is: a) Too hard, I can’t possibly know it all b) Something the boss has to worry about c) Only for the OHS committee d) Something I need to be aware of

32 Just the Basics  No one can know all the legalisation without being a lawyer  Ignorance is no excuse, you have to know the basics, at least the stuff that applies to you.  Push the button to go back

33 Well Done!  You just won 400 points  The code for your answer sheet is LEARN Back to Board

34 Rules 600 Back to Board When you fix a problem, like wiping up a spill: a) You have done your part b) What spill, I didn’t even see it c) You can just dump the wet rags in the sink d) Report to your supervisor that the spill was there, in case it was a faulty a/c

35 It’s only a start  Wiping up the spill is a great start.  MORE is needed. Tell someone there was a problem to stop it happening again.  Push the button to go back

36 Ignoring it NEVER works  Sorry, try again  Push the button to go back

37 Not really no.  Safety includes good housekeeping  Sorry, try again  Push the button to go back

38 Well Done!  You just won 600 points  The code for your answer sheet is STEPS Back to Board

39 Rules 800 Back to Board During a fire: a) Run like mad b) Try to save all your stuff c) Stay calm and head to your safety point

40 Definitely Not  Panic causes more damage and injuries than fire ever does  Sorry, try again  Push the button to go back

41 Stuff is not People  Some procedures would like you to lock your drawers before leaving, but remember, most important is getting you out safe and sound.  Forget about your stuff  Push the button to go back

42 Well Done!  You just won 800 points  The code for your answer sheet is PRIORITIES Back to Board

43 Rules 1000 Back to Board When at safety training you: a) Look bored, we do this stuff all the time b) Take notes, this could save your life c) Wish you could be getting on with your work

44 Definitely Not  Safety training is done all the time BECAUSE it is important.  Push the button to go back

45 Safety is your Job  We have all been guilty of wanting to just get things done.  Safety doesn’t slow things down, it makes sure nothing brings work to a halt.  Push the button to go back

46 Well Done!  You just won 1000 points  The code for your answer sheet is TRAINING Back to Board

47  Your score sheet can now be used for MERGE A WORD MERGE A WORD

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