Initial Teacher Preparation Programmes - National Institute of Education Foundation Programmes Office, NIE.

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Presentation on theme: "Initial Teacher Preparation Programmes - National Institute of Education Foundation Programmes Office, NIE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Initial Teacher Preparation Programmes - National Institute of Education Foundation Programmes Office, NIE

2 About NIE Vision: To be an Institute of Distinction NIE has a critical role in meeting the changing needs of the education system. NIE also provides educational research and consultancy services to MOE, schools and the wider education community.

3 Staff Statistics Teaching Staff: > 350 Doctoral (69%) Masters (25%) Degree / Professionals (6%)

4 Student Statistics (2005 - 2006) Total Enrolment: > 8000 Pre-service  PGDE (Sec): 1100  PGDE (Pri): 290  Degree: 1090  Dip Ed: 580 In-service and Postgraduate (the rest)

5 Foundation Programmes Office Developing Education Professionals: Leaders in the Service of Learners Mission

6 Foundation Programmes Office Framework for Initial Teacher Education Programmes Innovation Independent learning Critical thinking, Commitment and Service.

7 ProgrammeLevel for Teaching Duration PGDE (Pri) PGDE (Sec) Primary Secondary 1 year (2 years for PE) BA (Ed) BSc (Ed) Primary Secondary 4 years Diploma in Education Primary2 years Initial Teacher Education Programmes

8 Academic Subjects Key Areas of Study Practicum Education Studies Curriculum Studies Subject Knowledge Language Enhancements & Academic Discourse Skills Next

9 Develop key concepts and principles in education for effective instruction and reflective practice Education Studies

10 Include topics such as Pupil development Social context of education Psychology for teaching & learning Classroom management Use of ICT in teaching Education Studies Back to Areas of Study

11 Reinforce subject content mastery for primary school teaching Subject Knowledge

12 Subject contents offered Subject Knowledge Art English Language Mathematics Music Science Back to Areas of Study

13 Equip student teachers with methods and approaches to teach different subjects. Curriculum Studies

14 ProgrammeNo. of Teaching Subjects PGDE (Primary) PGDE (Secondary) 3232 Diploma in Education3 B.A.(Ed) / B.Sc (Ed) (Pri) 3 B.A. (Ed) / B.Sc. (Ed) (Sec) 2 Curriculum Studies

15 Art English Language Mother Tongue Languages Mathematics Music Physical Education Science Social Studies Curriculum Studies: Primary

16 English Language Mother Tongue Languages Biology Chemistry Design & Technology Mathematics Physics Computer Applications Elements of Office Administration Family & Consumer Sciences Physical Education Art Economics English Literature Geography History Music Back to Areas of Study Curriculum Studies: PGDE (Sec) Dependent on subjects studied at university

17 Language Enhancements & Academic Discourse Skills Basic language and voice skills Academic writing skills

18 LEADS modules Communication Skills for Teachers Academic Discourse Skills English for Academic & Professional Purposes Language Enhancements & Academic Discourse Skills Back to Areas of Study

19 Develop understanding of fundamental concepts and principles in specific disciplines. Degree programmes. Academic Studies

20 For BA (Ed) Academic Subjects - Degree English Language English Literature Geography History Art Chinese Language Chinese Literature Drama Malay Language Malay Literature Music

21 Academic Subjects - Degree Back to Areas of Study Biology Chemistry Mathematics Physics Family and Consumer Science Physical Education and Sports Science For BSc (Ed)

22 Practicum Teaching competencies are developed on site in schools/JCs Mentoring by Co-operating Teachers together with NIE staff Back to Areas of Study

23 Group Endeavours in Service Learning All student-teachers Community projects in arts, cultural, education, environment, health, sports, others Complete within 1 st year of studies (except degree) Facilitated by academic staff Project Work Assessment as reference framework

24 Thank You

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