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Digital Disasters Laura M Cyberbulling Digital Reputation Identity Theft Offensive or Illegal Content Sexting Unwanted Contact.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Disasters Laura M Cyberbulling Digital Reputation Identity Theft Offensive or Illegal Content Sexting Unwanted Contact."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Disasters Laura M Cyberbulling Digital Reputation Identity Theft Offensive or Illegal Content Sexting Unwanted Contact

2 Cyberbulling Cyberbulling is when a person is repeatedly bullied using a digital device of some sort. This may include online social networking, texting and any other sort of digital messaging. How to deal with it: Tell your parents or a trusted adult what is going on Block the messages they are sending you Click the Report Abuse button if the cyberbulling is happening on an online social network site Don’t respond to their messages

3 Digital Reputation A Digital Reputation is the way you shape your actions online. You might tag yourself in a photo or post something and someone might think that what you said or did was wrong to do. They might think you’re a different person then what you are like in real life. How to Deal with it: Think before you act: Make sure before you post something or put up a photo that it doesn’t make you out as a bad person Make sure your friends don’t tag you in photos you don’t want to be tagged in

4 Identity Theft When you use your personal information, credit card details, where you live, your name etc., there is always the risk of Identity Theft. Identity Theft is when criminals might hack into your online banking account, social network profile or eBay account to try and steal your money or other personal information. How to deal with it: Make sure you don’t post ANY personal information when on social networking sites Make sure your settings are on private Change your password every now and then If your profile has been hacked shut it down immediately

5 Offensive or Illegal Content Sometimes you can come across websites or posts that contain Offensive or Illegal Content. It can be disturbing or dangerous. Offensive or Illegal Content can include websites or posts of criminal activity, racism, websites promoting illegal items, etc. How to deal with it: Report illegal or offensive content to website Block the content Tell a trusted parent or adult Get out of the site

6 Sexting Sexting is sending or receiving inappropriate photos or texts to another person. These photos or texts can go viral and might not stay just with that person. How to deal with it: Block unwanted photos and text Be careful what you send to others Ignore inappropriate photos and texts

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