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First there was batch Serial processing Waiting jobs sit on a job queue until they can be processed Things processed in first-in first-out order (FIFO)

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Presentation on theme: "First there was batch Serial processing Waiting jobs sit on a job queue until they can be processed Things processed in first-in first-out order (FIFO)"— Presentation transcript:

1 First there was batch Serial processing Waiting jobs sit on a job queue until they can be processed Things processed in first-in first-out order (FIFO)

2 Jobs.. Data, things to do Things done, output results Machine Domain Job QueueJob execution Batch processing

3 An IBM punch card To read a card one character at a time

4 Programs used punched cards

5 We create codes using presence or absence – hole punched 1 0 Presence Absence 00 0 11 0 0 1 =I This concept has carried through to modern computing – codes used to identify characters and letters.

6 Input and output Machine Domain Job execution Interactive processing

7 Software Application System UtilityOperating System ShellKernel Software classification

8 Kernel Shell User

9 Starting the system up Bootstrap – BIOS (Basic Input Output system) Permanently written instructions that load the operating system software into the computer memory

10 A process Set of instructions Data (new, modified) Current state –At what point in instruction set –State of data being processes

11 Time sharing Time Proc A Proc B Proc A Proc B swap

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