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Continuing Education Registrations Automated!. Presentation Outline History – Where We Were (Michael) Present – Where We Are Now (Dave) Present – What.

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Presentation on theme: "Continuing Education Registrations Automated!. Presentation Outline History – Where We Were (Michael) Present – Where We Are Now (Dave) Present – What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuing Education Registrations Automated!

2 Presentation Outline History – Where We Were (Michael) Present – Where We Are Now (Dave) Present – What Are The Benefits (Michael) Future – Where We Are Going Next (Dave) Questions

3 History – Where We Were Old registration/ecommerce “system” was a complex series of procedures/process that worked, but were: Manual / inefficient non-secure (big problem when handling $) repetitive (dual entry) involved a myriad of databases not customer (or internal user) friendly

4 History – Where We Were To Buy or to Build?… That was the question Looked at other systems available, including: DESTINY SOLUTIONS-expensive and overly complex UVIC – didn’t meet our specific needs Quest and HR's ELM systems – not best solution/fit Many others that were either too expensive or not a great fit

5 History – Where We Were Secured UW Provost funding for system that would include full e-commerce and Customer Relationship Management. Goal was to make it secure, efficient, seamless and simple for registrants (and administrators) – resulting in better customer service Created a comprehensive wish list, then opted to simplify and build from core “must haves”, discovered other “requireds”, and agreed to add as needed – or as resources allowed.

6 Present – Where We Are Now Secure registration system based on UW standards for E-Commerce applications Submitted business case to UW eCommerce Committee (Finance/IST) System is compliant with PCI Data Security Standard BeanStream handles all online credit card information.

7 Present – Where We Are Now Registration Process Registrant – submits registration CE Registration System – Stores registrant’s data and redirects to BeanStream BeanStream – Approves or declines payment BeanStream – Sends “Purchase Receipt” E-mail CE Registration System – Sends “Enrolment Confirmation” E-mail

8 Present – Where We Are Now CE Registration Admin System Classroom, online, Pre-university Student Bio/Demo Data Class list information E-mail communications Certificates and Name cards Finance, Reports Activity logs

9 Present – What Are The Benefits Increased Efficiency Increased Security Improved Customer Service Cost Savings [Somewhat] Green

10 Present – What Are The Benefits Increased Efficiency Validation checking on key registration fields Credit card payments processed electronically No duplicate data entry No need to regularly merge multiple databases Course confirmations can be sent much faster

11 Present – What Are The Benefits Increased Security Now compliant with the PCI Data Security Standard No longer printing credit card details No longer retaining any credit card information

12 Present – What Are The Benefits Improved Customer Service Cultivating relationships with our clients is important The new system will allow staff to better meet the needs of our clientele Providing useful information for telephone calls Retaining meal preference information Essentially interacting with clients and adding value instead of “pushing paper”

13 Present – What Are The Benefits Potential Cost Savings (Out-of-Pocket) The merchant fee structure is significantly different using BeanStream In general we save almost 1% in credit card fees / transaction But we have increased monthly expenses (unless we can eliminate the POS terminal & phone line)

14 Present – What Are The Benefits Somewhat “greener” We no longer print a page for every single credit card transaction We no longer print a POS terminal receipt for every single credit card transaction

15 Future – Where We Are Going Next

16 Bug list - shrinking Feature requests - growing Daily check-ins with staff Weekly meetings to prioritize and discuss ideas

17 Future – Where We Are Going Next Master console – giving more power to staff Data consolidation – bringing our long-time CE friends into the new system. Better WatIAM integration Website integration – dynamic, searchable, catalog and schedule of classes

18 Future – Where We Are Going Next Personalized instructor and student accounts Advanced eMail functionality – personalized marketing and history Reaching out to campus

19 Questions What do you want to know?

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