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A Possible Strategic Plan Concept for St. Paul’s Southampton.

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Presentation on theme: "A Possible Strategic Plan Concept for St. Paul’s Southampton."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Possible Strategic Plan Concept for St. Paul’s Southampton

2 Questions? How do you see strategic planning unfolding here at St. Paul’s? In what ways is St. Paul’s currently engaged in strategic planning? In what ways can that process be enhanced?

3 Strategic Planning Thoughts Whatever God orders, God pays for We need to get on board with what God is doing We need to "fan into flames” the gift of God fill us with the Holy Spirit, that we might complete those things He has sent us to do Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.

4 More Questions What is required of us? Where do we need to be going? What directions do we need to take as a Church to develop a healthy church community, moving confidently into the future?

5 A Possible Planning Structure develop a vision and share it with the people of the church support the church in the mission that is created ensure a value-added approach if there is a strategic plan, then EVERYONE needs to know what it is

6 Strategic Planning Creation of hopes, dreams, visions “start dreaming dreams like 21 year olds”

7 A Possible Strategic Planning Framework: a five-year renewable cycle – needs to be ongoing to maintain health tease the plan out of the congregation – the heart of the community possible ways to do this: –hold coffee meetings –sessions after church –phone every member of the congregation

8 Ask important questions! What do you enjoy most about being part of the church family? What could be better?

9 Other Possible Ideas: post responses in the parish hall and invite additional comments listen to the Spirit of God day-long parish council retreat on this topic proposal to Vestry regarding the focus for the next five years vestry decision regarding goals proposed begin implementation of the plan

10 In each year of the cycle: Wardens, Council and rector prepare the set of goals for the year Church Council modifies and accepts the goals communicate the goals to the congregation action items assigned to staff, workers, council, etc

11 Annual Review Rector and wardens meet to review whether the goals were achieved or not 2 important questions: –What exciting, but unexpected things happened this year? –What disappointments did we experience this year? next, set next goals for the next year

12 Things that have been accomplished in other churches that have used this concept: established identity – traditional VS contemporary logo created for the church new facilities constructed new structures developed – eg job descriptions

13 And More … establish a focus on children, youth and their families / focus on seniors, etc Seniors activities youth group summer day camps monetary commitment, along with energy, staff, etc

14 Use of congregational coaches available from the diocese

15 What is a Congregational Coach? a co-pilot an effective listener a spiritual partner a person who will coach churches to a deeper experience of vocation and mission

16 Toolkit of Congregational Coaches: gift discernment natural church development – congregational strength, areas for work, strengthening areas an annual checkup for a church custom workshops –VIVA – Values / Identity / Vision / Action plan

17 The Result Movement to a deeper experience of vocation and mission!

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