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What Does it Mean to be a Strategic NESSI Project?

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Presentation on theme: "What Does it Mean to be a Strategic NESSI Project?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Does it Mean to be a Strategic NESSI Project?
Dr. Yaron Wolfsthal Sr Mgr, System Technologies and Services IBM Haifa Research Laboratory Strategic Project Summit 2010, Valencia

2 Introduction to Reservoir
Reservoir = Resource and Service Virtualization w/out Barriers Advanced technologies for cloud computing An infrastructure project Automation of processes in a cloud environment Scalability of infrastructure thru federation European-funded collaborative research project 3 Years EU FP7 project started in February 2008 Budget: € 17 million 13 partners from across industry, academia and standards bodies IBM is the technical leader and project coordinator NESSI Strategic Project, focusing on ICT infrastructure

3 Federation of Cooperating Computing Clouds
Thick walls in between clouds, i.e., each is an autonomous management entity My Private Cloud My Partner Cloud A Public Cloud Components of same virtual appliances (composite image) need to communicate over isolated virtual networks regardless of location Clouds differentiate from each in terms of cost and trust level, for while a public cloud maybe very cheap, companies will be reluctant to put in there sensitive data/compute

4 ? Reservoir Research Challenges Remote Cloud
Live migration across subnet boundaries, live migration without shared storage, live migration with large latencies (large distances), on-the-fly creation of virtual networks, efficient image distribution Physical host VM Remote Cloud ? 4

5 Being an Nessi Strategic Project…
Implications/guidelines with respect to two phases of the project life cycle - Preparation - Execution

6 NSP Life Cycle - Preparation
Identify where you want to be on the NESSI Stack Engineering Tools Service consumers Interaction Services End user Interface Context Modelling Consumer Adaptation Mapping users perspectives to business/Integration Context Handling Knowledge Modelling BPM view Business Process Execution Information Services SVN Lifecycle Management SVN Modeling “System” Platform Business Process Modeling Composition Service Coordination Mediation SLA Negotiation Service Discovery Service Platform Service Communication SBS/SBA Modelling Lifecycle Management Service Registration Service Service Execution External Services Native Services Integration Services Reasoning Service Modelling Abstracted Infrastructure Infrastructure and Data Abstraction Monitoring Infrastructure Resources Management Data Management Infrastructure Modelling

7 NSP Life Cycle - Preparation cont.
Leverage the NESSI organization and network

8 NSP Life Cycle - Preparation cont.
Partner Role Comment IBM HRL Technology Project Lead, Virtualization/SOA Infrastructure Telefonica I+D Service Technology, Billing Infrastructure UCM Grid, Dynamic Allocation Technology Thales Security, Virtualization Infrastructure, Hosting SAP Use-Cases Use-Cases, Contribution to Requirement an Standards Sun Microsystems Use-Cases + Tech Contribution to Standards, Java Services, Monitoring DATAMAT Service Management Technologies University Lugano Partner, Monitoring and SLA Management University UMEA Monitoring, Measuring and Billing Technology University Messina Grid Experience, Testbed Development, UC London Virtualization Technology CETIC Security OGF Standardization Grid and Virtualization Standards -Partner list / competencies still needed: focus on members (and SMEs) inclusion

9 NSP Life Cycle- Execution
Be prepared to invest money and effort A sizable research team Your sponsors expects return on investment - Your company - The commission

10 NSP Life Cycle- Execution cont.
As a reference project, you are expected to do more and “push the envelope” on multiple dimensions - Technology - Exploitation - Community support and visibility Consultation, reviews Working with other NESSI projects

11 NSP Life Cycle- Execution cont.
The net result is positive Overall, the gain is well worth the effort For industrial project partners Earlier production and exploitation of technology For academic partners Flow of strong research results For all partners Visibility and access to policy makers, momentum for new projects For the users Better, earlier access to technology and exploitation

12 Thank You !

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