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Viewing, Acknowledging & Downloading Electronic Documents Tutorial 6.

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Presentation on theme: "Viewing, Acknowledging & Downloading Electronic Documents Tutorial 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Viewing, Acknowledging & Downloading Electronic Documents Tutorial 6

2 Step 1.1 From the Energy Infrastructure Portal Home Page, click the Enter Site link to access the Portal login page. Click to Continue…

3 Step 1.2 Enter your username and password and click the GO button to enter the portal. Click to Continue…

4 Step 2.1 Electronic documents, issued by the BERR Development Consents and Planning Reform Branch (DCPR), can be viewed, downloaded, and acknowledged via the Portal. Click to Continue… Step 2.2 Generated documents can be located by clicking the View and Acknowledge Notification link. Click to Continue…

5 Step 3.2 To view a document click the View PDF link. The document will be displayed in a separate window. Click to Continue… Step 3.1 The Electricity Document Management Screen allows documents received via the Portal to be viewed, acknowledged and downloaded. Click to Continue…

6 Step 4.1 To Download a copy of the document click the Save a Copy button. Click to Continue… Step 4.2 Click the Exit button to close the document. Click to Continue…

7 Step 5.1 To acknowledge receipt of a document, click the Acknowledge Receipt button. Click to Continue… Step 5.2 Click OK to confirm acknowledgement of the document. Click to Continue…

8 Step 6.1 Once a document has been acknowledged it may be removed from the workbasket by clicking the Remove link. Click to Continue… Step 6.3 Click the Log Out link to log out of the portal. Click to Continue… Step 6.2 Click the OK button to confirm removal of the document from the Workbasket screen. Click to Continue…

9 Step 5.3 The document will be marked as acknowledged, with the acknowledgers name and the date of acknowledgement displayed on screen. Click to Continue… Step 5.4 Click the Workbasket link to return to the workbasket. Click to Continue…

10 End of Tutorial

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