S.P. 8680-165 2011 MnROAD Reconstruction Pre-Letting Conference April 8, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "S.P. 8680-165 2011 MnROAD Reconstruction Pre-Letting Conference April 8, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 S.P. 8680-165 2011 MnROAD Reconstruction Pre-Letting Conference April 8, 2011

2 Low Volume Road Mainline (I-94) Stockpile Area Secured Area Roadway Closed to Traffic Cell 105-205 & 6 Cell 63 & 96 Demo Slab (200’) XXXX XXXXX XX

3 Construction Timeline Construction will begin July 11, 2011 or 8 days after notice to proceed, whichever is later Construction Completion Date is September 1, 2011

4 Removals Existing Cells 10520510620663 4“ (2% cross slope) 4“ (2% cross slope) 2"64-34 4” 5" 1" PSAB 8" 58-28 93HMA 7.5" cracked '93 PCC (1.5% cross slope) 7.5" '93 PCC (1.5% cross slope) 6" Cl 1 Stab Agg 6" class 5 5+” 12*+” 4” * Subgrade will be excavated to 4% cross slopes.

5 Grading Work OGAB Special, subgrade cross slope 4%, top of base cross slope 2% –Base material to minimum 6” at centerline. OGAB Special will be continued and day lighted into ditches. Demonstration Slab (Demo Slab)= 6” OGAB Special 306406 6" 6+" OGAB Special

6 Instrumentation Days needed for instrumentation (Mn/DOT) after - Excavation completion cell 6 (2 days) - Aggregate Base installed cell 6 (3 days) - Removal of concrete and PASSRC cell 5 (2 days) - Install geotextile fabric cell 5 (2 days)

7 Concrete Paving – 3 Mixes Cell 505 and 605 Pavement Mix Design shall comply with the following –CA-15 coarse aggregate gradation. Cell 306 Pavement Mix Design shall comply with the following: –CA-35 coarse aggregate gradation. Cell 406 Pavement Mix Design shall comply with the following: –Either a CA-15 or CA-35 coarse aggregate gradation. Cell 505, 605, 306, 406 shoulders, and Demonstration Slab: –Provide Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) as per specifications.

8 Finished Textures Cell 306 and 406 – Longitudinal Tining Cell 505 and 605 – Transverse Broom Cell 63 and 96 – Traditional Grind

9 Demonstration Slab 1.Located in the stockpile area 2.200’ long 3.Same operations as shoulders on cell 6 * 4” RCC Concrete * 6” OGAB Special * Installed at 4% cross slope. 4.Goal for the demo slab * Experience with materials * Experience with RCC placement * Experience with OGAB Special. Demonstration Slab 200' long x 8' wide 4" RCC 6" OGAB Special

10 Shoulders Cell 505 and 605 –RCC Placed directly on existing materials. –Wick Drains to be installed prior to paving –Cell 505 shoulders will be jointed similarly to mainline –Cell 605 – no joints Cell 306 and 406 –RCC placed on OGAB Special –Cell 306 shoulders will be jointed similarly to mainline. –Cell 406 – no joints

11 Cell 63 and 96 4” x 5’ x 6’ misc. concrete panel repair in cell 63. Both cells 63 and 96 will receive a traditional concrete grind

12 Extra Research Quantities Demonstration Slab 4” RCC pavement 8’ x 200’ 6” OGAB special 10’ x 202’ Research Samples 1 cubic yard extra of each concrete mix (3 mixes total) 15 cubic yards extra of OGAB Special

13 Questions? Melissa K. Cole, P.E. MnROAD Forensic Engineer (651) 366-5432 melissa.cole@state.mn.us

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