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Power point by: Austin Butterfield Reading, 6 th period, Mrs. Hall.

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1 Power point by: Austin Butterfield Reading, 6 th period, Mrs. Hall

2  This book is a time order/Sequence type book, thanks to such signal words as: next, following Hitler’s decision, The Allied commanders then chose to…, Here is a time order thing  #1. 1940, France is Conquered by Hitler.  #2. 1942-1944, British and American troops liberate France’s Colonial holdings, now they must liberate France Itself.  #3. 1943-1944, Allied forces use FORTITUDE system to fool the Nazis into thinking an allied landing will come at the Pas-De-Calais or Norway.  #4. 1944, Decision made to invade on the Normandy beaches, Americans at Omaha and Utah, British at Juno, Gold, and Sword.  #5. June 6 th, 1944, D-Day, British forces have unusually easy beach landings, while the American landings (especially at Omaha) had very High Casualties, 2/5 of total D-Day Casualties at Omaha.  #6. June 7 th, 1944, The landings were accomplished and the total death toll was discovered, 4,900 to 5,000 total allied casualties.

3  The book begins with the first Allied and German casualties. It then proceeds to discussing Hitler and Rommel building the defenses of their “Atlantic Wall”, and how the Allies tricked them into thinking where they would invade. It then shows how the Americans fought at Omaha and Utah beaches, and the British fought at Sword, Gold, and Juno beaches. Omaha was the hardest beach to take, resulting in massive allied casualties. It then ends with the Eisenhower quote:”I think it is just overwhelming. To think of the lives that were given for that principle, paying a terrible price on this beach alone, on that one day, 2,000 casualties. But they did it so that the world could be free. It just shows what free men will do rather than be slaves.”

4  First: Erwin Rommel (Desert Fox)  Second: Gen. Montgomery  Third: Gen. Eisenhower (Ike)

5  Hail the Fuhrer! Not Really

6  When you have to struggle against overwhelming odds, remember D-Day and Remember,  Go Get Em’

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