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 Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewha.

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Presentation on theme: " Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewha."— Presentation transcript:


2  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewha t strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  Do you enjoy people with notably unique personalities very different from yours?

3  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  Do you find it hard to tell whether the person you’re with is having a good time?

4  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  How sorry do you feel on hearing that someone is hurt, upset, in trouble or worried?

5  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  How happy do you feel when told that something good or exciting has happened to someone?

6  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  Do you talk about your real feelings with people you care about?

7  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  Have you been told in some way that your behavior or reactions could be more mature?

8  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  Do you try to help someone feel less embarrassed, such as by sharing a similarly embarrassing experience of yours?

9  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  How much do you complain?

10  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  Would it bother you if someone you were dating seriously, continued a main hobby or interest that you considered dumb or a waste of time?

11  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  While disagreeing, do you put the other person’s needs before your preferences or consider how you might both get what you want?

12  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  How often have you unintentionally embarrassed someone or hurt someone’s feelings?

13  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  When you’re used to doing things a certain way, does it bother you to have to change and do them differently?

14  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  Should someone who deeply cares about you be able to understand your feelings and needs without you having to explain them?

15  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  When alone, do you spend your leisure time imaginatively or creatively, such as by making things or playing music?

16  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  Do you feel uncomfortable around other people?

17  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  Do you give others the impression that you’re somewhat aloof, distant or disinterested?

18  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  Have you felt younger students or children shouldn’t have privileges you didn’t have at that age?

19  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  When working with a group, do you usually volunteer to be responsible for a task?

20  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  Have others confided in you about their problems because they felt you’d understand?

21  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  Does it bother you that teachers differ in homework, grading or classroom behavior policies?

22  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  When choosing a gift for someone you know well, do you usually know what the person likes?

23  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  When facing a difficult personal problem, do you ask others for advice?

24  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  Do you convert awkward or embarrassing situations into enjoyable ones?

25  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  Do you give in to others or let them have their way so they’ll think better of you?

26  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  Do you think you’re too assertive, aggressive, nosy or abrupt with people?

27  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  Do you get upset when little things go wrong or don’t turn out as you wanted?

28  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  Are others able to open up and share their feelings with you?

29  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewh at strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  If your spouse continued enjoying a certain sport/activity once a week but you chose not to participate, would you feel left out?

30  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  When others feel uneasy or uptight, do you usually help them feel more at ease or relaxed?

31  Write A-F for each question to indicate which response best describes you: A. Never/Not at all B. Rarely/Hardly at all C. Seldom/Not strongly D. Sometimes/Somewhat strongly E. Often/Somewhat strongly F. Always/very strongly  How hard is it for you to talk about your deeper thoughts and feelings honestly and seriously with someone you trust?

32  For questions: 2,6,8,9, 11-13, 15-17, 20, 24-26, 28, 30  Give yourself points:  A=5  B=4  C=3  D=2  E=1  F=0  For questions: 1, 3-5, 7, 10, 14, 18, 19, 21-23, 27, 29  Give yourself points:  A=0  B=1  C=2  D=3  E=4  F=5

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