UT Student Green Fund. What is a Student Green Fund? It is a fund created by voluntary student fees which are used specifically to support student projects.

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1 UT Student Green Fund


3 What is a Student Green Fund? It is a fund created by voluntary student fees which are used specifically to support student projects to make a University more "Green" -Student Created -Student Funded -Student Run -Student Ideas, Proposals, and Projects -Student Decisions -Student Implemented

4 Sustainability at UT The mission of The University of Toledo is to improve the human condition; to advance knowledge through excellence in learning, discovery and engagement; and to serve as a diverse, student-centered public metropolitan research university. UT has a Commitment to Sustainability: - "Blue and Gold Make Green" Campus dedicated to renewable energy Solar and wind systems installed Cutting edge research in energy and sustainability - American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment - Ohio Center of Excellence in Advanced Renewable Energy and the Environment. -School for Green Chemistry and Engineering



7 Why a green fund? UT’s commitment to sustainability -- top-down process Most of the push to make UT more sustainable has not come from students 2011 College Sustainability Report Card: Overall grade B- Did well in Climate Change & Energy, Food & Recycling, Green Building, and Administration categories Student Involvement grade C The UT Student Green Fund Cultivate positive attitude, awareness, and involvement of student body in UT and its sustainability commitment Give students a sense of campus pride and ownership You can put your organizations name on something.

8 Why a green fund? Saving the University money. University of Tennessee Knoxville – In March 2009, UT reduced its energy by 5% and saved approximately $559,000 Most notable project: – Students funded renovation of Stokely Building on campus. – Energy savings were initially calculated at $56,000 per year. University of Pittsburgh – Student engineers did a study and found they could save the university up to $17,297 per month in water cost.

9 Student Green Fund Committee Governs the operation of the fund. Designed to include multiple stakeholders. 5 undergraduate students: 1 Student Government Senate member 4 undergraduate students at large (approved by SGF staff and faculty member) 2 graduate students: 1 graduate student at large (approved by SGF staff and faculty member) 1 Graduate Student Association member 1 staff member (appointed by the President of The University of Toledo) 1 faculty member (appointed by the Faculty Senate)

10 How to Opt-in


12 Using the Fund Students and student organizations will be able to submit proposals for green projects Projects that fit within the mission of the Green Fund will be considered The Green Fund Committee will assist the proposal writers by making suggestions on how to improve a proposal if it is not immediately selected All accepted projects will be listed and advertised on the Green Fund website in addition to signage displaying who completed the project

13 Contacting and More Info Current Website: http://www.utoledo.edu/offices/auxiliary/green_fund/index.htmlhttp://www.utoledo.edu/offices/auxiliary/green_fund/index.html Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/UTGreenFundhttp://www.facebook.com/UTGreenFund Email Address: UTGreenFund@utoledo.eduUTGreenFund@utoledo.edu

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