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W HO WORE IT BETTER ? The best and worst dressed….

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Presentation on theme: "W HO WORE IT BETTER ? The best and worst dressed…."— Presentation transcript:

1 W HO WORE IT BETTER ? The best and worst dressed…

2 W HO WORE IT BETTER ? Questions to answer using the following slides: o Who wore it better? o Why did you choose this person? Give 3 reasons for each of the 7 choices. o Would you wear this outfit, if so where?

3 W HO WORE IT BETTER ? Person 12 A

4 W HO WORE IT BETTER ? Person 1234 B

5 W HO WORE IT BETTER ? Person 12 C

6 W HO WORE IT BETTER ? Person 12 D

7 W HO WORE IT BETTER ? Person 12 E

8 W HO WORE IT BETTER ? Person 12 F

9 W HO WORE IT BETTER ? Person 1234 G

10 W HAT NEXT ? In your groups, discuss the reasons behind the choices you made. Why did you chose that particular person for each slide A through G. Be ready to share you answers to the questions when the music stops.

11 O BJECTIVES Students will be able to identify and demonstrate appropriate appearance and grooming for an interview. Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the nature of employer- employee relationships. Students will be able to perform effectively as a team member with people of different ages, genders, cultures, socio-economic backgrounds, attitudes, and abilities.

12 E SSENTIAL Q UESTION : Why is it important to dress professionally for an interview?

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