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2012.3.25. Unit 5 Favorite Food listening Revision Western food: a glass of cola potato chips a hamburger fried chicken pizza hot dogs Chinese food:

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Presentation on theme: "2012.3.25. Unit 5 Favorite Food listening Revision Western food: a glass of cola potato chips a hamburger fried chicken pizza hot dogs Chinese food:"— Presentation transcript:

1 2012.3.25

2 Unit 5 Favorite Food listening

3 Revision Western food: a glass of cola potato chips a hamburger fried chicken pizza hot dogs Chinese food: dumplings noodles a bowl of rice

4 Revision In the north of China Make dumplings Get together By oneself Order something from some place Fast food Too much Much too It is not good for your health to eat much fast food

5 much too too much much too too much 1. The question is ______ ________ _________ for me. I have _______ _______ _________ to do. much too difficult too much homework

6 Guess! dinner Where is it? forks and knives. western restaurant

7 Guess! Where is it? meal chopsticks. Chinese restaurant

8 Is it a Chinese or western restaurant? What can we eat in a western restaurant? It is a _________ restaurant. western We can eat ______ in a western restaurant. pizza

9 burgerfried chickensteak salad What else can we eat in a western restaurant? We can eat ____in a western restaurant. pizza ?

10 cola What can we drink in a western restaurant? coffee juice milk ?

11 Is it Chinese or Western restaurant? What can we eat in a Chinese restaurant? It is a _________ restaurant.Chinese We can eat _______ in a Chinese restaurant. noodles

12 What else can we eat in a Chinese restaurant? dumpling ricefried rice ? noodles

13 What can we drink in a Chinese restaurant? ? teajuice

14 Revision cheap---cheaper---cheapest far--- farther---farthest delicious---more delicious--- most delicious healthy---healthier---healthiest near---nearer---nearest

15 Id like ____________. Because it is ___________ than ______________. Which would you like, ____ or ____? noodles fried chicken noodles healthier fried chicken healthy

16 Id like ______________. Because it is _______________ than ________. Which would you like, ____ or ____? pizza salad delicious pizza more delicious salad

17 Would you like something to drink? eg Would you like something to eat? Would you like some fruit? Would you like a cup of tea?

18 Would you like to come? Would you like to come? Would you like to …? would you like to eg Would you like to go with me? Would you like to have a cup of coffee?

19 Reading and listening Ms Read,her son and her daughter are in a restaurant. Read and listen to the dialogue and fill in the missing words according to what you have heard. Waitress: Good evening, madam! Can I help you? Ms: Yes. A tabble for three, please. Waitress: OK. This way,please. Here is your table. Please take seats. The waiter will be here soon Ms: Thank you. Waitress: You are welcome. Enjoy your meal.

20 Reading and listening Waiter:--------------,please have some tea. Ms Read: Thank you. Waiter: Here is your menu. It is in ------------- Ms Read: OK. Let me see. What would you like, Amy? Amy: Just -------------milk, please. Ms Read: What about you, Jack? Jack: ----------------and some potato chips. Ms Read: Anything to drink? A glass of beer. --------------,Mum? Ms Read : I would like------------and some fish, and --- ------------cola with ice. Waiter: OK, anything else? Ms Read: No, Thank you.

21 Homework A Write down the dialogue we made in class. Homework B Make a dialogue by yourself. You may talk about the restaurants near your home. Homework C Write a short report and tell us about two of the restaurants near your home. There are _____. One is _____. It is a _____ restaurant. The other is ______. It is a _____ restaurant. ___ is ____ than ____, but _____. …


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