Terms Workflow – Automated method for routing of transactions (requisitions, purchase orders, vouchers) for approvals. User – Single person set up in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Terms Workflow – Automated method for routing of transactions (requisitions, purchase orders, vouchers) for approvals. User – Single person set up in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Terms Workflow – Automated method for routing of transactions (requisitions, purchase orders, vouchers) for approvals. User – Single person set up in the PeopleSoft system. Location – An address in the system where items can be shipped to or invoiced to. Role – High level definition of permissions assigned to groups of users. A User may have multiple roles. Routing – Method by which transactions flow through the approval chain.

2 Terms Module Business Unit – PeopleSoft method for separating transactions based on business rules for AP, PO and AR. Origin – Identifies agency’s origination of a transaction (usually a Dept) and is means to route transactions for approvals. Requester – User who enters requisitions into PeopleSoft. Buyer – User that will be final approver of requisitions and creates purchase orders. Approver – User assigned specific approval limits in each module.

3 Requisition Workflow Requester Creates Requisition Online Requisition Amount Approver 1 Requisition Amount Approver 2 Requisition Amount Approver 3 Requisition Amount Approver 4 Requisition Budget Approver Requisition Purchasing Approver -all transactions -Approve up to $2,500 - all transactions exceeding $2,500 Approve to $10,000 -all transactions exceeding $10K -Approve to $1mm -all transactions exceeding $1M -Approve over $1mm - all transactions regardless of amount - Validates chartfield information - all transactions regardless of amount - Validates purchase information (General Buyer) Name prints on PO Purchase Order Sent to Vendor - Automated batch processing creates PO and sends to vendor Alternate Approver can be inserted at any time during the approval process.

4 Purchase Order Workflow Buyer Creates PO Online PO Amount Approver 1 PO Amount Approver 2 PO Budget Approver - all transactions- all transactions exceeding $10K - all transactions regardless of amount -Validates chartfield information -Name prints on PO -Manual PO Emergency or immediate need -PO created from RFQ -PO created from contract (POS, PSA, ) Right Of Way, Construction, RL, MOU, Grant, Business Unit, Standardization, Master Agreement, General Letter, SCS, UFA Alternate Approver can not be inserted at any time during the approval process.

5 Voucher Workflow Voucher Processor Creates Voucher - all transactions regardless of amount Alternate Approver -Able to manually approve - transactions; will never receive worklist routings (exception based) Voucher Approver

6 Agency Input Required for Workflow Step 1:Add the origins needed to route vouchers that are not in the PO origin list Step 2: Identify a default origin and location for each user who will be a Requester, Buyer or Voucher Processor. Step 3:Map users who will be approvers to appropriate module business units and origins.

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