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ADMS-BIS Bouwkundige Informatiesystemen ADMS 2006 UML part 2 Jan Dijkstra - 16 oktober 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "ADMS-BIS Bouwkundige Informatiesystemen ADMS 2006 UML part 2 Jan Dijkstra - 16 oktober 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADMS-BIS Bouwkundige Informatiesystemen ADMS 2006 UML part 2 Jan Dijkstra - 16 oktober 2006

2 ADMS-BIS Subjects

3 ADMS-BIS Objects & Classes

4 ADMS-BIS Analyses and design of a system Process orientation processes, activities, functions “How?” Data orientation data, entities, objects “What?”

5 ADMS-BIS Data aspect Structure of information –Which are the “static” objects? –What are the classes of objects? How did they differ? –What are the relationships between them? Information modeling

6 ADMS-BIS Basic concept of information modeling An information system has to represent information about objects (entities) that occurs in the UoD (Universe of Discourse) associated with its application domain. Design domain model  modeling approach Design IS model  data model

7 ADMS-BIS Basics data model Data models in IS development –Problem domain : UoD 1.Store information 2.Present information 3.Manipulate information

8 ADMS-BIS Data model concepts Objects are –Physical (tangible) like students, or –Conceptual (intangible) like name things in the real world Objects have properties –Property of object = attribute + value Link = connection between objects Multiple objects are identifiable by a unique identity

9 ADMS-BIS File card of Student Name Stud van TUE24 March 1980M / F Address Terborg 7, 2745 XY Gieten Tel 06 23840692 DateFinished Courses 21/02/20027m063 24/03/20057m822

10 ADMS-BIS Objects and links 1 We can not store real-world objects only information about them Information objects represent the corresponding real- world object The properties of an object are represented by the attributes of the corresponding information objects At any time an (information) object has a certain state consisting of the current values of its attributes The state of an object can be depicted by means of an object diagram

11 ADMS-BIS Objects diagram Stud van TUE: Student Name = Stud van TUE Gender = M DateOfBirth = 24-03-1980 Address = Terborg 7, 2745XY Gieten Elsa van UvT: Student Name = Elsa van UvT Gender = V DateOfBirth = 07-04-1982 Address = As 17, 5623TW Waalre

12 ADMS-BIS Objects diagram 877: Student Name = Stud van TUE Gender = M DateOfBirth = 24-03-1980 Address = Terborg 7, 2745XY Gieten 1221: Student Name = Elsa van UvT Gender = F DateOfBirth = 07-04-1982 Address = As 17, 5623TW Waalre Students with identification numbers

13 ADMS-BIS Objects and links 2 877: Student2002022101: Course has Bas: PersonLouise: Person IsMarriedTo

14 ADMS-BIS Classes A class is an abstract concept –Each object is an instance of a class A class has attributes with no values Classes classify objects –Object analysis  than values to attributes

15 ADMS-BIS Class diagram Object diagrams reveal both the structure and the state of objects In an information model, we are interested in the structure of objects and not specific in their state Classes of objects and their relationships with each other are described in a class diagram

16 ADMS-BIS Class diagram 2 Student Name Gender DateOfBirth Address Student StudentNo Name Gender DateOfBirth Address

17 ADMS-BIS Question ? Describe the class Rectangle and describe an instance of this class Rectangle length : int width : int R1: Rectangle length =25 width = 10

18 ADMS-BIS Class and relations StudentCourse has finished Person IsMarriedTo Husband Wife role name link association name

19 ADMS-BIS Object class and their data types Student StudentNo : Int(8) Name : Char(15) Gender : Char(1) DateOfBirth : Date Address : Char(125)

20 ADMS-BIS Exercise Een aantal projectteamleden maakt deel uit van een uitvoerend comité. Eén van de projectteamleden is voorzitter van dit uitvoerend comité. Tevens is één van de projectteamleden mentor van een aantal andere projectteamleden. Vraag: geef klassenaanduidingen, rolnamen, en mogelijke associatie van bovenstaande beschrijving in een diaghram weer.

21 ADMS-BIS Solution Projectteam lidComité Mentor Voorzitter maakt deel uit van

22 ADMS-BIS References Sommerville, Ian (2001) Software Engineering, 6 th edition Timothy Lethbridge & Robert Laganière (2005) Object-Oriented Software Engineering, 2 nd edition

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