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Mikilvægi samskipta heilbrigðisgeirans við háskóla og iðnfyrirtæki til þess að örva vísindi og þróun Birgir Jakobsson Karolinska University Hospital 26.

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Presentation on theme: "Mikilvægi samskipta heilbrigðisgeirans við háskóla og iðnfyrirtæki til þess að örva vísindi og þróun Birgir Jakobsson Karolinska University Hospital 26."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mikilvægi samskipta heilbrigðisgeirans við háskóla og iðnfyrirtæki til þess að örva vísindi og þróun Birgir Jakobsson Karolinska University Hospital 26. janúar 2011

2 2Island 2011-01-26 Birgir Jakobsson The Doctor. Sir Luke Fildes, 1891. The Tate Gallery, London.

3 3Island 2011-01-26 Birgir Jakobsson Hjärtkirurgi. (Foto 2003 © Johan Garsten, Karolinska universitetssjukhuset).

4 4Island 2011-01-26 Birgir Jakobsson There has been a great medical and technical development in health care We still work more or less in the same old fashion but

5 5Island 2011-01-26 Birgir Jakobsson Sir Cyril Chantler: “Medicine used to be simple, ineffective, and relatively safe. Now it is complex, effective, and potentially dangerous.” Lancet. 1999; 353(9159):1178-81, p. 1181.

6 25 High risk organizations according to Amalberti, R. Safety Science, 2001. 6

7 25 Lack of quality Lack of integration between academia, industry and health care Restricting rules and regulations Insufficient clinical pathways Accidents and mistakes Inefficiency Demography Differences in culture and conflicts of interests

8 8Island 2011-01-26 Birgir Jakobsson Health care to day Evidence based Patient safety Focused on the needs of the patient Efficiency Equality Accessibility Improvement is needed in almost every aspect

9 9Island 2011-01-26 Birgir Jakobsson Ad hoc To late To early How do we introduce new drugs and technique, new innovations into daily health care ? This is not only inefficient but also dangerous to the safety of our patients

10 25 Health care Industry Academia Karolinska The triple helix

11 25 Karolinska University Hospital- one institution at two sites SolnaHuddinge 11

12 25 2008 20092010 Strategy for change and development Balanced budget/finances Safety culture 2011 R & D + Triple helix Presentation 100826 12 Karolinska´s Strategy and planing 2008 - 2011


14 25 The road map towards a high security organisation? Lean transformation R&D, Innovation, Triple helix Leadership Signals change !

15 © Copyright 2010, IC Quality AB Development of leadership in focus 2006-2010 15

16 16 Waiting for doctor, 5 days a week, 08-16 whole hospital

17 17 Waiting for doctor, 5 days a week, 08-16 in Huddinge Mål

18 18 Throug-time <4hrs, 5 days a week, 08-16 whole hospital

19 19 Patient satisfaction, E&A %

20 20 Karolinska University Hospital – Economic results 2005 - 2010 Mkr

21 Presentation 100826 21 External funding: Karolinska is competitive on a national level

22 © Copyright 2010, IC Quality AB

23 25 Karolinska Trial Alliance (KTA) - handlingsplan Totalt antal startade kliniska läkemedelsprövningar i Sverige 2001-2009: Källa: LIF rapport 2010:1, april 2010 Kliniska läkemedelsprövningar i Sverige 2001-2009

24 25 Totalt antal startade kliniska läkemedelsprövningar i Sverige 2001-2009: Källa: LIF rapport 2010:1, april 2010

25 25 Why Central Unit for clinical trials? Central unit in Stockholm County Council A. Övergripande ansvar för: Prövningsstatistik Avtal och compliance Kostnadstäckning Patientsäkerhet B. Support för: Juridik Ekonomi inkl kostnadsanalys Etik Kompetens avseende olika nationella och internat regelverk Myndighetskontakter Utbildning

26 25 Näringsliv KTA Prövare Support Centrala krav Förfrågningar mm Avtal mm Karolinska trial alliance (KTA)

27 25 Health care Karolinska Research, Development Education Academia and industry Innovation & Development Support Traditional Facility Management Space On Demand Health care AcademiaIndustry We have to co-operate if we are to succeed

28 25 Innovationsplats Karolinska A physical building and a concept – a meeting place where researchers and industry can encounter the challenges facing the healthcare sector and its future development

29 29Island 2011-01-26 Birgir Jakobsson Karolinska University Hospital 29 Areas of future excelence KTHKI Industry

30 30Island 2011-01-26 Birgir Jakobsson Fellowships in Stanford - statistics Av 49 st hittills examinerade Fellows har 80 % (!) fått ett patent beviljat.

31 31Island 2011-01-26 Birgir Jakobsson The strategi for change Improve leadership Eliminate waste from the view of the patient Introduce system thinking, standardisation and team work Creating a meeting place where health care, academy and industry can work together to promote innovation and to facilitate introduction of medical technology Creating a central node where the pharmaceutical and med tech companies can have one entrance into the hospital (Clinical trial alliance) To form an academic health care system in Stockholm

32 32Island 2011-01-26 Birgir Jakobsson Conclusion Patient safety and medical quality Innovation Efficiency Getting the wheels to turn Economic growth National wellfare Win - win solution for everyone involved If we want different results - we have to do things differently

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