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Published byTabitha Johnson Modified about 1 year ago
Climate Change and Its Impacts Essay. >>> How to write an essay? Order on the website HelpWriting.Net <<<. Climate Change and Its Impacts Essay Our world is always changing, so is our climate. Some changes are apparent, others not so much. Climate change is an important issue of concern in the twenty first century. Climate, if it changes at all, evolves so slowly that the difference cannot be seen in a human lifetime (Wearth, 2014). Mostly all scientists predicted that it would take thousands of years for the planet to warm up due to emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels called greenhouse gases. But in the past 200 years, things began to change. The rate and the amount of warming that is happening on this planet is unprecedented. Wearth says, "People did not grasp the prodigious fact that both population and industrialization were exploding in a pattern of exponential... Show more content on Helpwriting.net... Global warming is a measure of climate change, and is a rise in the average global temperatures." Climate change is caused by natural factors such as solar variability and human factors such as greenhouse gases and ozone depletion. Evidence of climate change is growing but we are so dependent on the use of fossil fuels in our everyday life such that it is only making the issue worse. The heavy dependence of fossil fuels will continue to increase the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere in a few decades. As the planet warms, there will be consequences. This research paper will address the issue that climate change is occurring and its impact on temperature, oceans, ecosystems, fresh water and the human population. As a human being on this planet the issue of climate change bothers me because the rapid warming in the last few years is mostly due to human – induced activities and we continue to warm the planet at this instant in time. The planet has warmed in the last hundred years and it is also predicted that it will warm further in the next hundred years. Although the increase in temperature may be small but they can lead to large and potentially dangerous shifts in climate. Everyone's life is connected to climate change. If the climate changes, the human society has to adapt to it by changing its designs, rules and infrastructure. Many places have experienced climate change as the >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
College Application Essay Writing Service - " HelpWriting.Net ". Argumentative Essay On Climate Change Climate change can be traced down to since the mid–1800s, when the industrial revolution first started taking place all around the world. Lives of human and animal species have been negatively affected since then, with events such as natural disasters, the melting of ice in polar regions, and change in weather and living conditions. Climate change in polar regions, in particular, has faced the most damage compared to any other region because of its location in regard to the sun. Climate change holds many different views and opinions about the effects, and even the existence itself, but evidence is clear and unmistakable in global ramifications and local impact in polar regions. "...Climate change [is] the 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people'", skeptics like Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma like to say. Climate change is change in climate patterns due to an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by certain human activity. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, data taken by satellite has shown that the Arctic cover has decreased by 30% over the past 30 years, and this change, which also include change in sea ice and permafrost, in artic weather and climate is caused by humans. Although numerous scientists have confirmed the legitimacy of climate change, there are different views on whether climate change is real or not. Government officials like Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma or Senator Marco Rubio of Florida have explicitly stated that they do not believe climate change is neither real, nor caused by humans (Tom McCarthy, 2014). On the other hand, mainstream media and other media outlets, such as The Independent and The Economist, have reported their findings of climate change and its legitimacy. The Independent (Conner, S. 2011) reported that records of these changes were taken by military submarines, land measurements, and satellite data to prove ice in polar regions are melting faster and faster. Satellites have tracked sea ice since the 1970s and by nuclear submarines since the Cold War, according to Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University and it was predicted that by September 2015, there would be no more sea ice. (Conner, S. 2011). Luckily, sea ice has not >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
I Need Help Writing A Descriptive Essay - " HelpWriting.Net ". Persuasive Essay On Climate Change Climate Change Not everyone in the world has noticed that the climate has changed throughout the years. The negativity of climate alternation comes from pollution, weather, and temperature changes, which will endanger the earth. However, it's possible that some people in the world are willing to help; people are trying to decrease the chances of climate modification from raising. Even though climate change is very bad for the earth and toward humans, no one can put an end to this problem due to several causes which will affect us. Three different outcomes that surround the topic climate change comes from our human activities, environment changes, and human health issues. These are the reasons why it causes climate changes to create negative effects on the earth. Greenhouse gases are the reason why climate change has affected the environment for many years. Changes that can happen in the environment could be how cold is the temperature today, how much sunlight is being produced during the day or is there enough clean water. The environment gets affected when "the atmosphere traps the heat radiate into the Earth toward space" (NASA 1). When that happens the environment will change the "impacts on human systems which involve food production, local livelihoods, and health" issues (Environment and Climate Change Canada). Different type of effects that can happen to the earth could be "sea levels, droughts, floods and other extreme weathers, climate change ecosystem and extinction threats" (Greenpeace International 1). Other living things such as insect, bird, or plant will be extinct or will move to different places in the world and this will affect human health issues (National Geographic 1). These issues will cause trouble to the earth's environment, and it's not possible to know when the problems will turn more worst. Ice melting from the Arctic has increased, due to climate change and it will harm the polar bears, seals, and penguins (National Geographic 1). My grandmother has grown vegetables in her backyard, and as the climate changes, this affects the growing process of the food. In the summer when I go outside the temperature has increased from the radiated of the sun shining towards me. Human activities >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
Custom Law Essays - " HelpWriting.Net ". Synthesis Essay On Climate Change It is terrible that climate change has affected every country. As a result, one key information that we think will help us make a better analysis will be each country's progress in dealing with the issue. This information can be found in recent news and articles that give detail reports on the topic. One can also learn more from scientific documents written by ecologists that currently research on climate change. Moreover, one can monitor the daily temperature of a specific season, summer for instance, in the countries for a few years. From this point, one can calculate the average temperature per summer and see which country had the most increase or decrease in terms of these average temperatures. The country that experiences the least increase >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
Essay Writing Service Scams - " HelpWriting.Net ". Climate Changes And Climate Change The concept of climate change has been around for quite a while. The earliest mention of climate change dates back to the 19th century. Swedish scientist, Svante Archenius was the first scientist to study the effect of CO2 on climate. (Rodhe et al 1997) The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines climate change as "A change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g by using statistical tests) by changes in mean and/or the variability of its properties and that persists for an extended period, typically, decades or longer. Climate change may be due to natural internal processes or external forcings, or anthropogenic changes in the composition of the atmosphere or in the landuse" The UNFCC also defines climate change as "a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over time periods." Climate change is influenced by the greenhouse effect which is the increase of Carbon dioxide, Methane, Ozone and Nitrogen Oxide. On one hand, the presence of these gases in the atmosphere make the earth habitable with respect to regulating the earth's temperature. However, an increase in the concentration of these gases results in trapping energy in the atmosphere and this in turn increases earth's temperature. "Global greenhouse gas emissions have grown since pre– industrial times, with an increase of 70% between >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
Essay Help Introduction - " HelpWriting.Net ". Importance Of Climate Change Essay Climate change is one of the biggest problems the whole world is collectively facing. Even though climate change is partially caused by the natural cycles of Earth, humans I think are still a major part of it and I think that we can do more to protect the environment that we live in. Climate change happens when temperatures increase dramatically. When climate change causes temperature rises many environmental problems can occur here on earth. Temperatures rising can result in more floods, droughts, or flooding rain, as well as more frequent and severe heat waves which can cause wildfires. Oceans and the Antarctic Ice Glaciers have also experienced changes in oceans that are rising temperatures and are becoming more acidic. The Antarctic ice glaciers are melting and sea levels are rising destroying many habitats along the ice glaciers such as penguins and polar bears. As these changes frequently occur in future decades, they will likely present challenges to our society and environment. Greenhouse gases,such as carbon dioxide, is absorb and emits heat into the earths atmosphere, keeping the Earth warm enough to support life. However, human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, are adding large amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Earth must get rid of energy at the same rate it receives energy. More greenhouse gases means that more heat is being held in the atmosphere, which makes the temperatures higher. All the greenhouse gases people have added to the >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
Essay Writers Cheap - " HelpWriting.Net ". Argumentative Essay On Climate Change Over the years there has been a lot of controversy on if climate change is an issue that needs to be discussed and solved. There is a constant debate among scientist on if human actions are contributing the changing of earth's climates. Climate change is defined as the change in average weather patterns for a specific region or Earth as a whole. This could include the change in an average temperature for a city or the amount a rainfall it receives (Dunbar, 2015). The main difference between weather and climate is the period of time specific patterns are recorded. Weather patterns are looked at over a much shorter period of time, meaning that these patterns are going to be more sporadic and change more frequently. Climate on the other had is recorded over a much longer period of time and usually show less drastic changes in patterns when compared to weather. Some people may argue that climate change is not an issue because Earth's temperature is always changing do to natural effects. What people don't realize is that human activity has effected the rate that earth's temperature is changing, and just the smallest changes can lead to drastic consequences (Dunbar, 2015). One of the main reasons that earth's temperatures are rising are due to greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are created when humans burn fossil fuels such as coals, natural gases, and oils to produce heat or electricity. These gases are then capable of trapping infrared radiation sent by the sun. Once these >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
Buy Essay Online For Cheap - " HelpWriting.Net ". Essay on Climate Change: A Greenland Perspective Climate Change: A Greenland Perspective Works Cited Not Included Climate change is the alteration of temperature and precipitation patterns over an extended period of time. Across the globe, scientists are identifying climate change in relation to the greenhouse gas emissions and solar cycles. While most researchers believe that the increase of atmospheric CO2 is effecting global warming, others are endorsing the concerns of another Ice Age, which is likely to occur due to orbital variations of the Earth. In his article, Abrupt Climate Change, Richard Alley titles one section, ?Chilling Warmth,?15 which perfectly describes the angst of many people who foresee a deadly warming trend, and also the paradox of global warming causing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net... He cites a new study that states that the melting of Greenland?s ice cap could raise the oceans by twenty three feet (seven meters), which would submerge low–lying coastal regions and other cities located at sea level, stretching from Los Angeles to London.18 The rising sea levels and increased rainfall in the Arctic could bring about horrific floods and severe storms across the globe. The increase in the greenhouse gases from global warming, which the Kyoto Protocol is working to counteract, may cause an uprooting of ecosystems around the globe. In Greenland, the melting of ice caps would cause rising sea levels, a slowing of the thermohaline circulation, and a reduction of salinity; the nearby ocean current systems, which influence the sea?s temperature and salinity, would affect the distribution of organisms.19 Climate change is directly related to the conservation and preservation of species, genetic, and ecosystem biodiversity. Since the last ice age, in Greenland, in which mostly all of life became extinct, the plants, animals, and microorganisms have biologically adapted to the Arctic climatic zones. Another dramatic climate change could potentially cause a domino effect of extinction, habitat destruction, and habitat fragmentation. While some researchers talk of global warming, others tell a different tale that claims that climate change is determined by the >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
Can T Write My Essay - " HelpWriting.Net ". Informative Essay On Climate Change The earth is a beautiful and extraordinary planet, but are we treating it right? For the past 20 decades, temperatures have been rising along with hundreds of factors contributing to it. Climate change concerns the public as they wonder if its occurring, how much has occurred in the modern era, what has caused it, what the effects will be if we don't do anything about it and much more. Many people and scientist agree that mankind is the number one cause of climate change. Humans have influenced this by greenhouse gases, methane nitrous oxide. Scientific evidence suggests that human activity like agriculture, urbanization and industrialization have influenced climate change. Clearing land and building cities up for agriculture results in changing the climate. This is because the population is increasing rapidly and the demand to use fossil fuels in our everyday life is also increasing. Increasing use for fossil fuels, industrialization and deforestation has a huge impact on the climate. Enhanced greenhouse gases are an increase in natural greenhouse gases impacted by mankind. The major cause of greenhouse gases is the increase in carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide being released in the atmosphere. If greenhouse gases continue to be produced at the same rate as it did in 2000, then there will be a 0.1– degree change in temperature per decade. This isn't likely to happen though because of the dramatic need for fossil fuel. Fourth assessment report of the >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
Best Website To Get Essays - " HelpWriting.Net ". Global Warming and Climate Change Essay Global warming and the greenhouse effect are issues discussed by scientists all the time. A natural process that keeps earths temperature at a livable rate is called the greenhouse effect. The energy from the sun warms up the earth when the rays from the sun are absorbed by greenhouse gasses. The gasses then become trapped in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and nitrous oxide are the most common greenhouse gasses. Greenhouse gases cause the radiant heat of the sun to be trapped in the Earths lower atmosphere which causes global warming. If there weren't any greenhouse gasses, the earth would be really cold due to very little sun rays being absorbed on the earth. Global warming can and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net... Every time the temperature keeps rising, the more carbon dioxide will be released. When this process gets going, it is very hard to keep in control. Methane is another greenhouse gas. Methane is a greenhouse gas whose molecules absorb heat trying to escape to space. Natural sources include wetlands, swamps and marshes, termites, and oceans. (Methane) Methane gases are released into the atmosphere. Atmospheric methane has doubled since the Industrial Revolution and has "contributed 20 percent to the enhancement of the greenhouse effect, second only to carbon dioxide". (Methane) A major effect of global warming is there will be higher temperatures and it will affect how the water cycle works. Places on the earth will receive more rain than others. There will be a great amount of evaporation going on from the rivers, lakes and oceans due to a increase in the temperature. This could be a good thing for some people needing rain and a bad thing for other people who get to much rain. While the temperature is on the rise there will be greater amount of rains all over. In return with all of the rains this could help farmers. It would extend the growing season for crops. This would greatly help out the farmers because they would be making more money. While this is the positive side of the rain, this could also hurt the farmers. There are some crops that out there that will die with to much rain. There >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
Buy College Essays Online - " HelpWriting.Net ". Is It Climate Change Is Real? Essay Andjela Ivanovic Roots of Contemporary Issues 30.10.2015 Word count: Do you think that climate change is real? Before one year I get this question, I didn 't now so many things about it. So I answered with question: Is it climate change real? He answered that is not, that scientist only want to we believe to them, they want to have full power of all people.. When I did my research about it, after one hour I realized that the person was wrong about it. Or maybe he just didn 't want to believe that something big like this is happening in our world. My answer now would be: YES! CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL. LET'S DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Global warming start when temperature at Earth' surface start to increase from 20th century and according to that it's already explained further warming the planet. The biggest consequence is the effect greenhouse, which occurs due to gas in the atmosphere: carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane. These gases not only destroy the atmosphere directly. Between 30% and 40% carbon dioxide is dissolved in the oceans. When carbon dioxide reacts with water it produces a weak acid called carbonic acid, changing the sea water chemistry. This mechanism reduces the pH value of water and increases its acidity. The chemical reactions to release certain ions, which affect not only the warming of the atmosphere and water, but also to create a storm with devastating consequences. Tourism is affected by climate change, globally and >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
Help On College Essay - " HelpWriting.Net ". Climate Change, An Outline Essay Climate Change Topics: 1) What is climate change? 2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 3) Causes of climate change 4) Effects of climate change? 5) International Panels on Climate Change 6) What can be done at home? 1) What is climate change? Climate Change is the significant change in the climate and distribution of weather patterns on Earth ranging from the last decade to millennia earlier. 2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Currently chaired by Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, this organisation was setup in 1988 by two United Nations organizations, the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environment Programme. IPCC reports on the scientific, technical and socio– economic information needed to understand the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net... Without this layer of gases the Earth would be too cold to be inhabited, perhaps 20 degrees cooler than now. But, then amount of gases in this layer must remain constant. Even a slight increase could have drastic results. Many people believe that a one degree increase in the temperature will not cause much harm. The truth is with every degree of increase in temperature a 100 more wildlife species are put in danger of extinction. Numerous experiments and studies prove that an increased level of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, is causing climate change and causing it fast. 2) Human Activities A) Burning of fossil fuels –This is the most prominent and deadly source of climate change. Burning of fossil fuels can release greenhouse gases ranging from carbon dioxide to ammonia. With massive industrialization currently going on, the amount of fossil fuels burned is increasing. Transport and heating are also major energy sources. Almost 7 giga tonnes of Carbon dioxide is emitted per year. In the U.K three– fourths of energy produced comes from fossil fuels. Mineral fuels like petroleum and coal are major sources of energy. In the last 150 years more than 45 Billion tonnes of carbon dioxide has been emitted.The most problematic factor is that in the last decade; there has been no slowdown in carbon emissions.
B) Poor use of land– Plants are the only natural purifiers of air and also the most abundant. But, many trees >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
Buy Essay Online For Cheap - " HelpWriting.Net ". Scientists, economists, and policy makers all agree the world is facing threat from climate warming. Climate warming is caused by excess greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide which are heat trapping gasses. Human use of fossil fuels is a significant source of these gasses. When we drive our cars, heat our homes with oil or natural gas, or use electricity from coal fired power plants, we contribute to global warming. Including any loss of trees or forests also contributes, considering trees convert carbon dioxide to oxygen. Global warming will have a worldwide effect but the problem is expected to be most severe in Africa, where the people are poor, temperatures are high, precipitation is low, technological change is slow, and where... Show more content on Helpwriting.net... The changes occurring in the habitat of Africa will affect animals, plants, birds, marine life, and humans. There will be many efforts to adapt but only the hardy will survive. Africa has about one fifth of all known species of plants, mammals and birds. We can begin to predict the impact of climate changes on these species by looking at things that have happened in the past. For example, climate change is known to have caused massive bleaching of the coral reefs in the Indian Ocean, killing 50% in some areas. Climate change can also affect animals on land by changing their range and perhaps exposing them to new predators. Such as the number of animals who migrate seasonally. These changes in seasons and rainfall may change migration patterns, which may also put stress on the land with increasing use by many species. Plant life may also be affected as climate changes are causing plants to either die out or attempt to migrate to a new area. There are several thousand species of plants that could be involved (Desanker, 2003). It also has an effect on the human population. Migrations of people to areas of increased resources can lead to changes in the social structure, and conflict among groups. Third, African farmers have adapted to a certain amount of climate variability, but climate change may well force large regions of marginal agriculture out of production. Even >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
Service Learning Reflection Essay - " HelpWriting.Net ". "Our generation has inherited an incredibly beautiful world from our parents and they from their parents. It is in our hands whether our children and their children inherit the same world" (Richard Branson). This quote is a brief rewording of the issue we have today with global warming. For those who are not aware of what global warming is, it is when too much carbon dioxide is added into the atmosphere. Global warming can cause sever hurricanes, intense weather, and many other natural disasters. For example, the lack of protection to our species and natural resources has led to many conflicts around the world. The lack of conservation of natural resources and need for habitat protection has had a major impact on the environment also.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net... The fact that so much oil is being taken out of the ground is causing problems because the more that is being taken out the higher the prices will be. According to the Toronto Star "We're going to have a massive crisis as the cheap petroleum runs out" (Zerbisias3). As the prices increase the more conflicts will arise between countries. All of the oil being exported is majorly used for the transportation and production of energy in other countries. All of hydrocarbon molecules that make up crude oil and petroleum products are highly toxic to many organisms, including humans. The Maclean's journal states that " If everyone in North America started driving hybrid cars tomorrow, it would contribute just a fraction of the overall reduction needed to cut global emissions 50 per cent by 2050" (Colin2). If everyone around the world would drive hybrid cars it would make a big difference in the world. All of the toxins being released by the crude oil are of the main reasons why global warming is getting worst and worst as time goes by. The Wilderness Society's Governing Council states that "No other ecosystem in the world can store as much carbon as do these forests, and it's a capacity they have not yet begun to reach" (Bert5). Trees are very important to all of the living species. The cutting down of the trees is now nearly 4 billion trees or 35% of the total trees cut around the >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
I Need Help Writing An Essay - " HelpWriting.Net ". Reflective Essay On Climate Change Climate change is an unpredictable change in weather among the countries and states that make up parts of the world. Despite the tragedies of Hurricane Sandy, the ongoing California Wildfires, and the three hurricanes that divested Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico, I believe those powerful climate events is the truly beginning of what the world is in store for. I feel like in a way not only is mother nature sending signals, but so is God. The last natural disaster North, South, and Central America are waiting for is the Tsunami that will wash away our humanity. However, one object that will vanish our entire existence before God does is the bomb Koreans will soon erupt on our soil. To fight for our lives and planet, as humans we should take better care of our environment before it all comes crashing down like a domino effect. Climate change has affected social classes by targeting low – income communities in pollution industries around the areas just out of convenience. Communities of both colored and low – incomed class are located near hazardous waste sites due to not being able to afford living in a much safer environment. Since the government views poor people as despicable human beings, why not make their lives any more suffering than it already is? In the future, I predict that the 4 "ism's" >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
Essay Writers Toronto - " HelpWriting.Net ". Cause And Effect Essay On Climate Change Climate change, what is climate change you might ask, its "a long–term impact in earth's climate, especially a change due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature." It is something that affects us all everyday physically, emotionally, or psychologically weather we realize it or not. Climate change is real and it is happening in all of the world around us, everyday people are experiencing and affected by some form of climate change. Some people choose not to believe that this is a real issue, but when we see it happening all around us how is it possible for us to believe that this isn't something serious, how are they going to say that this is not a real problem. The rising temperatures on land, the rising temperatures in the ocean waters, the droughts, the rise of sea levels and the melting of ice glaciers, are only a few of the things that are affecting us on earth because of climate change. The primary cause of climate change today is because of the greenhouse effect which is "the problem caused by increased quantities of gasses such as carbon dioxide in the air. These gasses trap the heat from the sun, and cause a gradual rise in the temperature of earths atmosphere." The increase of gasses released in the atmosphere began around the time of the industrial revolution, when large corporations began manufacturing which also started the burning of large quantities of fossil fuels that caused carbon dioxide levels to spike. This is where the imbalance of gasses is in our atmosphere began which have since then only increased and also caused an increase in our temperatures all around. Climate change and the greenhouse effect also play a big role in the warming of our ocean water temperatures. Although the temperature rise in our oceans doesn't seem very concerning it actually is. "Oceans act as a carbon sink," which means that all of the carbon dioxide that we release into the atmosphere end up being absorbed into our ocean water which causes the increase in temperatures. An increase of ocean water temperatures is bad enough in several different ways, one of them being that it is one of the causes for the melting of glaciers. It is also the cause of coral bleaching which is "when ocean waters get >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
Essay Writing Services Legal - " HelpWriting.Net ". Climate Change Impacts and Threats Essay Global climate change, most commonly referred to as global warming, is a worldwide problem facing our environment. Global climate change is simply a rise or fall in Earth's temperature over a period of time. Although this problem has natural causes, the true detriments come from humans and how we live day to day. Although many people have heard of climate change, there is not a big effort to fix this problem or to understand it. The best way to rectify this change to the environment is to help others recognize the causes of this problem and the effects they have on our planet. By researching, one can determine their impact on the climate, as well as how to reduce this effect. To understand how to fix global climate change, we must first... Show more content on Helpwriting.net... It is also thought to be possible that the movement of continents changed the temperature of the land, the air, and the oceans (encyclopedia of science). These environmental shifts have definitely played a part in atmospheric changes. More recently, however, humans have had a much greater effect on the earth. This all began in the late 18th century, when the Industrial Revolution was in bloom and there was more need for factories and equipment. The smog and pollution coming from these buildings was visible to all, and the damages were huge. This altered the composition of the earth's atmosphere by creating much more carbon dioxide, and quickly had an effect on the global climate (epa.gov). Even though each individual created very little carbon dioxide, when put together, the United States created a lot. This is put best by Malcolm Gladwell, when he explains "we need to prepare ourselves for the possibility that sometimes big changes follow from small events and that sometimes these changes can happen very quickly" (11). To understand how much of an effect humans have had, one must rely on the numbers and the experts. The industrial activities that our modern civilization depends upon have raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from 280 parts per million to 379 parts per million in the last 150 years. The [Intergovernmental] panel [on Climate Change] also concluded there's a better than 90 percent probability that >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
Essay Writers Service - " HelpWriting.Net ". Essay on Is Climate Change Natural or Man-Made? Name: Instructor: Curse: Date: Is Climate Change Natural or Man– made? Introduction The planet has been experiencing considerable climate change for the last several decades. There have been many explanations toward the main causes of the increased warming of the planet. On one hand are the environmentalists who believe that the major cause of this increased warming of the planet is the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere induced by human activities. On the other hand, the scientists believe that there are natural causes of global climate change. While the supporters of the man– made theory of global climate change reason that the major greenhouse gas causing global warming is carbon dioxide, the advocates of natural causes... Show more content on Helpwriting.net... In addition, human activities like deforestation may increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This is because forests help in carbon sequestration, which reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. It follows then that clearing such tress will increase the amount of carbon dioxide since carbon sequestration will not occur (3). The man–made theory of climate change also explains that when these harmful gasses reach the atmosphere, they form a blanket, which traps heat in the atmosphere. This trapping of in the atmosphere is the phenomenon that causes the planet to get warmer, hence the term global warming (Sharma, 4). Current data reveals that the concentration of Carbon Dioxide in the earth's atmosphere is approximately 387 parts per million, which is roughly a 31% increase in the period 1750 to 2009. Consequently, it is evident that such increases in temperatures have caused a warmer planet (7). It is also evident that it is impossible to reverse the developments of industrial revolution. This means that as the advancements of industrial revolution continue and as energy demands increases, it is possible that this trend of climate change will continue for decades to come (McAloon, 8). The consent of the climate research community is that it most likely already affects climate noticeably and will compel significant >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
Essay Writers Toronto - " HelpWriting.Net ". Writer's Statement Thesis Statement: Climate change is natural; however, advances of human society such as deforestation, industrialization, and the burning of fossil fuels, have increased the rate at which the climate is changing. My three major sources stood out when writing my research paper on climate change. My main source was Louis Bergeron's, "The World Can be Powered by Alternative Energy, Using Today's Technology, in 20–40 Years, Says Stanford Researcher Mark Z. Jacobson." In this article, Bergeron describes an energy researcher's plan to power the world with renewables within the next few decades. My second source was Marc Lallanilla's, "Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Causes and Sources." In this article, Lallanilla talked about the >>> Get more content on Helpwriting.net <<<
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