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2 Flexible manufacturing system
A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a production method that is designed to easily adapt to changes in the type and quantity of the product being manufactured. 

3 A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) can improve efficiency and thus lower a company's production cost. Flexible manufacturing also can be a key component of a make-to-order strategy that allows customers to customize the products they want.

4 Classification of FMS 01. Single machine cell 02. Flexile manufacturing cell 03. Flexible manufacturing system Flexible manufacturing system can be distinguished according to the number of machines in the system.

5 Single machine cell (SMC)
 A single machine cell consists of one CNC machining center combined with a parts storage system for unattended operation. • Completed parts are periodically unloaded from the parts storage unit, and raw work parts are loaded into it.

6 Flexible machine cell (FMC)
Flexible Manufacturing Cell (FMC) is the manufacturing system, created by grouping several NC machines, determined for the certain group of parts with the similar sequence of the operations or for the certain type of operations.

7 Flexible manufacturing system (FMS)
A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a manufacturing system in which there is some amount of flexibility that allows the system to react in case of changes, whether predicted or unpredicted. This flexibility is generally considered to fall into two categories, which both contain numerous subcategories.

8 Component of FMS Workstation Computer control system 01
02 Computer control system 03 Automated material handling and storage system

9 Workstation 01). Load / unload station 02). Machining station 03). Other processing station

10 Computer control system
A control system is a type of computer system that manages, commands and directs other devices or systems. There are open and closed loop control systems. They usually take an input, process it and get an output.

11 Material handling system
Material handling is the movement, protection, storage and control of materials and products throughout manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, consumption and disposal. ... Inventory management and control. Customer delivery. After-sales support and service.

12 Layout of FMS 1). Progressive or line type 2). Loop type 3). Ladder type 4). Open field type 5). Robot centered type

13 Progressive layout Loop layout

14 Ladder type layout Open type layout

15 Robot type layout

16 Flexibility of FMS Flexibility in manufacturing means the ability to deal with slightly or greatly mixed parts, to allow variation in parts assembly and variations in process sequence, change the production volume and change the design of certain product being manufactured.

17 Flexibility concept of different approaches
Flexibility meaning 1). MANUFACTURING The capacity of producing different parts without major retooling . A measure of how fast the company converts its process from making an old line of products to produce a new products . The ability to change a production schedule , to modify a parts , or to handle multiple parts. 2). OPERATIONAL The ability to efficiently produce highly customized and unique products. 3). CUSTOMER The ability to exploit various dimension of speed of delivery. 4). STRATEGIC The ability of a company to offer a wide variety of products to its customers. 5). CAPACITY The ability to rapidly increase or decrease production levels or to shifts capacity quickly from one product or service to another .

18 Advantage Reduced manufacturing cost Lower cost per unit produced,
Greater labor productivity, Greater machine efficiency, Improved quality, Increased system reliability, Reduced parts inventories, Adaptability to CAD/CAM operations. Shorter lead times Improved efficiency Increase production rate

19 Disadvantage Initial set-up cost is high, Substantial pre-planning
Requirement of skilled labor Complicated system Maintenance is complicated

20 Benefits of FMS less waste fewer workstations
quicker changes of tools, dies, and stamping machinery reduced downtime better control over quality reduced labor more efficient use of machinery work-in-process inventory reduced increased capacity increased production flexibility

21 Example A consumer goods manufacturer An auto part factory
 An oil & gas equipment manufacturer

22 A consumer good manufacturer
One urgency was better inventory control. Some components and semi-finished goods had stayed in the warehouse and parts of the workshop for many months, sometimes several years. Excessive inventory is a major impediment to flexible manufacturing. We helped the factory set up a part tracking system. Every part was stored at a unique address and was easy to find in the computer system. This way it became possible to see what proportion of ‘aged inventory’ was in the warehouse.

23 An auto part factory This factory was accumulating an ever larger amount of work-in-process inventory because of two bottlenecks. The capacity of their entire system was constrained, just like traffic accumulates behind an accident that blocks half the way on a road.

24 It was causing serious shipment delays
It was causing serious shipment delays. They couldn’t deliver what their customers ordered.

25 We helped them identify the cause of their lack of ‘flow’ and they got to work on elevating the capacity of the two bottlenecks. Another issue was a disconnected flow of materials. We helped them connect sub-assemblies to the main assembly line. We also helped them integrate assembly, testing, inspection, and packaging in one uninterrupted line.

26 An oil & gas equipment manufacturer
Just like in the two previous examples, we started by reducing inventory. Not only does it cost a lot of money, but it makes the manufacturing flow slower and more rigid. We helped this company negotiate new agreements with the suppliers of a few key components. The ‘traditional’ workflow looked like this: 1).Supplier delivers to central warehouse, in a quantity often too large . 2).Central warehouse has to bring the parts to a workshop for cutting just what is needed, and then bring it to the workshop when they will have to be assembled. 3).The remainder is brought back to the warehouse and kept, often for years

27 The new workflow was much more straightforward:
1). Supplier cuts just what is needed (the orders are smaller, in exchange for a slightly higher unit price) . 2). Supplier delivers directly to the workshop when the parts will have to be assembled. 3 ). Those parts are stored at POU (point of use) inside the workshop and wait a few days until they are used .

28 FMS Use of FMS Automation supervision Robotics Production
scheduling Instrumentation communication



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