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Flexible Manufacturing Systems Introduction to FMS/FAS.

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1 Flexible Manufacturing Systems Introduction to FMS/FAS

2 Conventional Manufacturing Consisted of 2 varieties 1. Job Shop type systems were capable of large variety of product, but at a high cost. 2. Transfer lines could produce large volumes of a product at a reasonable cost, but were limited to the production of one, two, or very few different parts.

3 What is FMS/FAS? A FMS/FAS is one manufacturing machine, or multiple machines that are integrated by an automated material handling system, whose operation is managed by a computerized control system. An FMS can be reconfigured by computer control to manufacture various products.

4 What is CIM? CIM is the integration of the total manufacturing enterprise through the use of integrated systems and data communications coupled with new managerial philosophies that improve organizational and personal efficiency.

5 What is a manufacturing Cell? A manufacturing cell usually consists of two or three processing workstations (typically CNC Machining or turning centers) plus a part handling system. The following two slides contain a CAD layout and picture of the RIT Mfg Eng Tech Class of 2000’s manufacturing work cell.

6 Manufacturing Workcell (CAD)

7 Manufacturing Workcell

8 Manufacturing Cells VS FMS A FMS/FAS is a manufacturing cell, but a cell is not necessarily a FMS/FAS A FMS/FAS is a complete system that runs automatically A manufacturing cell has some or most of the components of a FMS/FAS, but not all of them.

9 History of FMS 1950’s NC machines first appear 1960’s Computers appear in industry Later 1960’s Flexible Manufacturing Systems first appeared in the U.S.A. at companies like Ingersoll-Rand, Caterpillar, John Deere, and General Electric Co.

10 Volume Vs Variety

11 Flexibility in a FMS/FAS Machine flexibility Production flexibility Mix flexibility Product flexibility Routing flexibility Volume flexibility Expansion flexibility

12 Components of an FMS/FAS Workstations Material handling and storage system Computer control system People to manage and operate the system

13 Types of Workstations Load/unload Stations Machining Stations Other Processing Stations Assembly Other Stations and Equipment (like Inspection)

14 Layout Configurations for Material Handling System In-line layout In-line Transfer Conveyor Rail guided vehicle Loop layout Conveyor system In-Floor towline carts

15 Layouts Continued Ladder layout Conveyor System Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Rail guided Vehicle Open field layout AGV In-line towline carts Robot-centered layout

16 Computer Control Systems Workstation Distribution of control instructions to workstations Production control Traffic control Shuttle control Workpiece monitoring

17 Computer Controls (cont) Tool control Tool locations Tool life monitoring Performance monitoring and reporting Diagnostics

18 Why Implement a FMS/FAS? Increased machine utilization Fewer machines required Reduction in factory floor space required Greater responsiveness to change Reduced inventory requirements Lower manufacturing lead times

19 Why Implement a FMS/FAS? (continued) Reduced direct labor requirements and higher labor productivity Opportunity for unattended production

20 FMS Implementation Issues Part family considerations Processing requirements Physical characteristics or workparts Production volume Scheduling and dispatching Machine loading Part routing

21 FMS Issues (cont) Part grouping Tool management Pallet and fixture allocation Requires management commitment and planning Major invest of time and money

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