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Antihypertensive drugs utilization in medical ward of North Okkalapa general and teaching hospital Good Evening Madam Chair persons, Senior and Junior.

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Presentation on theme: "Antihypertensive drugs utilization in medical ward of North Okkalapa general and teaching hospital Good Evening Madam Chair persons, Senior and Junior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Antihypertensive drugs utilization in medical ward of North Okkalapa general and teaching hospital
Good Evening Madam Chair persons, Senior and Junior Colledges and audience Now I would like to present Antihypertensive drugs utilization in medical ward of NOGTH I’m Dr.PPT AL from Department of Pharmacology, University of medicine 2, Ygn Phyu Phyu Thet1, Ei Pye Phyo Aung1, Shin Hnaung Lwin1 1Department of Pharmacology, University of Medicine 2, Yangon

2 Introduction

3 Introduction antihypertensive drugs are widely used
not only for lowering the blood pressure in hypertensive patients but also for other effects in conditions apart from hypertension such as heart failure, ischaemic heart disease, valvular heart disease, arrhythmia, corpulmonale, stroke, renal disease, liver disease, thyroid disease, etc

4 Introduction periodic evaluation of antihypertensive drugs – for identifying drug differences in treatment utilization research – to analyze the present state and developmental trends of drug use at various levels of the health care system whether international, national, regional, local or institutional1 1Suman, R.K., Mohanty, I.R. and Deshmukh, Y.A. (2014) The concepts of drug utilization study. World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences: 3(10); p

5 Introduction the measuring unit – WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system and the Defined Daily Dose (DDD) as a tool for presenting drug utilization statistics with the aim of improving drug use and comparison of drug consumption statistics at international and other levels1 1WHO. (2017a) Guidelines for ATC classification and DDD assignment, 20th ed. Oslo, Norway: WHO.

6 Introduction Drug Utilization 90% (DU 90%) – how many drugs accounting for 90% of prescribing and can be applied for all drugs or for drugs within a selected therapeutic area1 Myanmar Essential Medicines Project, since December, 1988 and developed NLEM – as a supportive tool not only for procurement but also for good prescribing practices2 1WHO. (2003) Introduction to Drug Utilization Research. Oslo, Norway: WHO, p 2NLEM (2016) National list of essential medicines. The Republic of The Union of Myanmar, Ministry of Health, Department of Medical Services: p

7 Introduction two types of drug utilization studies, qualitative study and quantitative study this quantitative study – was conducted in medical ward of NOGTH to identify total usage of antihypertensive drugs and prescribing patterns of currently used antihypertensive drugs in all types of inpatients with any diseases and any indications

8 AIM AND Objectives

9 aim To study antihypertensive drugs utilization in medical ward of North Okkalapa General and Teaching hospital

10 objectives To determine the proportion of patients taking antihypertensive drugs in medical ward of North Okkalapa General and Teaching Hospital from 1st January, 2018 to 30th June, 2018 To describe the utilization pattern of antihypertensive drugs in medical ward of NOGTH by using ATC code and DDD/1000 inhabitants/day To describe drug utilization 90% of antihypertensive drugs in medical ward of NOGTH


12 MATERIALS AND METHODS Study design ~~ Hospital - based, cross-sectional descriptive study Study population ~~ All hospitalized patients and their medical record files in medical ward of NOGTH during the study period Place of study ~~ Medical ward (Medical units 1, 2 and 3) of NOGTH Study Period ~~ 1st January, 2018 to 30th June, 2018

13 MATERIALS AND METHODS Inclusion Criteria
all hospitalized patients who were prescribing antihypertensive drugs class according to WHO, ATC classification with any indications in medical ward of NOGTH such as hypertension, heart failure, ischaemic heart disease, valvular heart disease, arrhythmia, corpulmonale, stroke, renal disease, liver disease, thyroid disease, etc.

14 Expired cases within 24 hours of admission
MATERIALS AND METHODS Exclusion Criteria Expired cases within 24 hours of admission

15 Algorithm for Study Procedure
All hospitalized patients in medical ward of NOGTH during study period Exclusion Inclusion criteria Informed consent History taking and data collection for each patient about admission and discharge diagnosis, duration of hospitalization, antihypertensive prescription (drug name, dosage, route, frequency and duration) during hospital stay by going hospital daily . All hospitalized patients in medical ward (medical units 1, 2 and 3) of North Okkalapa General and Teaching Hospital were recruited from 1st January, 2018 to 30th June, 2018 and those receiving antihypertensive drug class were included in the study. Informed consent was obtained from those who were willing to participate in the study, following a full explanation of research objectives and procedures. The data collection for each patient was done from the admission to the discharge about …………………………. For each antihypertensive drug prescribed, drug names (generic or trade), dosage (mg per day), route of administration (oral or parenteral), frequency of administration (od, bd, tds, qid) and duration of drug therapy were recorded. Data analysis was done by using ATC/DDD methodology

16 Data analysis Number of items used x Amount of drug per item
Drug usage (DDD) = WHO recommended DDD of a drug Total Consumption in DDD x1000 DDD/1000 inhabitants per day = Covered inhabitants x period of data collection in days The ATC codes and DDD for each antihypertensive drug was obtained from ATC index with DDD 2017 Then the total numbers of DDD for each antihypertensive drug and DDD/1000 inhabitants/day was calculated from the collected data by the following formula. Dukes, M.N.G. (ed) (1993) Drug utilization studies, methods and uses, WHO regional publications, European Series No. 45. Finland: WHO

17 Total items (tablets) of furosemide prescribed during the study period = Amount of furosemide per tablet = 40 mg DDD (denominator) of furosemide by ATC index = 40 mg Defined Daily Dose (DDD) of furosemide during the study period was calculated as Items issued x amount of drug per item DDD = WHO recommended DDD of drug 12459x40 = = DDD 40 Total consumption of furosemide during the study period was DDD.

18 Total Consumption in DDD x1000
DDD/1000 inhabitants per day = Covered inhabitants x period of data collection in days 12459 x 1000 = = 7674 x 181 Covered inhabitants in this study = All admitted patients to medical ward of NOGTH (7674 patients in this study) Days in the period of data collection = 181 days (for 6 months duration) drug utilization of furosemide – DDD/ 1000 inhabitants/ day 9 people per 1000 patients admitted to medical wards of NOGTH were prescribed furosemide.

19 Data analysis DU 90% was calculated by
ranking antihypertensive drugs by volume of DDD, after ranking the drugs used by volume of DDD, summing the DDD for these drugs determining how many drugs accounted for 90% of drug use1 1Bergman, U., Popa, C., Tomson, Y., Wettermark, B., Einarson, T.R., Aberg, H. and Sjoqvist, F. (1998) Drug utilization 90% – A simple method for assessing the quality of drug prescribing. Eur J ClinPharmacol: 54; p

20 Table 3. Drug utilization 90% of antihypertensive drugs in medical ward of NOGTH
Generic Name ATC Code DDD (WHO) Total DDD DDD/1000 Percent (%) Furosemide C03CA01 40mg 12459 8.9698 32.91 Furosemide (Inj) 9268 6.6725 24.48 Amlodipine C08CA01 5mg 6688 4.8149 17.66 Spironolactone C03DA01 75mg 2.3372 8.57 Ramipril C09AA05 2.5mg 1809 1.3024 4.78 Nifedipine C08CA05 30mg 750 0.5399 1.98 Enalapril C09AA02 10mg 662.5 0.4769 1.75 Perindopril C09AA04 4mg 521 0.3751 1.38 Losartan C09CA01 50mg 475 0.3419 1.25 Carvedilol C07AG02 37.5mg 407.58 0.2934 1.08 Metolazone C03BA08 362 0.2606 0.96 Metoprolol C07AB02 0.15g 355.5 0.2559 0.94 Doxazosin C02CA04 285.5 0.2055 0.75 Propranolol C07AA05 0.16g 166.88 0.1201 0.44 Indapamide C03BA11 104.4 0.0752 0.28 Bisoprolol C07AB07 79.75 0.0574 0.21

21 Ethical considerations
This study was approved by Ethics Review Committee of University of Medicine 2, Yangon This study was ethical because it was approved by Ethics Review Committee of University of Medicine 2, Yangon

22 Results

23 results antihypertensive drugs therapy – 2911 (37.93%) out of total 7674 patients with male – 1346 (46.24%) and female – 1565 (53.76%) among antihypertensive drugs prescribed patients, hypertension history – 1134 (38.96%) history of regular taking of antihypertensive drugs – 186 (16.40%) of 1134 patients

24 results the indications – heart failure (24.22%), hypertension (22.91%), ischaemic heart disease (13.39%), liver disease (12.64%), renal disease (9.55%), stroke (5.49%), arrhythmia (4.98%), valvular heart disease (2.61%), corpulmonale (2.51%), thyroid disease (0.99%) and the other causes (0.69%) such as oedema, anxiety, anaemia for blood transfusion, etc

25 Indications for antihypertensive therapy
Table 1. Distribution of indications for antihypertensive therapy and groups of antihypertensive drugs used Indications for antihypertensive therapy Diuretics Beta blockers Calcium channel blockers ACEI ARB Alpha adrenoreceptor antagonists Methyldopa Heart failure 1384 402 123 345 25 7 Hypertension 17 67 560 109 54 Ischaemic heart disease 51 369 58 234 31 1 Valvular heart disease 61 4 11 Arrhythmia 8 137 22 13 3 Corpulmonale 126 5 Stroke 10 23 72 135 Renal disease 463 45 175 29 6 2 Liver disease 506 167 Thyroid disease 30 Others Among these indications, hypertension was associated with stroke (83.13%), renal disease (60.43%), ischaemic heart disease (56.92%), heart failure (46.10%), arrhythmia (22.76%), corpulmonale (10.96%), thyroid disease (6.9%), valvular heart disease (2.63%) and liver disease (1.36%). Indications for antihypertensive therapy versus groups of antihypertensive used shown in table 1. Antihypertensive drugs prescribed with generic name 3670 (60.17%) and trade name 2430 (39.84%).

26 Figure 1. Monotherapy and combined therapy of antihypertensive drugs
combination therapy – 1639 (56.30%) monotherapy – 1272 (43.70%) in monotherapy, calcium channel blockers (38.29%), beta blockers (25.08%), diuretics (22.96%), ACEI (11.01%), ARB (2.59%) and alpha blockers (0.08%) among the patients with monotherapy, amlodipine (35.61%) – most commonly used antihypertensive monotherapy Figure 1. Monotherapy and combined therapy of antihypertensive drugs

27 Table 2. Utilization of antihypertensive drugs by ATC code and DDD/1000 inhibitants/day in medical ward of NOGTH Generic Name ATC Code DDD (WHO) Total DDD DDD/1000 Percent (%) Methyldopa C02AB01 1 g 7.5 0.0054 0.02 Doxazosin C02CA04 4 mg 285.5 0.2055 0.75 Hydrochlorothiazide C03AA03 25 mg 1.5 0.0011 0.004 Metolazone C03BA08 5 mg 362 0.2606 0.96 Indapamide C03BA11 2.5 mg 104.4 0.0752 0.28 Furosemide C03CA01 40 mg 12459 8.9698 32.91 Furosemide (Inj) 9268 6.6725 24.48 Torasemide C03CA04 15 mg 73.3 0.0528 0.19 Spironolactone C03DA01 75 mg 2.3372 8.57 Propranolol C07AA05 0.16 g 166.88 0.1201 0.44 Metoprolol C07AB02 0.15 g 355.5 0.2559 0.94 Bisoprolol C07AB07 10 mg 79.75 0.0574 0.21 Labetalol C07AG01 0.6 g 7 0.0050 Labetalol (Inj) 1.17 0.0008 0.003 Carvedilol C07AG02 37.5 mg 407.58 0.2934 1.08 The overall use of antihypertensive drugs in this study was DDD/1000 inhabitants/day. Utilization of antihypertensive drugs by ATC code and DDD/1000 inhibitants/day in medical ward of NOGTH was shown in table 2.

28 Table 2. Utilization of antihypertensive drugs by ATC code and DDD/1000 inhibitants/day in medical ward of NOGTH Generic Name ATC Code DDD (WHO) Total DDD DDD/1000 Percent (%) Amlodipine C08CA01 5 mg 6688 4.8149 17.66 Nifedipine C08CA05 30 mg 750 0.5399 1.98 Nimodipine C08CA06 0.3 g 73 0.0526 0.19 Cilnidipine C08CA14 10 mg 5 0.0036 0.01 Verapamil C08DA01 0.24 g 14.33 0.0103 0.04 Diltiazem C08DB01 0.5 0.0004 0.001 Enalapril C09AA02 662.5 0.4769 1.75 Perindopril C09AA04 4 mg 521 0.3751 1.38 Ramipril C09AA05 2.5 mg 1809 1.3024 4.78 Losartan C09CA01 50 mg 475 0.3419 1.25 Valsartan C09CA03 80 mg 0.1 0.0002 Candesartan C09CA06 8 mg 15 0.0108 Telmisartan C09CA07 40 mg 26 0.0187 0.06 Total 27.26 100 The overall use of antihypertensive drugs in this study was DDD/1000 inhabitants/day. Utilization of antihypertensive drugs by ATC code and DDD/1000 inhibitants/day in medical ward of NOGTH was shown in table 2.

29 Table 3. Drug utilization 90% of antihypertensive drugs in medical ward of NOGTH
Generic Name ATC Code DDD (WHO) Total DDD DDD/1000 Percent (%) Furosemide C03CA01 40mg 12459 8.9698 32.91 Furosemide (Inj) 9268 6.6725 24.48 Amlodipine C08CA01 5mg 6688 4.8149 17.66 Spironolactone C03DA01 75mg 2.3372 8.57 Ramipril C09AA05 2.5mg 1809 1.3024 4.78 Nifedipine C08CA05 30mg 750 0.5399 1.98 Enalapril C09AA02 10mg 662.5 0.4769 1.75 Perindopril C09AA04 4mg 521 0.3751 1.38 Losartan C09CA01 50mg 475 0.3419 1.25 Carvedilol C07AG02 37.5mg 407.58 0.2934 1.08 Metolazone C03BA08 362 0.2606 0.96 Metoprolol C07AB02 0.15g 355.5 0.2559 0.94 Doxazosin C02CA04 285.5 0.2055 0.75 Propranolol C07AA05 0.16g 166.88 0.1201 0.44 Indapamide C03BA11 104.4 0.0752 0.28 Bisoprolol C07AB07 79.75 0.0574 0.21 The DU 90% of antihypertensive therapy in medical ward of NOGTH was shown in table 3. In this study, five drugs (furosemide, amlodipine, spironolactone, ramipril and nifedipine) were involved in DU 90% showing by green colour.


31 DISCUSSION drug utilization research – increase the understanding of how drugs are being used and estimate the numbers of patients exposed to specified drugs within a given time period studies comparing trends in the use of certain groups of drug (antidiabetics, antihypertensives) in a range of countries have shown differences – difficult to explain a differing prevalence of the diseases concerned1 1Dukes, M.N.G. (ed) (1993) Drug utilization studies, methods and uses, WHO regional publications, European Series No. 45. Finland: WHO.

32 DISCUSSION patients received antihypertensive drugs in medical ward of NOGTH within the 6 months study period – 2911 (37.93%) out of total of 7674 diuretics – mostly prescribed use of diuretics – DDD per 1000 inhabitants per day When the result was compared with other countries, there was a variation in percentage of antihypertensive prescription. This might be due to variation in location, race, ethnicity and life style, etc 1 Among antihypertensive prescribed patients during this study period, 1134 (38.96%) had previous hypertension history with male (37.30%) and female (62.70%). A study conducted in tertiary care teaching hospital in India for one year study period showed that known case of hypertension 42 (20.89%) out of 100 male patients and 35 (17.41%) out of 101 female patients collected from past medical history of patients. This might be due to hypertension was diagnosed for the first time only when they were admitted with the comorbidities.1 A total of 186 (16.40%) in patients with previous hypertension history with male (38.17%) and female (61.83%) took antihypertensive drugs regularly. Bjertness et al (2016) found that 6% of males and 11% of females of the total population used antihypertensive medications by a nationwide cross sectional study in Myanmar. This indicates that 2.73 percent of patients were prescribed the standard dose of individual antihypertensive drug everyday in medical ward of NOGTH. It showed that most of the patients were admitted due to the consequences of inappropriate control of hypertension which might be due to the requirement of medical knowledge.1 Variation in the frequency of patients having indications observed would be influenced in choice of antihypertensive drugs. Various antihypertensive drug classes are used to control and prevent the progress of diseases.

33 DISCUSSION combination therapy (56.30%) was more used than monotherapy (43.70%) since large number of patients suffering from multiple concomitant diseases, they were likely to have required multiple antihypertensive drugs to achieve target control and to reduce the side effect of maximum dose of drugs. hypertension is usually associated with diabetic mellitus, ischaemic heart disease, nephropathy and it is also modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure, stroke, etc.

34 DISCUSSION amlodipine – the most commonly used antihypertensive monotherapy and exceeds the utilization of any other single drug supplied by government to the hospitals in Myanmar generic names in the prescription – to decrease the financial burden on the patient It may be due to long duration of action, sustained and consistent blood pressure control with minimum side effect, once daily dosing and improved compliance1 1Datta, S. (2017) Utilization study of antihypertensives in South Indian tertiary care teaching hospital and adherence to standard treatment guidelines. Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy; p

35 DISCUSSION DU 90% – furosemide, amlodipine, spironolactone, ramipril and nefidipine although ramipril was involved in DU 90% but not included in NLEM out of 26 antihypertensive drugs, 17 (65.38%) drugs – from NLEM amlodipine, nifedipine, verapamil, diltiazem, furosemide, spironolactone, metolazone, indapamide, hydrochlorothiazide, carvedilol, metoprolol, propanolol, labetalol, enalapril, perindopril, losartan and methyldopa Amlodipine Spironolactone Furosemide (tab) Furosemide (inj) Labetalol (inj) Losartan Carvedilol Propanolol Metoprolol Enalapril Perindopril Nefidipine 100% 81% 18% 100% 100% 100% 56.23% 47.04% 76.89% 100% 28.31% 60.44%

36 Conclusion

37 Conclusion This study provides information in some extent of antihypertensive utilization related to their indications in medical ward of NOGTH. It can provide information to prescribers for reimbursement of drugs in hospital. By knowing DU 90% of antihypertensive drugs, it can contribute a data helping the administrator for drug procurement in preparing drug budgets and can also provide information to the essential drugs list for Myanmar.


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