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Staying Safe on Social Media

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1 Staying Safe on Social Media
Spiritual Moral Social Cultural In this form activity you will be learning how to protect your right to safety when you are using social media technology. You will also be reflecting upon your own behaviour and how it might look to someone else.

2 This is a topic we have covered before and this is a topic we shall continue to come back to because we need to keep you safe. Unfortunately you are at risk when you use social media – here are some top tips to help reduce the risks.

3 Social Media Top Tips to Keep Safe
Don’t give away personal information on social media such as where you live, when you are on holiday, details of expensive jewellery and where you are going. Change passwords regularly so that no one else can access your accounts.

4 Social Media Top Tips to Keep Safe
Asking for a nude or indecent image of a child under the age of 18 is a crime. Creating, altering or sending an indecent image of a child under 18 is also a crime. Even if you delete a nude photo - it still exists in cyberspace and can be tracked. If you experience problems of this nature through social media use – don’t panic in silence. Tell your Head of Year / Ms Marsh / Mrs Egleton - they are there to help you and they will not judge you.

5 Social Media Top Tips to Keep Safe
Cyber bullying is harassment and comes in many forms – report it if it happens to you or you know it is happening to someone else. Do not be a bystander when someone is at risk – help them. Sometimes people use social media as a cry for help, they may even threaten to harm themselves or another person. If you see this happening please report it to a Head of Year / Ms Marsh / Mrs Egleton immediately.

6 Social Media Top Tips to Keep Safe
Never arrange to meet someone that you don’t know – there are adults that create false accounts, they pretend to want to be friends and they lure children into conversations with a view to meeting them and causing them harm.

7 Social Media Top Tips to Keep Safe
What does your digital footprint say about you? What posts and status updates have you made lately? What do they reveal about you? Have you offended anyone with them? Google yourself to see what is revealed about you – and remember that your parents/carers and grandparents can do this too!

8 To recap………………………

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