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The methodology of Jean-luc Doumont

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Presentation on theme: "The methodology of Jean-luc Doumont"— Presentation transcript:

1 The methodology of Jean-luc Doumont
How to write a paper Domingo Mery 2018 The methodology of Jean-luc Doumont

2 this presentation is focused on the abstract
body paper references

3 Why is the abstract so important?
Title & Authors  Abstract  Conclusions  Body. The abstract is a great opportunity to tell the reader about your paper. If the abstract is fine, the reader would read the paper.

4 [ Abstract ] foreword abstract summary

5 [ Abstract ] foreword (motivation) abstract summary (message)

6 foreword … why? (motivation) abstract summary … what? [ Abstract ]

7 foreword … before (motivation) abstract summary … after [ Abstract ]

8 [ Abstract ] context need task conclusions findings

9 [ Abstract ] “before” “after”

10 foreword … before (motivation) abstract summary … after [ Abstract ]

11 context foreword need part 1 (motivation) task object [ Abstract ]

12 context: why the need is so important
[ Abstract ] abstract foreword context need part 1 (motivation) task object context: why the need is so important

13 need: what you want  what you have
[ Abstract ] abstract foreword context need part 1 (motivation) task object need: what you want  what you have

14 task: what I/we did, given this need
[ Abstract ] abstract foreword context need part 1 (motivation) task object task: what I/we did, given this need

15 object: what the document covers
[ Abstract ] abstract foreword context need part 1 (motivation) task object object: what the document covers

16 findings summary conclusion part 2 (message) perspective [ Abstract ]

17 findings: what I/we found, doing the task
[ Abstract ] abstract summary findings conclusion part 2 (message) perspective findings: what I/we found, doing the task

18 conclusion: what these findings mean to you
[ Abstract ] abstract summary findings conclusion part 2 (message) perspective conclusion: what these findings mean to you

19 perspective: what the future may/should hold
[ Abstract ] abstract summary findings conclusion part 2 (message) perspective perspective: what the future may/should hold

20 context foreword need task object findings summary conclusion
[ Abstract ] foreword context why the need is so important need what you want  what you have task what I/we did, given this need object what the document covers summary findings what I/we found, doing the task conclusion what these findings mean to you perspective what the future may/should hold

21 context need task object findings conclusion perspective
[ Abstract ] “situation” before/after context why the need is so important what the future may/should hold “problem/solution” need what you want  what you have what these findings mean to you “work/done” task what I/we did, given this need what I/we found, doing the task object “communication” what the document covers findings conclusion perspective

22 context need task object findings conclusion perspective anyone
[ Abstract ] why the need is so important what the future may/should hold anyone context what you want  what you have what these findings mean to you readers need what I/we did, given this need what I/we found, doing the task author(s) task object what the document covers document findings conclusion perspective

23 title author(s) context need task object findings conclusion
[ Abstract ] author(s) title Header first selection NO “Is this for me?” stop reading YES object task need context Foreword motivation “Do I care about it?” NO stop reading YES perspective conclusion findings Summary message NO “Do I need more information?” stop reading read full document YES

24 context foreword need task object findings summary conclusion
[ Body ] foreword context need task object the same structure for the whole paper summary findings see more Jean-luc Doumont: conclusion perspective

25 Domingo Mery
gracias Domingo Mery

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