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27 October 2015 Ms. Smith CCR English 10

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1 27 October 2015 Ms. Smith CCR English 10
Grab Your Writer’s Notebook Finish Shakespeare Pre-Reading Presentations Shakespeare Intro 27 October Ms. Smith CCR English 10 I can provide an objective summary of the text.

2 Writer’s Notebook Aye = yes Thou/thee = you Thy/thine = your
Hie = hurry Hath/hast = has or have Wherefore = why Anon = soon Wilt = will Nay = no Art = are Oft = often Whence = where Hither = here Doth/dost = does/do Alas = poor me/ oh, no

3 Language Shakespeare actually didn’t even talk the way the average Britain speak today! Language is constantly evolving to adapt with the world around us. Actors use the Received Pronunciation when performing Shakespeare, but scholars believe they have identified the Original Pronunciation during that time period. *Video

4 Language Chunking is a good way to help understand Shakespeare. You don’t need to understand every single line that is written. Instead, try to focus on the larger picture. We’re going to practice that too! Believe it or not, Shakespeare is NOT written in Old English. Seriously. Not even close. We’re going to look at some modern songs translated into Early Modern English. Let’s see if we can identify what it is!

5 Language Shakespeare also wrote in a particular way. It’s not always the easiest thing to understand, so I’ll let John Green explain it to you. *Video

6 Actors It’s really important to note that female actors didn’t perform until the mid-1600s. Because of this, young boys would play the roles of women. This adds even more humor to the play, Twelfth Night. Cross-dressing and disguises play a huge role in what happens to our characters. *Video

7 Actors As you can see, it adds humor to a performance.
The version I will show you at the end of each act was performed at the Globe Theater a few years ago. It does have an all male cast. It is supposed to be over-the-top and goofy. Actors will share a kiss (I believe twice) on stage. I do not want to hear any kind of negative remark at all. I will not tolerate homophobic remarks of any kind. If you have a religious objection, you may see me after class the next few days and there will be an alternate assignment for you on the days we watch the video. Also, if you’ve ever seen She’s the Man, then you kind of know the story already!

8 Wednesday Quiz / Intro Thursday TN: 1.1 & 1.2 Friday TN: 1.3 & 1.4
Homework Wednesday Quiz / Intro Thursday TN: 1.1 & 1.2 Friday TN: 1.3 & 1.4 None

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