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The Diplomacy of Hitler

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1 The Diplomacy of Hitler

2 Hitler came to power in The world could never anticipate the amount of upheaval and destruction he would bring. Hitler did hint at his plans in Mein Kampf: - Dealing with internal threats - The necessity of rebuilding the army - The concept of the Pan-Germanic dream - The forceful takeover of Poland and Ukraine

3 Hitler pulled Germany out of the League of Nations in 1933
Hitler pulled Germany out of the League of Nations in He hated the Treaty of Versailles.

4 The Saar was given to France in the Treaty of Versailles
The Saar was given to France in the Treaty of Versailles. After 15 years a plebiscite was to be taken. In 1935, the people of the Saar voted on whether they wanted to join France or Germany. 95% of the people desired to return to Germany.

5 In March 1935, Hitler made an announcement which he referred to as the “March Surprise”. He decided to break the Treaty of Versailles and began to draft an army. Mussolini responded to Hitler’s March Surprise by forming the Stresa Front with Britain and France in April of 1935. Stresa Front: Britain, France, and Italy agreed that if Hitler did anything else that violated the Treaty of Versailles, they would intervene.

6 Anglo-German Naval Agreement (June 1935)
Britain gave Germany permission to build up the German navy to 1/3 the size of the British fleet. This agreement convinced Hitler that it was acceptable to continue to break the Treaty of Versailles.

7 Keep in mind the Stresa Front fell apart after Mussolini successfully conquered Ethiopia in

8 In March 1936, Hitler issued another “March Surprise”
In March 1936, Hitler issued another “March Surprise”. Hitler announced that Germany would begin to remilitarize the Rhineland. The French did not challenge Hitler.

9 SPANISH CIVIL WAR Hitler helped the Nationalists led by Francisco Franco because Hitler wanted an alliance with Spain.

10 Anti-Comintern Pact Germany and Japan (1936)
Please read the primary source. Write the significance of the Anti-Comintern Pact in the first box and draw an illustration that represents the Anti-Comintern Pact in the second box. * Germany and Japan’s defensive alliance against the Soviet Union posed a threat to Stalin as he could potentially face a two-front war.

11 In 1937, Neville Chamberlain became the Prime Minister of England.

12 In 1938, Hitler fired Generals Werner von Fritsch and Werner von Blomberg. Hitler put himself in charge of the army. Germany's highest-ranking military leaders chat during an appearance at the Nuremberg Rally in September From the left is Field Marshal von Blomberg, War Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces; Colonel-General von Fritsch, Commander-in-Chief of the Army; and Admiral Raeder, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

13 In March 1938, Hitler issued another “March Surprise”
In March 1938, Hitler issued another “March Surprise”. Hitler proclaimed the Austrian people had to join the Great Germany. The Austrian government refused so Hitler sent in German troops to seize the country by force. Austria’s 8 million people now served the Nazi state and Anschluss was complete.

14 What makes the work of Shirer of value? What limits the work of Shirer?

Dr. Kurt von Schuschnigg

Franz von Papen

17 Berchtesgaden Hitler at the Berghof
Where the meeting between Hitler and Schuschnigg took place on February 12th 1938.

18 Page 327 Hitler: Listen, you don’t really think you can move a single stone in Austria without my hearing about it the next day, do you?... I have only to give an order, and in one single night all your ridiculous defense mechanisms will be blown to bits. You don’t seriously believe that you can stop me for half and hour, do you?... I would very much like to save Austria from such a fate, because such an action would mean blood. After the Army, my S.A. and Austrian Legion would move in, and nobody can stop their just revenge – not even I.

19 Hitler: Don’t think for one moment that anybody on earth is going to thwart my decisions. Italy? I see eye to eye with Mussolini… England? England will not move one finger for Austria… And France?

20 Page 329 Hitler: Herr Schuschnigg… here is the draft fo the document
Page 329 Hitler: Herr Schuschnigg… here is the draft fo the document. There is nothing to be discussed. I will not change one single iota. You will either sign it as it is and fulfill my demands within three days, or I will order the march into Austria.

21 Hitler’s next target: Sudetendland
The Sudetenland was the northwest section of Czechoslovakia. Hitler claimed to be protecting the 3 million “oppressed” Germans living there. The May Crisis In May 1938, a rumor spread that Hitler sent troops to the Czechoslovakian border. In response, the Czechs mobilized their military to stop the German troops. The rumor was false. The President of Czechoslovakia, Eduard Benes, started the rumor to strengthen the backbone of France.

22 Hitler decided October 1, 1938 would be the day the German army would invade Czechoslovakia. In the last week of September, Mussolini told Hitler not to invade. Mussolini’s forces would not be ready to fight. Hitler hosted the Munich Conference. Hitler invited Mussolini (Italy), Daladier (France), and Chamberlain (Britain). Czechoslovakia and the USSR were not invited. At the conference, Hitler agreed to take the Sudentenland without fighting.

23 The Gentleman’s Agreement
Chamberlain met with Hitler. Chamberlain asked Hitler to sing the Gentleman’s Agreement. The agreement stated that Hitler was satisfied and would make no more demands in Europe. Chamberlain believed Hitler would stand by his word.

24 In 1939, Hitler invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia and Memel (part of Lithuania). * Hitler violated the Gentleman’s Agreement. In 1939, Mussolini invaded Albania.

25 Pact of Steel (1939) Please read the primary source. Write the significance of the Pact of Steel in the first box and draw an illustration in the second box.


27 Treaty of Nonaggression between Germany and the Soviet Union (1939)
Treaty of Nonaggression between Germany and the Soviet Union (1939) * Also known as the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact Please read the primary source. Write the significance of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact in the first box and draw an illustration in the second box.


29 On September 1, 1939 Germany attacked Poland to claim their western half of the nation. Two days later, Britain declared war on Germany. The following day, France declared war on Germany as well. World War II had begun.

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