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Agents of Cultural Diffusion

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1 Agents of Cultural Diffusion
Trade and Travel

2 What is Cultural Diffusion?
The spreading of ideas and products from one culture to another.

3 Agriculture spread from the
Middle East (Fertile Crescent) to Europe and Asia After agriculture was established in the Fertile Crescent with the early farmers in Mesopotamia, it gradually spread to other parts of Europe and Asia. The Map on the left shows the dark red area of the Fertile Crescent. As the colors move out from the Fertile Crescent, it indicates the areas where agriculture spread.

4 Later, the Columbian Exchange (trade) introduced new agricultural products to North America and Europe. North America: Cows, bananas, etc. Europe: Corn, Turkey, etc. Another example of how trade promoted cultural diffusion was the Columbian Exchange. This trade route, popular in the 1500s was responsible for introducing foreign products to new lands.

5 Asian rice noodles from China traveled to Italy via the Silk Road.
Italians didn’t have rice so they used wheat to make noodles. Today, most people in the US eat wheat pasta – mac ‘n cheese. Do you like mac ‘n cheese? You can thank the traders and merchants that traveled the Silk Road. The merchants brought rice noodles to Italy. The Italians did not have rice so they made the noodles using wheat. Today, most people use wheat pasta in their cooking.

6 Fast food restaurants from the United States of America have spread around the world, like McDonalds and Starbucks Another method of cultural diffusion, spreading of US based fast food restaurants to other parts of the world. Two examples: McDonalds has spread to 6 of the 7 continents around the world. McDonalds has over 31,000 restaurants around the world. Starbucks has 6,200 stores around the world with approximately 3 stores opening daily.

7 Holidays like Cinco de Mayo,
Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day, etc. came to the United States from countries around the world. March 17, May 5 and October 31 are examples of “holidays” celebrated in the United States that are not original to the US. March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day originated in Ireland to recognize St. Patrick and all that he did for the country. May 5 – Cinco de Mayo came to the United States courtesy of our neighbor to the South – Mexico. The day is often used as an excuse to visit Mexican restaurants for dinner.

8 Causes of Cultural Diffusion?
Trade is a very common cause of cultural diffusion. Cultures that are located close to each other tend to have more contact, which naturally results in a high rate of exchange of goods, trade and ideas.

9 Causes of Cultural Diffusion?
Cultural diffusion can also happen when people migrate (move to a new area) and take elements of their culture with them to the new location. Migrants diffused elements of their original culture into their new culture.

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