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Bio 161 Quizz.

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1 Bio 161 Quizz

2 Q1. The fertile crescent is located in
The southern part of the American Midwest. Eastern China. Mexico / Mesoamerica. The Andes Mountains and Amazonia. The Middle East.

3 Q2. The Jacob sheep is B. A. D. C.

4 Q3. A recent breed of cattle of Australia that is well adapted to dry conditions is the
Angora. D. Senepol Charolais. E. Hereford Droughtmaster.

5 Q4. This animal is a Cow. Antelope. Gazelle. Goat. Sheep.

6 Q5. The large variety of each of the domestic animals and crops shows that
we are creative and patient farmers. selective breeding changes the allele pool of a species. we are fussy eaters and want variety in our food. it is easy to domesticate wild animals and vegetables. wild animals show large variation in different traits.

7 Q. The grave of the boy and the cat found in Cyprus is important because it shows
Cats were domesticated earlier than 9,000 years ago. Cats were considered deities in Egypt. Boys love cats also in Cyprus. Cats should be buried with boys. Cats were domesticated before the dog.

8 Q. Agriculture and domestication of plants and animals started
50,000 years ago. 10,000 years ago. 5,000 years ago. 1,000 years ago. 500 years ago.


10 Q1. The layer of the earth between about 3000 km and 670 km is the
Outer core. Mesosphere. Asthenosphere. Lithosphere. Crust.

11 Q2. The ductile, plastic or viscous fluid-like material of the earth is the
Outer core. Mesosphere. Asthenosphere. Lithosphere. Crust.

12 Q3. The lithosphere comprises the upper-most layer of the ____ and the _______.
Outer core; inner mantle. Inner core; outer core. Oceanic crust; continental crust. Mantle; crust. Mesosphere; asthenosphere.

13 Q4. Convection currents displace heat in the _______ and ________ of the earth.
Inner core; outer core. Mesosphere; Asthenosphere. Outer mantle; inner mantle. Upper-most mantle; lithosphere. Outer core; Asthenosphere.

14 Q5. The boundary between the South American and African plate is located
In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. In the southern Pacific Ocean. Along the Himalayan mountains. Along the southern Mediterranean sea. In the middle of the Indian Ocean.

15 Q4. The only layer of the earth that is truly fluid is the
Inner core. Mesosphere. Outer mantle. Lithosphere. Outer core.

16 Q1. What is the scientific name for the layer of the Earth between 670 and 40 km?


18 Q1. Although there are exceptions, you expect volcanoes primarily
in the northern hemisphere. at plate boundaries. around large continents. in the middle of a tectonic plate. where most people live.

19 Q2. During the early Paleozoic the US was a(n)
equatorial, volcanic island. separate, polar continent. shallow, tropical sea. part of Gondwana. part of Great Britain.

20 Q. The end-Triassic extinction was precipitated by massive _____ that separated _______ and ________. Volcanic eruption; Laurasia; Gondwana. Volcanic eruption; East; West. Meteorite collision; East; West. Meteorite collision; Laurasia, Gondwana. Flooding; New York; London.

21 Q. What North American mountains are a remnant of the formation of Pangea? The
Alps. cascade mountains of Oregon. coastal mountains of the west coast. rocky mountains. Appalachian mountains.

22 Q. The deep trench off the coast of Oregon reflects the _________ of the Juan de Fuca plate.
separation. melting. crumbling. subduction. growth.


24 Q. The break-up of Pangea started when a divergent boundary emerged between _______ and _______.
Triassic; Jurassic. Asia; Europe. Asia; the Americas. Laurasia; Gondwana. Africa; South America.

25 Q. You could bike from the North to the South pole during the
Cambrian. Proterozoic. Archean. Cretaceous. Triassic.

26 Q. You could bike from the North to the South pole from.
250 to 200 Billion years ago. 2.5 to 2.0 Billion years ago. 250 to 200 Million years ago. 2.5 to 2.0 Million years ago. 250 to 200 Thousand years ago.

27 Q. The Himalayan mountains are formed at a
Convergent plate boundary. Divergent plate boundary. Transforming plate boundary.

28 Q. The ‘Ring of Fire’ constitutes the
West, north, and east boundaries of the Pacific plate. The volcanic activity of Hawaii. The fire surrounding a volcano after eruption. The southern divergent boundary of the Pacific plate. The north-south boundary of the mid-Atlantic ocean.

29 Q. The Andes mountains result from the collision between the South-American plate and the
North-American plate. African plate. Australian plate. Nazca plate. Pacific plate.

30 Q. Pangea was formed during the
Proterozoic. Paleozoic. Cenozoic. Mesozoic. Triassic.

31 Q. The dominant vertebrate group that populated Pangea were
Reptiles. Birds. Bony fish. Amphibians. Mammals.

32 Q. Which was NOT part of Gondwana(land)?
Asia. Africa. Australia. South America. Antartica.

33 Q. The primary mechanism for seafloor spreading is
Density differences in the crust. Gravitational and tidal forces. Mantle convection currents. Pole-fleeing force. Weight of seafloor sediment.

34 Q. Tectonic plates move away from their
Divergent boundary. Convergent boundary. Transform boundary.

35 Q. Oceanic crust is forced back into the mantle at
Subduction zones. Seafloor separation areas. Continent-continent collision zones. Black and white smokers. Transform boundaries.

36 Q. Mounts Baker, Rainier, Adams, St
Q. Mounts Baker, Rainier, Adams, St. Helen, and Hood are all located at the convergent boundary of the north American plate and the Juan de Fuca plate. Pacific plate. Naca plate. Eurasia plate. Artic plate.

37 Q. The boundary between the Eurasia and African plate is (for the most part) a _____ boundary.
Divergent. Convergent. Sinking. Transform. Wall.

38 Q. What current plate was located most South in Pangea?
Eurasia. Antartica. Africa. South America.

39 Q2. Baja California is separated from mainland Mexico by a _______________ valley.
This _____________ boundary forms Dead Valley, CA to the North.

40 Q3. Pangea was completed __________ Mya
and started to breakdown _________ Mya.


42 Q1. What feature of the magnetic anomalies found along the floor of the Atlantic Ocean provides best evidence for the presence of a divergent tectonic boundary? _________________________ Jigsaw puzzle fit of continental shapes. Alternating polarization of earth magnetism. The solid iron inner surrounded by a liquid outer core of the earth. Glacier markings at the southern part of Gondwana continents. The symmetric location.

43 Q2. When judging the geology of the Yellow Stone hot spot, it is clear that the North America Plate is moving to the _____________________________ ? NE. SE. SW. NW. N.

44 Q3. Late Paleozoic deposits and glacier striation marks.
How does this observation support continental drift?

45 Q4. Not only do the shapes of Africa, South America, North America, India, and Antarctica fit like pieces of a puzzle but there is also a match up of ___________ in adjacent regions of the Gondwana continents. Mountain ranges. Age and structure of rocks. Ancient sea beds. Magnetic anomalies. Fauna nd flora.

46 Q5. what statement is incorrect.
The Hawaiian islands are formed by a hotspot moving SE beneath the Pacific plate. The shapes of North America, Africa, and South America suggest they once were adjacent in a super-continent. Glacier striations and deposits suggest the presence of a large icefield at the Southern pole of Gondwana. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge increases the distance between Washington and Brussels with a few cm each year. Yellowstone is located in the caldera of an active super volcano.


48 Q1. Fossils are found in sedimentary rocks. amber. tar pits.
ancient desert sand. all of the above.

49 Q2. What rocks were once liquid?
sedimentary rocks. metamorphic rocks. fossil rocks. igneous rocks. paleozoic rocks.

50 Q3. Nicolaus Stenonis lived in the
Middle ages. Ordovician. Renaissance. Previous century. Ancient world.

51 Q4. When found along Hwy 421 in SE Indiana in fall 2019, these fossils lived during the
Cambrian. Ordovician. Silurian. Devonian. Carboniferous. Permian.

52 Q5. This fossil is a Bryozoan. Horn corral. amonite. cephalopod.
trilobite. Brachiopod. Clam.

53 Q1. The father of geology is
Nicolaus Stenonis. Georgy Gause. Hardy Weinberg. August Weismann. Antoon van Leeuwenhoek.

54 Q2. What are the youngest rocks?
B. C. D. E.

55 Q3. How many neutrons are there in Americium-241 (241Am95)?
37. 95. 146. 241. 336.

56 Q4. In b decay the atom number
Decreases with 2. Increases with 2. Decreases with 1. Increases with 1. Remains the same.

57 Q5. Radon-222 (222Rn86) undergoes a decay to Polonium (Po)
Q5. Radon-222 (222Rn86) undergoes a decay to Polonium (Po). Write the reaction.

58 Plate Dynamics Geological time
Geological time

59 Unlike metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock, volcanic rock involved
Heating. Pressurization. Solidification. Sedimentation. Cementation Compaction. Weathering.

60 Radioactive dating of geological strata is limited to
Igneous rock. Petrified wood. Metamorphic rock. Sedimentary rock. Eroded rock.

61 A rock that dates to the cretaceous extinction (68 Million years ago) contains _______ more Xe-129 than I-129 (half life of I Million years). 1x. 3x. 7x. 15x. 31x.

62 Of the sedimentary rock strata along the wall of the canyon, it are the bottom layers that most likely contain the fossil fauna of the Permian. Carboniferous. Devonian. Silurian. Ordovician.

63 The half-life of C-14 is 5,730 years
The half-life of C-14 is 5,730 years. A bone in which the C-14 : C-12 ratio is half that of the atmosphere has been death for 2865 years. 5730 years. 11460 years. 57000 years 1.25 billion years.

64 A rock that contains 1 part of K-40 (half life 1
A rock that contains 1 part of K-40 (half life 1.25 billion years) for every 15 parts of Ar-40 solidified 1.25 billion years ago. 2.50 billion years ago. 3.75 billion years ago. 5.00 billion years ago. 6.25 billion years ago.

65 Fossil evidence are found in
Metamorphic rock. Igneous rock. Sedimentary rock. Volcanic ash. Lunar rock.

66 Evidence of bacteria first appears in the fossil record of
3.5 billion years ago. 2.5 billion years ago. 700 million years ago. 550 million years ago. 250 million years ago.

67 Based on radioactive dating of meteorites using several different elements the earth and solar system are 450 billion years old. 4.5 billion years old. 450 million years old. 450 thousand years old. 4,500 years old.

68 What is the “zero-point” in C-14 dating?
5,730 years. The known half life of 14C. The 14C levels of igneous rocks are 0 at the time of formation. The 14N levels of igneous rocks are 0 at the time of formation. The 14C : 12C of the atmosphere.

69 What is the “zero point” for the K-40 dating of rocks? Time of
melting of the rock to lava. Beginning of the solar system. 4.5 billion years ago. 1.25 billion years. Solidification of lava.

70 What are the oldest organisms that can be dated by C-14 decay?
57 years. 570 years. 5,700 years. 57,000 years. 579,000 years.

71 A 2.96 million year-old lava rock is expected to contain _____ more Mg-26 than Al-26.

72 A rock of the late Jurassic (108 Mya) contains _______ Neodynium-143 than Samarium-157.
More. The same amount of. Less.

73 Al-26 decays to Mg-26 (half life 740,000)
Al-26 decays to Mg-26 (half life 740,000). Calculate the fraction of Al-26 that remains after 3.7 million years. 1/2. 1/4. 1/8. 1/16. 1/32/

74 Q1. Unlike metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock, volcanic rock involved
Heating. Pressurization. Solidification. Sedimentation. Cementation Compaction. Weathering.

75 Q2. A rock of the late Cretaceous (108 Mya) contains _______ Neodynium-143 than Samarium-147 (half-life 108 million years). more. equal amount of. less.

76 Q3. A rock that dates to the cretaceous extinction (68 Million years ago) contains _______ more Xe-129 than I-129 (half-life of I Million years). 1x. 3x. 7x. 15x. 31x.

77 Q4. Of the sedimentary rock strata along the wall of the canyon, it are the bottom layers that most likely contain the fossil fauna of the Ordovician. Silurian. Devonian. Carboniferous. Permian.

78 Q5. The half-life of C-14 is 5,730 years
Q5. The half-life of C-14 is 5,730 years. A bone in which the C-14 : C-12 ratio is half that of the atmosphere has been death for 2865 years. 5730 years. 11460 years. 57000 years 1.25 billion years.


80 Q. How much time will be required for a sample of 3H (tritium) to lose 75% of its radioactivity? The half life of tritium is years. 6.13 years. 12.26 years. 24.52 years. 30.78 years. 25.04 years.

81 Q. At time zero, there is 10. 0 g of 187W
Q. At time zero, there is 10.0 g of 187W. If the half life is 24 hours, how much will be present at the end of 1 day? (Two days? Seven days?) 5.0 g. 2.5 g. 1.25 g. 0.625 g. g.

82 Q. Fermium-253 has a half life oif 0. 334 seconds
Q. Fermium-253 has a half life oif seconds. A radioactive sample is considered to be completely decayed after 10 half lives. How much time will elapse for this sample to be considered gone? 0.334 seconds. 0.668 seconds. 0.167 seconds. 1.67 seconds. 3.34 seconds.

83 Q. 182Os has a half life of 21. 5 hours. How many grams of a 10
Q. 182Os has a half life of 21.5 hours. How many grams of a 10.0 g sample remain after 3 half lives?. 5.0 g. 2.5 g. 1.25 g. 0.625 g 0.313 g.

84 Q. 182Os has a half life of 21. 5 hours. How many grams of a 10
Q. 182Os has a half life of 21.5 hours. How many grams of a 10.0 g sample decayed after 3 half lives?. 5.0 g. 2.5 g. 1.25 g. 7.5 g 8.75 g.

85 Q. The half life of Zn-71 is 2. 4 minutes. If one had 100
Q. The half life of Zn-71 is 2.4 minutes. If one had g at the beginning, how many grams would be left after 7.2 minutes elapsed? 100.0 g. 50.0 g. 25.0 g. 12.50 g 6.125 g.

86 Radioactive dating of geological strata is limited to
Igneous rock. Petrified wood. Metamorphic rock. Sedimentary rock. Eroded rock.

87 Fossil evidence are found in
Metamorphic rock. Igneous rock. Sedimentary rock. Volcanic ash. Lunar rock.

88 Evidence of bacteria first appears in the fossil record of
3.5 billion years ago. 2.5 billion years ago. 700 million years ago. 550 million years ago. 250 million years ago.

89 Based on radioactive dating of meteorites using several different elements the earth and solar system are 450 billion years old. 4.5 billion years old. 450 million years old. 450 thousand years old. 4,500 years old.

90 What is the “zero point” for the K-40 dating of rocks? Time of
melting of the rock to lava. Beginning of the solar system. 4.5 billion years ago. 1.25 billion years. Solidification of lava.

91 What are the oldest organisms that can be dated by C-14 decay?
57 years. 570 years. 5,700 years. 57,000 years. 579,000 years.

92 A 2.96 million year-old lava rock is expected to contain _____ more Mg-26 than Al-26. (Half-life Al My.) 1x. 3x. 7x. 15x. 31x.

93 Al-26 decays to Mg-26 (half life 740,000)
Al-26 decays to Mg-26 (half life 740,000). Calculate the fraction of Al-26 that remains after 3.7 million years. 1/2. 1/4. 1/8. 1/16. 1/32/


95 Q. Fossils of living organisms first appeared in 3
Q. Fossils of living organisms first appeared in 3.5 By old rocks of the Archean. Proterozoic. Phanerozoic Paleozoic. Mesozoic. Cenozoic

96 Q. The three-toed horse lived during the
Paleocene. Eocene. Oligocene. Miocene. Pliocene.

97 Q. Fossils of Merhippus are found in rocks of the
Paleozoic. Ordovician. Cretaceous. Miocene. Pleistocene.

98 Q. Mesohippus lived 5.5 to 3.5 Billion years ago.
550 to 350 Million yeaqrs ago. 55 to 35 Million years ago. 5.5 to 3.5 Million years ago. 0.55 to 0.35 Million years ago.

99 Q. Pliohippus and Eohippus differ in
Size. Dentition. Number of toes on each foot. Habitat. Diet. Time they lived. All of the above.

100 Q. The diet of Eohippus and Pliohippus are indicated by the shape and structure of their
Legs. Toes. Jaw. Body. Teeth.

101 Q. The “Early Mother” of placental mammals is
Eohippus. Pakicetus. Basilosaurus. Eomaia. Jeholodens.

102 Q. Eomaia lived in the Paleozoic. Triassic. Jurassic. Cretaceous.

103 True or False: There is no fossil evidence for soft-tissue structure in the fossil record prior to the Pleistocene (Quaternary).

104 Multicellular organisms
Q. Match organisms and first appearance in the fossil record (Mya). Prokarytes 150 Eukaryotes 200 Multicellular organisms 300 Fish 350 Amphibians 450 Reptiles 700 Mammals 1500 birds 3500

105 Q. What vertebrate group dominated the land of Pangea?
Fish Amphibians. Reptiles. Mammals. Birds.

106 Q1. A rock that contains 1 part of K-40 (half life 1
Q1. A rock that contains 1 part of K-40 (half life 1.25 billion years) for every 15 parts of Ar-40 solidified 1.25 billion years ago. 2.50 billion years ago. 3.75 billion years ago. 5.00 billion years ago. 6.25 billion years ago.

107 Q2. What is the “zero-point” in C-14 dating?
5,730 years. The known half life of 14C. The 14C levels of igneous rocks are 0 at the time of formation. The 14N levels of igneous rocks are 0 at the time of formation. The 14C : 12C of the atmosphere.

108 Q3. Oxygen became a stable component of the atmosphere during the
Archaean. Permian. Proterozoic. Paleocene. Phanerozoic.

109 Q4. What is NOT an epoch of the Cenozoic?
Paleocene. Eocene. Oligocene Devonian. Pliocene. Pleistocene Holocene.

110 Q5. The three-toed horse of the Oligocene is
Eurohippus. Eohippus. Pliohippus. Merychippus. Mesohippus.

111 If a sample contains 100 g or a radioactive isotope, how much will be left after 3 half lives?

112 If a sample contains 100 g of a radioactive isotope, how much has decayed after 4 half lives?

113 If a sample contains 50 g or a radioactive isotope, how much will be left after 2 half lives?

114 If a sample contains 20 g of an isotope that has a half life of 1000 years. How much will be left after 2000 years?

115 If a sample has only 20 g remaining after 3 half lives, how much was there to start with?

116 If you start with 10,000 C-14 atoms, how much will remain after: 1 half life: ______? 2 half lives: _______? 3 half lives: _______?

117 If a rock originally contained 100,000 K-40 atoms and it now contains only 12,500 K-40 atoms, how old is the rock?

118 What is the fraction of the original C-14:C-12 ratio that remains in a sample after 11,460 years?

119 How many halkf-lives elapsed to yield a sample with 125 atoms of C-14 and 375 atoms of N-14?

120 How old is a sample that contains 25% of its original K-40 (half-life 1.25 By)?

121 How old is a sample that contains U-235 to Pb-207 of 1:7 (half-life 710 M)?

122 An anthropologist claims that a specimen is 30,000 years old
An anthropologist claims that a specimen is 30,000 years old. It contains a ratio of C-14 : C-12 that is 1:7 that of the atmosphere. Is the claim valid?

123 Q1. Fossils closely resembling extant monkeys are found in
Holocene rock of Africa. Eocene rock of Australia. Cretaceous layers of Asia. Carboniferous coal of Virginia, North America. Ordovician slate of Indiana, US.

124 Q2. The oldest ancestral whales lived during the
Paleocene. Eocene. Oligocene. Miocene. Pliocene. Pleistocene.

125 Q3. Pakicetus was recognized as a member of the whale lineage by the presence of
front legs modified as flippers. ankle bone with two trolleys. thick bony plate around the inner ear. blow hole between the eyes. vestigial leg bones.

126 Q4. The ‘walking’ whale is
Dorudon. Basilosaurus. Rhodocetus. Ambulocetus. Pakicetus.

127 Q5. An anachronistic fossil would be a fossil of a(n)
Trilobite in Ordovician shale. Amphibian in Carboniferous coal. 3 ft long reptile in Permian deposits. Eomaia in Cretaceous sediment. Ape in Paleocene rock.

128 Q. Inohyus, Pakicetus, Ambulocetus, Rodocetus, and Basilosaurus are recognized as members of the whale lineage by the presence of thick bony plate around the inner ear. front legs modified as flippers. ankle bone with two trolleys. blow hole between the eyes. vestigial leg bones.

129 Q. Which is not a reptile? Basilosaurus. Tyrranosaurus. Allosaurus.
Microraptor. Stegosaurus. Ankylosaurus.

130 Q. Oceanic Islands Have never been part of a continent.
Can be formed by a plate gliding over a hot spot. Do not have endemic land mammals. Are called unbalanced. All of the above.

131 Q. Juan Fernandez islands are located
West of Chile. West of Ecuador. In the middle of the Pacific Ocean. In de middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Of the East coast of Africa.

132 Q. The Galapagos finches are subdivided in ground finches or _______ and tree finches or ________.
granivores; insectivores. grazers; browsers. herbivores, carnivores. insectivores; granivores. carnivores; herbivores.

133 Q. The endemic _____ are to Hawaii what the _____ are to the Galapagos.
honeycreepers; finches. finches; honeycreepers. monarchs; viceroys. viceroys; monarchs. Hardys; Weinbergs.

134 Q. The Giant Earwig defines
Hawaiian islands. Galapagos. Juan Fernandez Isalnds. St. Helena. Sicily.

135 Q. The Juan Fernandez Firebird is a
Robin. Plover. Hummingbird. Honeycreeper. Warbler.

136 Q. Oceanic Islands lack all land animals except
Mammals. Reptiles. Amphibians. Freshwater fish. Birds.

137 Q. Oceanic Islands are formed at
Hotspots. Plate boundaries. Ocean trenches. Continental margins. Shallow inland seas.

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