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National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign,

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1 National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign, 2019-20

2 VISION FOR SEED SECTOR To promote production and multiplication of certified/quality seeds, To recommend proposals for import and export of seeds and planting material, To support the States/Union Territories in production and distribution of certified/quality seeds To provide support for Creation of Seed infrastructure conducive for development of seeds sector. Support to the public seeds producing organizations for improving their capacity and quality seed production. To create seeds bank to meet unforeseen circumstances of natural calamities etc. 12/18/2019

3 COMPONENTS OF SCHEME Seed Village Programme
Certified Seed Production through Seed Village Creation of Seed infrastructure facilities (in public sector) Transport Subsidy on Movement of Seeds to NE States etc. National Seed Reserve Strengthening of GOT facility Support to Seed Certification Agencies Boosting Seed Production in Private Sector 12/18/2019

To upgrade the quality of farmer’s saved seeds (which is about 60-65%) Financial assistance for distribution of Foundation/Certified Seed for cereal crops and 60% of seed cost for oilseeds, pulses, green manure and fodder crops. Assistance on Farmers Training on seed production available @ Rs /group each of farmers. Financial assistance is available for purchase of seed drums from Rs to 5000 and on Seed Storage bins of 10 to 20 quintals capacity form Rs to 3000. 12/18/2019

No. of Seed Villages organized 2.98 lakhs. No. of farmers benefited 1.29 Crores. Quantity of Seeds produced lakhs quintals. Amount released Rs Crores. PROGRESS IN FY Allocation for the current year Rs crores. Fund released Rs crores (as on date). No. of Seed Villages organized 8,899. Number of farmers benefitted 4.50 lakhs (as on date). Qty. of Seeds Produced 3.15 lakh qtls. 12/18/2019

Encouraging Certified Seed production of Pulses, Oilseeds, Fodder and Green Manure crops. Financial assistance for distribution of Foundation/ Certified 75% cost of the seeds. Assistance for training of farmers on seed production @ Rs.15000/ group. Assistance for 50% Seed Certification upto Rs /ha. Assistance for seed storage Rs.10,000 per sqm. 12/18/2019

No. of seed villages organized 5,537 Amount released Rs crores, Quantity of seeds produced lakhs quintals No. of farmers benefitted 1.77 lakhs Allocation for the current FY is crores. 12/18/2019

Financial assistance for creating infrastructure facilities for seed cleaning, drying, grading, processing, packing and seed storage is provided. Grants in aid of Rs to Rs lakhs is provided for Establishment of Seed Processing Plants of modular design from 1000 MT to 5000 MT annual capacity, Financial assistance of Rs to Rs lakhs for construction of building required for Seed processing plant from 1000MT to 5000 MT capacity. Financial assistance upto Rs lakh for AC and Dehumidified seed Store of 100 MT capacity. Financial assistance upto Rs lakh for ventilated flat roof seed storage godown of 1000 MT capacity. 12/18/2019

Rs crores released during last five years for creation of lakh quintals of seed processing facilities & lakh quintals of seed storage facility, PROGRESS IN FY Allocation in current FY is Rs crores. An amount of Rs.5.44 crore (as on date) released for creation of 1.11 lakh quintals Seed Storage capacity. 12/18/2019

100% grants-in-aid of Rs. 60 lakhs for setting up of Seed Processing & Storage Facilities each of 500MT capacity at Gram Panchayat level. An amount of Rs crores is provided to states for setting up of 491 units at Gram Panchayat level. States are requested to send the physical and financial progress urgently. 12/18/2019

11 Assistance for Boosting Seed Production in Private Sector
Creation of infrastructure facilities relating to cleaning, grading, processing, seed treating, packaging and storage units as well as for seed testing facilities including R&D. Credit linked back ended 40% of the capital cost of the project in general areas and 50% in case of hilly and scheduled areas subject to an upper limit of Rs. 150 lakhs per project 2% of the total fund as administrative charges. 651 projects have been sanctioned for the small entrepreneurs in 18 States with lakhs qtls. seed processing capacity and storage capacity of lakhs qtls. as on 12/18/2019

To make available certified seeds to the farmers of Hilly and North Eastern States at affordable prices in time. Reimbursement of 100% difference between road and rail transportation charge to implementing agency for movement of seed from outside State to the identified States. Actual cost restricted to maximum limit of Rs.120/quintals whichever is less for movement of seeds transported within the identified States. Rs crores reimbursed for movement of 7.39 lakh quintals seeds during last five years. Allocation in current FY is Rs 4.00 crores 12/18/2019

13 National Seed Reserve (NSR)
To meet the requirement of Seeds during natural calamities and unforeseen conditions i.e. drought flood, etc. 1% of the total availability of Seeds of preceding year in the country is kept every year. There are 22 agencies implementing NSR in the country. 100% Grant is provided for purchasing of seeds as revolving founds. Seed processing & packing charges (Rs. 300/qtls.), transportation charges( Rs. 200/qtls.) and fumigation charges (Rs. 10/qtls.) Rs lakh for construction of 1000 MT capacity seed godown. 14.31 lakh qtls. seeds maintained and assistance of Rs crore provided to different agencies during last five years. 12/18/2019

14 Quality Control Component (100% GOI)
Strengthening of Seed Testing Laboratories (STL) Rs lakhs. Renovation of Seed Testing Laboratory Rs lakhs. Establishment of DNA Finger Printing Lab Rs lakhs. Specialized Seed Heath Testing Units Rs lakhs. 58 Seed Testing Labs were strengthened in last five years. 12/18/2019

15 Seed Testing Laboratories
132 notified Seed Testing Labs (STLs) are working across the country. Some of the Labs are not effective due to lack of infrastructure facilities and skilled man power. State should designate Master trainer which can be trained. Required samples under 5% retesting program for Uniformity to Central Seed Testing Laboratory (CSTL, Varanasi) are not send. GOI is developing central online portal for CSTL activities. Technical audit of State Seed Testing Labs. will be start soon. 12/18/2019

16 Support to Seed Certification Agencies
Ensure source of origin and responsible for of seeds quality and genetic purity Seed Certification voluntary. 25 seed certification agencies in States. Assistance for the Staff cost (25% GOI) Rs lakhs. Office Automation & Communication facility Rs lakhs. Travelling allowance per year Rs lakhs. 12/18/2019

17 Strengthening of GOT facility (100% GOI)
Grow-out Test(GOT) Farm for civil work, irrigation/ drainage setup, land development, mobility for field visit etc. Rs lakhs. Green House facility Rs lakhs. No. of GOT Farms Strengthened during last five years 23. 12/18/2019

18 Bar Coding for Traceability of Seeds
Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare proposed compulsory 2D Bar-Code using Global Standards on the Seed packets/labels from July 2020. The 2D Bar-Code can contain different levels of information for traceability of seed over the seed packets/bags/canes. Online software for traceability will be developed by December-2019. The 2D Bar-Code shall be linked to the central repository to provide following information in digitized. 12/18/2019

19 Digitized Information in BAR Code
Grower’s detail Month-year-code Production location code Seed Testing Laboratory Detail Processing Plant Code Seed Produce Code Any other mandatory information as per, Environmental Protection Act, in case of GM/Bt. Cotton etc. Information related to seed treatments or other such information as per the Acts. 12/18/2019

20 Crop wise list of Biofortifed variety available for Rabi Crops
ADAPTATION WHEAT WB 02 Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan (excluding Kota and Udaipur division), Western UP, Jammu and Kathua district of J&K, Ponta Valley and Una district of HP and Tarai region of Uttarakhand. HPBW 01 PUSA TEJAS (HI 8759) M.P., Chhattisgarh, Gujrat, Rajasthan (Kota and Udaipur Division) and U. P (Jhansi Division). PUSA UJALA (HI 1605) Maharashtra and Karnataka. HD 3171 Eastern U P, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, WB, Assam and Plains of N E States. MACS 4028 (DURUM) PBW 752 Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, UP, J& K, HP and Uttarakhand. PBW 757 Punjab, Haryana, Delhi,Rajasthan, UP, J& K, H. P and Uttarakhand. KARAN VANDANA (DBW 187) U P, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, W.B, Assam and North Eastern States. DBW 173 Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan (excluding Kota and Udaipur division), Western UP, Jammu and Kathua district of J&K, Ponta Valley & Una district of HP and Tarai region of Uttarakhand. UAS 375 12/18/2019

21 Crop wise list of Biofortifed variety available for Rabi Crops
ADAPTATION LENTIL PUSA AGETI MASOOR Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.  LENTIL IPL 220 Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Assam. MUSTARD PUSA MUSTARD 30 Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M.P. and Rajasthan PUSA DOUBLE ZERO MUSTARD-31 Rajasthan (North and Western parts), Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Western UP, Plains of J& K and Himachal Pradesh 12/18/2019

22 THANKS 12/18/2019

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