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Inorganic Mashup Project

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1 Inorganic Mashup Project
You and a partner are responsible for creating 50 combinations of inorganic formulas. For each one, you need to include: The formula (balanced) The name One sentence description of the use or function of the compound You must pick only options included on the following slides (you must use every option AT LEAST ONCE)

2 Due Date You and your partner will type up your 50 compounds with formula, name, and description and turn in a hard copy to me by Tuesday, January 20th. This project will be worth 50 points and WILL be graded on accuracy of the information

3 Metals Li Mg Na K Ca Be Rb Ni Ag Cr Pb Sn Sb Ti Cu Fe

4 Nonmetals F Cl O Br I S P N Te Se

5 Polyatomics ClO3 ClO2 CN HCO3 OH ClO NO3 NO2 ClO4 CO3 CrO4 SO4 SO3 PO4

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