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Not parent committees Not Sponsoring committees (Air Cadets)

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1 Not parent committees Not Sponsoring committees (Air Cadets)
Support Committees Not parent committees Not Sponsoring committees (Air Cadets)


3 How The function of the Sponsor and /or Corps Support Committee should not be just one of providing financial support but of providing effective support for all corps operations working closely with the Commanding Officer, corps staff and cadets, in order to ensure that the aims and objectives of the Army Cadet program are being achieved. There is an equal stake in the success of Cadet Corps, and that all Cadets are learning and growing in a safe environment.

4 Support Committees responsibility:
The main objectives are: to obtain suitable accommodation for the corps; to provide adequate financing for the needs of the corps not provided by other sources; to facilitate the recruitment of eligible young people as cadets; to assist the Commanding Officer in the presentation of the Corps at public events such as the Annual Review Ceremonies, Changes of Command; to liaise with the Support Committees of other cadet corps for co-operation and joint opportunities; to award trophies and other special rewards; and to sponsor Cadet bands. See policy 3.3


6 Priorities going forward
Our First priority is and always will be ensuring the success of our Cadets at our Cadet Corps Our second priority is the safety and security of our financial and fiscal resources. Two years ago, we (ACLC Mb); implemented insurance for our NON DND assets. It protects us from catastrophic loss of our non DND assets, but NOT theft. Our insurer has indicated that we can extend our insurance to cover theft, once we demonstrate that we are meeting, enforcing and reporting our fiduciary obligations.

7 What does that look like?
All Cadet Corps Support Committees must produce and submit a detailed financial report to the provincial branches on an ongoing annual basis. (This is not a new requirement – it is new that we have started trying to enforce it) We must in turn submit a report to our National Office A complete and comprehensive Inventory of all Non DND assets, is created, updated and submitted annually to the provincial branches. All Support Committee members who have access to our fiscal and financial resources will be screened and will wear an identification card when present at the Corps or working with our Cadets at activities. (This includes CV’s who work directly with the CIC staff working with Cadets and CI’s, as our insurance extended to them as well)

8 Financial protocols all Corps funds must be deposited in a separate bank account, in the name of the Support Committee. the account should consist of at least three screened members of the organization, ie: Chairperson, treasurer, secretary. (or an independent person who is screened for that purpose). no two related or cohabitating persons may have signing authority on the same cheque or document. Corps officers are NOT authorized signing authorities

9 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING All Cadet Corps must implement a “care and control” protocol. (We will/can assist with that) Regular tracking, reviewing and accounting of funds must occur and be documented. All funds, cash or cheque MUST be recorded and deposit of such funds confirmed (in a timely manner). LSA allocations will be fully subscribed and an applied for each year, in a timely fashion. Annual reporting to the league MUST be completed. League calendar is Sept 1-August 31. Financial Reports are due NLT Oct 31.

10 How will/can/do we help you with this?

11 Monthly call into ACLC MB Inc.
Over a year ago, we implemented a conference calling option for all Support Committees to call into the Monthly executive meetings. This is to provide up to date timely information flow and information exchange between Support Committees themselves and the league, Participation has been sporadic Corps visits and assistance where required

12 All required interactive documents to be used can be found on our new website
Phone Good information about upcoming events on our social media. It is also a great opportunity to feature your Corps activities. Follow us on FB @armycadetmb Follow us on twitter @armycadetsmb

13 Thank you all for ALL you do!
There is no one in this organization that doesn’t volunteer at least some of the time. Remember to support each other; and thank each other. It is a small gesture that goes along way. Thank you all for ALL you do!

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