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Presentation on theme: "Civil Rights:."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil Rights:

2 Civil Rights vs. Civil Liberties 14th Amendment to U.S. Constitution
Defining Civil Rights Civil Rights vs. Civil Liberties Guarantee vs. Protection 14th Amendment to U.S. Constitution Equal Protection Clause Due Process

3 Identifying Discrimination
Is it ever bad for the government to discriminate? Rational Basis Test Rationally related to a legitimate government interest Cannot be arbitrary, deliberate, or capricious Other criteria not gender, race, national origin, ethnicity or creed

4 Identifying discrimination
Intermediate Scrutiny Substantially related to important government objective No greater than necessary to achieve Gender classification Craig vs. Boren

5 Identifying Discrimination
Strict Scrutiny Compelling State Interest Least Restrictive Option Toughest standard to meet Affirmative Action

6 African American Experience
Slavery and the Civil War Dred Scott vs. Sanford Black Codes Reconstruction 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments

7 African American Experience
Jim Crow Laws Disenfranchisement Literacy and Understanding Test White Primaries Poll Taxes Grandfather Clause Plessy vs. Ferguson

8 Civil Rights in the Courts
NAACP Thurgood Marshall Test Cases McLaurin vs. Oklahoma Sweatt vs. Painter Brown vs. Board of Education

9 Civil Rights in the Courts
Brown vs. Board of Education Unanimous verdict Ended De Jure Segregation De Facto Discrimination White Flight Initial Language Vague Loving vs. Virginia

10 Legislating Civil Rights
24th Amendment Martin Luther King Jr. Direction Action Civil Disobedience Rosa Parks From Selma to Montgomery

11 Legislating Civil Rights
Civil Rights Act of 1964 Prohibited Private Discrimination Created the EEOC Justification? Commerce Clause and not 14th amendment Addendums over time

12 Legislating Civil Rights
Voter Rights Act of 1965 Banned Literacy and Understanding Test Allowed for federal government to monitor elections Rapid increase of black voter registration Pre-Clearance Shelby County vs. Holder

13 Civil Rights and Women Early View Coverture Restricted voting rights
Active in Abolitionists and Temperance movements Elizabeth Stanton denied admittance to meeting Seneca Fall Convention

14 Equal Rights Amendment
Civil Rights and Women Women’s Suffrage 19th Amendment Feminist Movement Betty Friedan Title IX Equal Rights Amendment

15 ERA fell a few states shy of ratification
Civil Rights and Women ERA fell a few states shy of ratification Descriptively underrepresented in government and society Comparable worth Glass Ceiling Abortion issue Roe vs. Wade Whole Woman’s Health vs. Hellerstadt

16 Civil Rights and Women

17 Civil Rights and Native Americans/islanders
Trail of Tears Dawes Severalty Act and Curtis Act Many Denied Citizenship until 1940 American Indian Movement Wounded Knee Alaskan and Hawaiian natives Similar issues of Assimilation and land

18 Civil Rights and Native Americans/Islanders

19 Civil Rights and Hispanics/Latino
A history of deportations 1930 and great depression Operation “Wetback” LULAC Migrant farm workers strike Caesar Chavez

20 Civil Rights and Asian Americans
History of block citizenship and laws preventing land acquisition Japanese Internment Korematsu vs. US Lau vs. Nichols Not very active today

21 Civil Rights and Gay Americans
Stonewall Inn Anti-Sodomy Laws Bowers vs. Hardwick Lawrence vs. Texas Defense of Marriage Act “Don’t ask Don’t Tell” Obergefell vs. Hodges

22 Civil Rights and Disabilities
Forced Sterilization Buck vs. Bell Ended in the 1970’s Rehabilitation Act and Education for Handicapped Children Act Americans with Disability Act

23 Civil Rights and Disabilities

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