Verb List #1 19. cenar- to eat/have dinner

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1 Verb List #1 19. cenar- to eat/have dinner
1. abrazar-to hug 2. acabar-to end/to finish 3. ahorrar (dinero)- to save (money) 4. alcanzar- to reach 5. almorzar- to eat/have lunch (o-ue) 6. alquilar/rentar- to rent 7. amar- to love 8. añadir- to add (ingredients) 9. andar- to walk 10. aprender (el español)- to learn (Spanish) 11. ayudar- to help 12. bailar- to dance 13. barrer (el suelo)- to sweep (the floor) 14. beber (el jugo)- to drink (the juice) 15. bucear- to scuba dive/snorkel 16. buscar- to look for/search/to seek 17. caminar- to walk 18. cantar- to sing 19. cenar- to eat/have dinner 20. charlar/platicar- to chat 21. cocinar- to cook 22. comer- to eat 23. compartir- to share 24. comprar- to buy 25. contestar- to answer 26. correr- to run 27. coser- to sew 28. creer- to believe 29. danzar- to dance 30. decir- to say/to tell (e-i) (go in yo) 31. desayunar- to eat/have breakfast 32. dormir- to sleep (o-ue) 33. dibujar (una caricatura)- to draw (a caricature) Verb List #1 An L. Ford Production © 2017

2 VERB LIST #2 20. leer- to read 21. limpiar- to clean
22. llevar- to wear/to carry 23. manejar- to drive/to manage 24. masticar chicle- to chew gum 25. mirar- to look at/watch 26. morir- to die (o-ue) 27. nadar- to swim 28. oír- to hear (go in yo) 29. organizar- to organize 30. participar- to participate 31. pasear (el perro)- to walk (the dog) 32. patinar- to skate 33. pensar- to think (e-ie) 34. pintar (un retrato)- to paint (a portrait) 35. planchar- to iron 36. practicar (los deportes)- to practice (sports) descansar- to rest encender (la estufa)(e-ie)-to turn on (the stove) escribir- to write escuchar- to listen esperar- to wait/to wish esquiar- to ski estudiar- to study enviar (una carta)- to send (a letter) firmar- to sign fregar- to mop/to scrub (e-ie) fumar- to smoke hablar- to talk/to speak hacer- to do/to make (go in yo) hojear-to browse hipnotizar- to hipnotize ir- to go (irreg. all forms) jugar- to play (sport or game) (u-ue) lavar- to wash llorar-to cry VERB LIST #2 An L. Ford Production © 2017

3 Verb List #3 preparar- to prepare prender-to turn on (appliances)
17. servir- to serve (e-i) 18. soñar- to dream (o-ue) 19. sonreír- to smile (e-i) 20. terminar- to finish 21. trabajar/funcionar- to work (job/electronics) 22. usar- to use/to wear 23. vender- to sell 24. ver- to see (yo=veo) 25. vestir- to dress (e-i) 26. viajar- to travel 27. visitar (a los parientes)- to visit (the relatives) 28. vivir- to live 29. volver- to return (place) (o-ue) 30. devolver- to return (item) (o-ue) preparar- to prepare prender-to turn on (appliances) programar- to program proteger- to protect publicar- to publish querer- to want/to love (e-ie) recibir- to receive recordar- to remember (o-ue) recomendar- to recommend (e-ie) relajar- to relax repasar (el capítulo)- to review (the chapter) repetir- to repeat (e-i) responder- to respond reír- to laugh (e-i) rezar- to pray salir- to leave/to go out (go in yo) saltar- to jump Verb List #3 An L. Ford Production © 2017

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