What is MnCCC?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is MnCCC?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is MnCCC?

2 MnCCC Mission & Vision MISSION: VISION:
Established in 1978, Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative (MnCCC) works with all Minnesota Counties as a joint powers organization facilitating services and training, providing software and other cost-effective measures to substantially reduce technology costs for counties, cities, and agencies. For more information on MnCCC including contact information, please go to VISION: MnCCC provides services to our user groups in a collaborative manner and to reduce costs, work, and risk to our membership while maintaining a sustainable joint powers organization.

3 MnCCC MnCCC provides an opportunity, through our joint powers agreements with counties (and cities and agencies), to collaborate on software solutions. We have software user groups that work together to provide Minnesota specific software for use in county departments. Some groups own and manage their software; other groups are using and off-the-shelf software that has been customized for Minnesota.

4 What is a Joint Powers Organization?
Minnesota Statutes JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS. Subdivision 1.Agreement. Two or more governmental units, by agreement entered into through action of their governing bodies, may jointly or cooperatively exercise any power common to the contracting parties or any similar powers, including those which are the same except for the territorial limits within which they may be exercised. The agreement may provide for the exercise of such powers by one or more of the participating governmental units on behalf of the other participating units. The term "governmental unit" as used in this section includes every city, county, town, school district, independent nonprofit firefighting corporation, other political subdivision of this or another state, another state, federally recognized Indian tribe, the University of Minnesota, the Minnesota Historical Society, nonprofit hospitals licensed under sections to , rehabilitation facilities and extended employment providers that are certified by the commissioner of employment and economic development, day and supported employment services licensed under chapter 245D, and any agency of the state of Minnesota or the United States, and includes any instrumentality of a governmental unit. For the purpose of this section, an instrumentality of a governmental unit means an instrumentality having independent policy-making and appropriating authority. ...in other words, MnCCC is formed under a Minnesota Statute as a joint powers. MnCCC members, that are counties, cities, state agencies, and nonprofits, that can join together to create a legal entity for the purpose of contracting.

5 User Groups Board & Staff Membership
(User Group Rules & Regulations and Contracts) Board & Staff (Bylaws, Joint Powers, & Policies) Membership (Joint Powers & Bylaws) MnCCC Membership MnCCC Board CAMA Community Health Service Corrections County Attorneys F&GG ISSG JIC Law Enforcement TR Tax Avenu Tax PIUG Tax Court MnCCC Staff Contract Advisory Panel (CAP)

6 MnCCC Staff Lisa Meredith, Executive Director
Darci Gawthrop, Office Manager Mike Fox, Accountant Amanda Beyer, Marketing & Event Assistant Emily Ladd, Marketing & Membership Intern

7 MnCCC Board The MnCCC Board meets monthly. Past Chair, Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer are rotating positions. A Treasurer is elected from our membership each year at the MnCCC annual meeting. The Board also has four region representatives and a technical representative that each serve two-year staggered terms. The Board meets monthly to review financials, approve User Group Rules & Regulations, approve all contracts, work with the MnCCC staff on current issues and serve as liaisons to the User Groups. MnCCC full members are counties, cities, and agencies that belong to three or more User Groups. An annual membership meeting is held at the MnCCC June conference to approve the annual budget, approve proposed joint powers agreements or bylaw changes, to elect the Treasurer and technical representative, and address any other Board issues.

8 MnCCC Members MnCCC members must be willing to take responsibility for the following: Attend MnCCC membership meetings to vote on budget, policy, and contract issues; Attend or make sure someone from your county is attending user group meetings for user groups that your county participates; Attend annual regional meetings prepared to voice any concerns and report back to the county; Keep County Board apprised of the cost of purchasing and supporting proposed software and hardware; And promote MnCCC within the county and with other groups of county personnel (professional associations).

9 MnCCC User Groups Minnesota Property Tax CAMA Law Enforcement
Avenu Tax Group Thomson Reuters (Aumentum) Tax Group CAMA Law Enforcement Finance & General Government JIC – Joint IFS (Advisory) Committee Community Health Service Corrections County Attorneys Information Services Support Group Property Information User Group Tax Court User Group

10 What are people saying about MnCCC?
MCCC is a prime example of counties working together to solve challenges efficiently and effectively. By collaborating on technology, counties can stay up to date on this critical operations issue. - Julie Ring, Association of Minnesota Counties

11 What are our members saying about MnCCC?

12 What MnCCC members saying about each other?

13 Learn more about MnCCC? Visit our website at www.mnccc.org!
Sign up for RSVP MnCCC's custom, self-subscribed calendar system. MnCCC coordinates more than 600 events a year - including meetings, conference calls, webinars, workshops, trainings, and conferences. RSVP let's us know what you are interested in! Sign up today by visiting and clicking create a profile. Follow us on social media! Find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn under mncccconnects. Join us at our annual conference…

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