Enterprise AR Market Size and Growth Forecast Model

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1 Enterprise AR Market Size and Growth Forecast Model
Category: Market Research

2 Current Situation There are many market research firms and analysts examining the current size and forecasting the growth of the total global Immersive Technology market. These experts are classifying, measuring and predicting business opportunities in diverse ways. The press releases announcing availability of these reports, with very large figures, are often cited as part of business plans and blog posts.

3 Problem this Research Would Address (1 of 2)
While AREA members are focusing on enterprise AR, most Immersive Tech size and market growth forecasts include Consumer as well as enterprise AR as well as VR Those that exclusively focus on the enterprise and industrial use cases for Augmented Reality are limited in depth, clarity or scope. There is a lack of consistent market segment and use case definitions

4 Problem this Research Would Address (2 of 2)
Fees for the above mentioned market research reports/forecasts are high (often prohibitive or difficult to justify). Enterprise AR providers as well as customers and investors must make investment decisions based on market size information they develop internally and/or that does not match their experience or target markets.

5 Whose problem would be addressed?
Providers of enterprise AR products and services would be able to more quickly/reliably estimate (by segment, geography, industry, etc) their Market penetration Opportunities Enterprise AR customers would better/more consistently contribute to market sizing by providing their usage/purchase patterns in manner that is clearly defined Investors would have more consistent/higher quality figures on which to base their decisions and strategies

6 How would this research be conducted? (1 of 2)
Primary Research a. Analyst to interview AREA members (and others) about how they currently track and can report their activities (sales) Secondary Research Top-down-Estimate (using public economic models/reports) total size of IT spending in the top 10+ industries for AR adoption Bottom up-estimate sales using reports by public companies

7 How would this research be conducted? (2 of 2)
Develop the forecast model with documented assumptions for all configurable fields Compile in a written AREA-exclusive report instructions for how to adapt/tailor to specific needs.

8 Deliverables Definitions/classification of market segments (using AREA-defined use cases and AREA member target markets), sources cited for key model assumptions, instructions for how to use the forecast tool in a report Estimate (tables and graphs) of 2019 market size by segment 3 year growth forecast tool (spreadsheet) for quantitative modeling for enterprise Augmented Reality Case study/executive summary for public release by AREA

9 Benefits to AREA Members
The best possible estimates of enterprise AR product and service market size and forecast growth for their decision making/planning purposes. If the AREA were to release the industry definitions, product and service classes and use case descriptions/requirements which form the core of the forecast model commercial market analysts and market research firms would re-use, adapt and potentially standardize their forecast models on the AREA’s framework

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