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Welcome to Year 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 welcome to Year 3

2 The year 3 team Mr Radley Mrs Nye (Fridays) SPAG and Maths
Miss Clapham (Mornings) Mr Newman

3 Daily routine 8.45 door opens and children to playground
8.55 registration 9.00 first lesson 10.20 break 10.35 assembly 11.00 second lesson 12.30 lunch 13.30 afternoon sessions 15.20 school day ends

4 Pe kits Children need to have their PE kits in school every day
Our main PE slots are on Tuesday and Friday Please make sure children have their correct kit – weather appropriate Shoes

5 Swimming Swimming will begin soon…
Swimming will take place on Tuesday mornings at St Edward’s School Children will need their own kit and goggles for each session

6 Forest school Forest school will take place on a Monday
Children need to have the right clothes Waterproof trousers Warm top Coat wellies

7 spellings Children will bring home a spelling booklet with their spellings in Tests will take place weekly on a Friday with Mrs Nye Please assist your children in learning their spellings

8 reading Children have access to a school library book
If they read at home with/to an adult for 15 min sign the book mark Mystery readers Guided reading

9 homework Homework sheet on website My Maths starting soon Spellings
Times tables reading

10 Times tables A real focus of our Maths Will help across the curriculum
Learn the whole number fact: 1x6=6 not just 6,12,18… National testing

11 Thanks for coming

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