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Michigan Department of Community Health

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1 Michigan Department of Community Health

2 Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Administration Person-Centered Planning Policy June 5, 2017

3 “Person-centered planning” means a process for planning and supporting the individual receiving services that builds upon the individual’s capacity to engage in activities that promote community life and that honors the individual’s preferences, choices and abilities.

4 PCP is a way for people to plan their lives in their communities, set the goals that they want to achieve, and develop a plan for how to accomplish them.

5 The process is used to plan the life that the person aspires to have, considering various options-taking the individual’s goals, hopes, strengths, and preferences and weaving them into plans for the future. Through PCP, a person is engaged in decision-making, problem solving, monitoring progress, and making needed adjustments to goals and supports and services provided in a timely manner.

6 PCP is a process that involves support and input from those people who care about the person doing the planning.

7 Through the PCP process, a person and those he or she has selected to support him or her will:

8 Focus on the person’s life goals, interests, desires, choices, strengths and abilities as the foundation for the PCP process.

9 Identify outcomes based on the person’s life goals, interests, strengths, abilities, desires and choices.

10 Make plans for the person to achieve identified outcomes.

11 Determine the services and supports the person needs to work toward or achieve outcomes including, but not limited to, services and supports available through the community mental health system.

12 After the PCP process, develop an Individual Plan of Services (IPOS) that directs the provision of supports and services to be provided through the community mental health services program (CMHSP).

13 Once a person has developed an IPOS through the PCP process, the IPOS shall be kept current and modified when needed (reflecting changes in the intensity of the person’s needs, changes in the person’s condition as determined through the PCP process or changes in the personal preferences for support).

14 The person and his/her case manager or supports coordinator should work on and review the IPOS on a routine basis as part of their regular conversations. A person or his/her guardian may request and review the IPOS at any time. A formal review must be done at least annually.

15 Two informational packets from the Michigan Mental Health System and Michigan Department of Community Health are available for further review.

16 We thank our CEO “Guardian Angels”

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