Mrs. Denise Lewis 4th Grade Dade Elementary

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1 Mrs. Denise Lewis 4th Grade Dade Elementary
Welcome to my class! Mrs. Denise Lewis 4th Grade Dade Elementary

2 Information about your teacher:
My name is Mrs. Denise Lewis. I am married to Ricky Lewis. We have one son, Jared Lewis, a sophomore in college this year at Kennesaw State University (close to Marietta/Atlanta GA). This is my 28th year of teaching. I taught 2nd grade for 16 years. Now I have moved up to 4th grade and I love it here!  I love Alabama Crimson Tide and try to watch the games during football season. ROLL TIDE!

3 Family Pics

4 Expectations of your teacher:
I expect everyone to TRY their best. I expect to hear “I will try” instead of “I can’t”. I think every child can learn and I will try to help you learn the best I can. I expect you to respect me and other adults. I will always love you even if I don’t love your behavior at certain times.

5 8:00-8:15 WOW (Working on Writing) Time (Homeroom)
 Mrs. Denise Lewis th Grade General Schedule 8:00-8: WOW (Working on Writing) Time (Homeroom) RTI Groups/ Enrichment/ Remediation/ 8:15-9: Math (I teach my homeroom class)    9:45-11: Math (I teach Mr. Rose’s class while she teaches ELA/Reading to my class) 11:15-12:10 Science or Social Studies (I teach my homeroom) 12:10-12:40 LUNCH (Line 2) 12:40-1: Recess (Upper/Front Playground) Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday Computer Time (IReady/Envisions Math) Monday & Wednesday 1:10-2: COMMON PLANNING Group 1 (goes with Rose) Group 2 (goes with York) Monday & Friday 1= Lower PE Monday & Friday 1 = Upper PE Tuesday & Friday 2 = Music Tuesday & Friday 2 = Library Wednesday & Friday 3 = Upper PE Wednesday & Friday 3 = Lower PE Thursday & Friday 4 = Library Thursday & Friday 4 = Music 2:05-2: Science or Social Studies (I teach Mrs. Rose’s class while she teaches ELA/Writing to my class) 2:55-3: Daily Review (my homeroom) Car Riders & Bus Riders leave

6 Morning procedures: Put your black communication notebook in your cubby. Turn in any notes, money, or work to me. Quietly go to the restroom and get water if you need to do so. Sharpen any pencils you will need for the day. Begin WOW (Working on Writing) Time or get Chrome Books and go on math websites.

7 Restroom Procedures: When I call your group, you will WALK to get in line and wait on all groups to be called. We will all walk silently in a straight line. At the restroom, we will make a line by the girl’s restroom and a line by the boy’s restroom. Only 5 students at a time are allowed in each restroom. Once in the restrooms, we follow our school restroom rules, which are posted on the wall.

8 Small Group Time procedures:
When we have small group time, you are expected to work quietly on your work while I help individual students or small groups. As always, do your own work, unless I say partner or small group help is allowed. You may raise your hands with questions, unless I am at the table helping an individual student or a small group. If I am helping them, you must wait until my small group time is over to ask me a question. If you forget and approach the group, I will nicely remind you with this hand signal. When you see that, please return to your seat.

9 DES Paw Pride All Settings Be Respectful Be quiet when asked Be honest-tell the truth Be Responsible Arrive on time Enter & exit area quietly Be a Learner Be an active listener Follow directions the first time Be Safe Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself Stay with your group

10 Respect yourself & all adults
DES Paw Pride Classroom/Block Be Respectful Respect yourself & all adults Respect other classmates & their belongings Be Responsible Be prepared Accept responsibility for your actions Cooperate with others Complete assignments Clean-up after yourself Be a Learner Allow teachers to teach & students to learn  Follow all classroom rules & procedures Use inside voices & raise your hand Be Safe Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself  Use materials correctly Ask permission to leave the classroom

11 DES Paw Pride Hallways Be Respectful Silent feet & voices
Enjoy artwork & other displayed items-do not touch Be Responsible Help keep walls & floors clean Use water fountain correctly Keep hands & feet to yourself Be a Learner Follow directions Go directly to your destination Be Safe Walk in a single-file line & stay to the right Walk at all times

12 DES Paw Pride Restrooms
Be Respectful Respect the privacy of others Leave area clean Be Responsible Flush the toilet Clean up after yourself Make sure water is turned off Silence Be a Learner Return to your class or line promptly Be Safe Wash hands Use toilets & sinks correctly-no climbing

13 DES Paw Pride Cafeteria Be Respectful Follow 10 minute silent rule Use whisper voices Use good table manners Be Responsible Clean up after yourself including under your table Make sure table is wiped before you leave Get permission to leave your table Be a Learner Get all needed items while in line Know your lunch number Follow staff directions the first time given Be Safe Keep hands, feet, food and other objects to yourself Walk at all times

14 DES Paw Pride Playground/Recess
Be Respectful Accept skill differences Enter and exit the building quietly Leave rocks & dirt in their places Be Responsible Keep woodchips in their place Bring in all jackets and trash Line up immediately when given signal Dress appropriately for weather Be a Learner Be a problem-solver Help others learn the games Use equipment appropriately Be Safe Stay in designated area Go down the slide & up the steps one at a time-no monkey bars Report unsafe behavior & injuries

15 DES Paw Pride Car Duty Be Respectful Stay seated Silent feet & voices
Be Responsible Listen for your name to be called & get up quickly (for car dismissal) Listen for your class to be called & take all of your belongings (morning hall duty) Be a Learner Read a book Be Safe Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself Sit with your group and/or grade-level

16 DES Paw Pride Bus Be Respectful
DES Paw Pride Bus Be Respectful Be courteous & respectful to the bus driver & other students Keep bus clean Use kind words Be Responsible Remember to take all of your belongings Use quiet inside voices Be a Learner Follow bus driver directions Report problems to bus driver Be Safe Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself Remain seated Sit face forward at all times Keep body & belongings inside the bus

17 “Hand-in-Hand” That is our school motto. I believe that if we all work together (parents, students, and teachers), we can have a great year. I am looking forward to being your teacher this year and I hope you are looking forward to being my student.  Mrs. Lewis

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