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Procedural fairness credibility assessments safeguards against unfairness cultural competence.

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Presentation on theme: "Procedural fairness credibility assessments safeguards against unfairness cultural competence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Procedural Fairness – cases involving people from a culturally and linguistically diverse background

2 procedural fairness credibility assessments safeguards against unfairness cultural competence

3 Procedural fairness Hearing rule Bias rule Evidence rule

4 The meaning of CALD …descriptor for communities with diverse language, ethnic background, nationality, dress, traditions, food, societal structures, art and religion characteristics … CALD people are generally defined as those people born overseas, in countries other than those classified by the …ABS as “main English speaking countries” …

5 The meaning of culture The sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings, which is transmitted from one generation to another Multifaceted - often changing - incorporates contradicting elements Remade continually – dynamic - often contested and heterogeneous

6 Further points about culture
Organisational and professional culture Diversity between cultures – diversity within cultures Culture is not definitive of a person’s identity or conduct

7 28.5% of Australia’s estimated resident population was born overseas (ABS 30.6.15)
26.2% of Victorians born overseas in more than 200 countries 46.8% born overseas or had at least one parent born overseas 23.1% spoke LOTE at home 67.7% adhered to 35 faiths (2011 census)

8 The hearing rule There must be a “meaningful opportunity to be heard” - Kenny J Perera v MIMA [1999] FCA 507 Is an interpreter required? Relevant attributes of interpreter Is any departure from relevant standard of interpretation significant for applicant’s claim or tribunal’s decision?

9 The bias rule Actual bias Apprehended bias
Adversarial or non-adversarial proceeding Predisposition distinguished from pre-judgment

10 Assessing credibility
Demeanour Demeanour in cases involving CALD people

11 Safeguards against unfairness
Members – Administrators Pre-hearing Hearing Post-hearing The Florida judges and “Bias in chambers”

12 Cultural competence – a shared endeavour
Cultural competence “[c]ombines general knowledge about various cultures with specific information provided by an individual who identifies with the culture … Cultural competence is not a one-time, finite achievement. It is a process that is applied in every case (usually many times) to ensure impartiality of the [member] and analysis of …facts and circumstances ...”

13 Building cultural competence
Self-awareness and self-knowledge Commitment Modesty and respect Understanding of concept of culture Knowledge of cultures and practices

14 Some resources Australian Bureau of Statistics b?opendocument&navpos=220 Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria) Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia Judicial Council on Cultural Diversity Victorian Multicultural Commission Victorian Transcultural Mental Health Settlement Council of Australia

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