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Scratch 7B IT 1.

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1 Scratch 7B IT 1

2 Learning Outcomes LO1: Apply variables to pacman games. LO2: Create a second sprite that harms pacman, using sequence and selection. LO3:Create a second level for maze game by using broadcast in scratch.

3 Starter Open your print screen from last lesson, describe the different parts in full sentence. It will be similar to the one above but make sure you use your own words and describe your own scrip so far.

4 So far…

5 Operators If your main sprite loses all its lives you want it to go back to the start, end the game and give the player a message

6 Adding another sprite to effect lives
Create an enemy sprite and then your new sprite needs instructions to move You then want to program your original sprite (your main character) to lose lives if it touches the new enemy sprite

7 Adding Multiple Levels
Make sure the “Stage” is selected. Click the “Backgrounds” Tab. Change the name to Level1 and click Copy to create 2 levels. Click edit on level 2 to enhance the difficulty

8 Creating your broadcasts to allow you to change levels
You need to insert this block at the start of you script. When it ask you to name it call it Level 1. This means that your level 1 background will be set on starting the game. You then need to create a new IF statement that has a broadcast. So that IF the character is touching the end square in level one it changed to level 2.

9 After creating your broadcasts in your main characters’ script you need to:
Click on your stage. You are now going to create a script for the stage. These scripts tell the program to change levels when the receive the correct broadcast.

10 Peer Assessment Test each others games, give verbal feedback

11 Plenary Describe this script in full to a partner. THINK…PAIR…SHARE

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