Green School Application

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1 Green School Application 2019-2020
Title Page This is a template. Please do not edit. Make a copy of this template in your own Google Drive and then edit your copy.

2 Template Green Culture
Include a one page/slide report describing your school’s green culture and significant changes that the school has made. Submit no more than one page/slide.

3 Top Five Accomplishments
Brief top five accomplishments bullet-list: please include one sentence describing each of the five accomplishments. Accomplishment 1 - Accomplishment 2 - Accomplishment 3 - Accomplishment 4 - Accomplishment 5-

4 Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1
Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1.1 Curriculum & Instruction: Environmental Issue Instruction Title of Lesson/Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Lesson/Activity: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Add photo related to lesson/activity More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

5 Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1
Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1.1 Curriculum & Instruction: Environmental Issue Instruction Title of Lesson/Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Lesson/Activity: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Add photo related to lesson/activity More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

6 Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1
Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1.1 Curriculum & Instruction: Environmental Issue Instruction Title of Lesson/Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Lesson/Activity: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Add photo related to lesson/activity More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

7 Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1
Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1.1 Curriculum & Instruction: Environmental Issue Instruction Title of Lesson/Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Lesson/Activity: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Add photo related to lesson/activity More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

8 Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1
Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1.1 Curriculum & Instruction: Environmental Issue Instruction Title of Lesson/Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Lesson/Activity: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Add photo related to lesson/activity More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

9 Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1
Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1.1 Curriculum & Instruction: Environmental Issue Instruction Title of Lesson/Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Lesson/Activity: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Add photo related to lesson/activity More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

10 Add an image of the meeting agenda or a sign-in sheet from the meeting
Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1.2 Professional Development School Wide Awareness of Green School Certification (Usually done at staff meeting) Date: Month, Day, Year Hours: 3:30pm - 4:30pm Brief Description of Lesson/Activity: Include a few sentences describing the meeting and how many staff attended (should be all staff). Add an image of the meeting agenda or a sign-in sheet from the meeting Usually done at staff meeting

11 Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1.2 Professional Development
Environmental Education Professional Development (need 10% of staff to meet requirement) Teacher(s): Date: Month, Day, Year Brief Description of the PD: Include a few sentences describing the professional development. Bridging the Watershed Workshop - Patuxent River Park, (example) Maryland Environmental Literacy Partnership Training - Smith Island, (example) *Add additional examples Add an image of the PD agenda, or registration confirmation, or name tag, etc. need 10% of staff to meet requirement.

12 Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1.2 Professional Development
Environmental Education Professional Development (need 10% of staff to meet requirement) Teacher(s): Date: Month, Day, Year Brief Description of the PD: Include a few sentences describing the professional development. Bridging the Watershed Workshop - Patuxent River Park, (example) Maryland Environmental Literacy Partnership Training - Smith Island, (example) *Add additional examples Add an image of the PD agenda, or registration confirmation, or name tag, etc.

13 Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1.2 Professional Development
Environmental Education Professional Development (need 10% of staff to meet requirement) Teacher(s): Date: Month, Day, Year Brief Description of the PD: Include a few sentences describing the professional development. Bridging the Watershed Workshop - Patuxent River Park, (example) Maryland Environmental Literacy Partnership Training - Smith Island, (example) *Add additional examples Add an image of the PD agenda, or registration confirmation, or name tag, etc.

14 Add an image of the green non-student driven change
Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1.3 School-Wide Environmental Behavior Change Date: Year Brief Description of the PD: Include a few sentences describing the school wide behavior change. Examples Staff using electronic newsletters Task lamps, day lighting, de-lamping, or energy saver mode on electronics Staff double siding photocopies Maintenance staff and/or teachers using green cleaners Reduction of impervious surfaces (blacktop, concrete) in the schoolyard Staff carpooling or public transportation incentive program Installation of energy-efficient lighting or motion-sensitive lights Add an image of the green non-student driven change

15 Objective 1: Systemic Sustainability 1.3 Systemic Partnership
Organization/Company Title: Date: (Month & Year) Brief Description of Partnership: Include a few sentences describing the partnership. Each partnership should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. (Demonstrate one partnership within the school system that supports an aspect of the Maryland Green School Program. This partnership needs to reach beyond your individual school to the “higher” or Central Office level. Examples: Food Nutrition Services, Health Education, Health Services, Physical Facilities, School System Outdoor Education Department Add document related to activity with partner: letter, agreement, application, or photo, etc. More than one photo/document can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

16 Objective One: Systemic Sustainability 1.4 Celebration
School-Wide Event Title: Date: Month & Year Brief Description of the celebration: Include a few sentences describing the celebration. Examples Earth Day Celebration School-wide assembly Earth hour the month of March Add an image of the celebration.

17 Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices
Choose 4 Student Driven Sustainability Practice 2.1 Water Conservation/Pollution Prevention 2.2 Energy Conservation 2.3 Solid Waste Reduction 2.4 Habitat Restoration 2.5 Structures for Environmental Learning 2.6 Responsible Transportation 2.7 Healthy School Environment 2.8 Citizen/Community Science Complete at least 2 activities in each of your 4 areas Document your activities on slides 18-33

18 Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2
Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2.1 Water Conservation/Pollution Prevention (2 Examples needed) Title of Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Water Conservation/Pollution Prevention Action: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Examples Rain barrels Rain Garden Signage in school around faucets Storm drain stencils Add photo related to sustainable practice More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

19 Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2
Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2.1 Water Conservation/Pollution Prevention (2 Examples needed) Title of Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Water Conservation/Pollution Prevention Action: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Examples Rain barrels Rain Garden Signage in school around faucets Storm drain stencils Add photo related to sustainable practice More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

20 Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2
Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2.2 Energy Conservation (2 Examples needed) Title of Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Energy Conservation Action: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Examples Energy audit of school Plant trees to create shade for school reducing AC Signage in school around light switches Add photo related to sustainable practice More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

21 Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2
Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2.2 Energy Conservation (2 Examples needed) Title of Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Energy Conservation Action: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Examples Energy audit of school Plant trees to create shade for school reducing AC Signage in school around light switches Add photo related to sustainable practice More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

22 Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2
Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2.3 Solid Waste Reduction (2 Examples needed) Title of Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Solid Waste Reduction Action: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Examples Recycling No waste lunches Composting Add photo related to sustainable practice More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

23 Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2
Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2.3 Solid Waste Reduction (2 Examples needed) Title of Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Solid Waste Reduction Action: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Examples Recycling No waste lunches Composting Add photo related to sustainable practice More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

24 Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2
Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2.4 Habitat Restoration (2 Examples needed) Title of Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Habitat Restoration Action: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Examples Students plant native garden Bird or Bat houses Raise and release sunfish Raise wild rice Maintain schoolyard habitat Add photo related to sustainable practice More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

25 Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2
Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2.4 Habitat Restoration (2 Examples needed) Title of Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Habitat Restoration Action: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Examples Students plant native garden Bird or Bat houses Raise and release sunfish Raise wild rice Maintain schoolyard habitat Add photo related to sustainable practice More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

26 Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2
Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2.5 Structures for Environmental Learning (2 Examples needed) Title of Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Structures for Environmental Learning Action: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Examples Growing food in a vegetable garden Use or build an outdoor classroom Outdoor artwork Add photo related to sustainable practice More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

27 Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2
Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2.5 Structures for Environmental Learning (2 Examples needed) Title of Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Structures for Environmental Learning Action: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Examples Growing food in a vegetable garden Use or build an outdoor classroom Outdoor artwork Add photo related to sustainable practice More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

28 Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2
Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2.6 Responsible Transportation (2 Examples needed) Title of Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Responsible Transportation Action: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Examples Walking field trips Students advocate for hybrid parking or carpool parking Add photo related to sustainable practice More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

29 Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2
Objective 2: Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2.6 Responsible Transportation (2 Examples needed) Title of Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Responsible Transportation Action: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Examples Walking field trips Students advocate for hybrid parking or carpool parking Add photo related to sustainable practice More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

30 Objective 2 Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2
Objective 2 Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2.7 Healthy School Environment (2 Examples needed) Title of Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Healthy School Environment Action: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Examples Students grow and eat from a vegetable garden Students grow indoor plants for better air quality Students organize community clean-up Let’s Move Add photo related to sustainable practice More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

31 Objective 2 Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2
Objective 2 Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2.7 Healthy School Environment (2 Examples needed) Title of Activity: Date: (Month & Year) Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Healthy School Environment Action: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Examples Students grow and eat from a vegetable garden Students grow indoor plants for better air quality Students organize community clean-up Let’s Move Add photo related to sustainable practice More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

32 Objective 2 Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2
Objective 2 Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2.8 Citizen/Community Science (2 Examples needed) Title of Activity: Time Period: (Months or years) Approx. # of protocols or data submissions: Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Citizen/Community Science: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Examples Teachers initiate two or more activities that use GLOBE, GLOBE Observer, iTree, iNaturalist or other community science protocol to better understand the school environment and how citizen science/community science is used. Students create a poster that shares the purpose of their citizen science/community science project and data collected. Students collect data about seasons as part of climate change citizen science and submit online. Add photo related to sustainable practice More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

33 Objective 2 Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2
Objective 2 Student Driven Sustainability Practices 2.8 Citizen/Community Science (2 Examples needed) Title of Activity: Time Period: (Months or years) Approx. # of protocols or data submissions: Teacher Name: Grade: Brief Description of Citizen/Community Science: Include a few sentences describing the activity. Each activity should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Examples Teachers initiate two or more activities that use GLOBE, GLOBE Observer, iTree, iNaturalist or other community science protocol to better understand the school environment and how citizen science/community science is used. Students create a poster that shares the purpose of their citizen science/community science project and data collected. Students collect data about seasons as part of climate change citizen science and submit online. Add photo related to sustainable practice More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

34 Objective 3: Community Partnerships, Awards and Special Recognition 3
Objective 3: Community Partnerships, Awards and Special Recognition 3.1 Community Partnerships Organization/Company Title: Date: (Month & Year) Brief Description of Partnership: Include a few sentences describing the partnership. Each partnership should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. (At least one ongoing, sustained partnership where partners are active in the school and the school is active in the community. OR At least one partner active in the school and another partner working with the school in the community.) Example 1: Camp Schmidt - The school partners with Camp Schmidt through the 4th Grade Sunfish & Students program. Example 2: Prince George’s County Government - Green up Clean up - High school abc planted shrubs and trees on campus. Add photo related activity with partner or newspaper clipping, etc. More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

35 Objective 3: Community Partnerships, Awards and Special Recognition 3
Objective 3: Community Partnerships, Awards and Special Recognition 3.1 Community Partnerships Organization/Company Title: Date: (Month & Year) Brief Description of Partnership: Include a few sentences describing the partnership. Each partnership should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. (At least one ongoing, sustained partnership where partners are active in the school and the school is active in the community. OR At least one partner active in the school and another partner working with the school in the community.) Example 1: Camp Schmidt - The school partners with Camp Schmidt through the 4th Grade Sunfish & Students program. Example 2: Prince George’s County Government - Green up Clean up - High school abc planted shrubs and trees on campus. Add photo related activity with partner or newspaper clipping, etc. More than one photo can be placed on this slide. ADD CAPTION

36 Add photo/image of award
Objective 3: Community Partnerships, Awards and Special Recognition 3.2 Awards & Special Recognition (NOT REQUIRED) Award Title: Date: (Month & Year) Grade: Brief Description of Award and/or Recognition: Include a few sentences describing the award. Each award should include at least one piece of labeled documentation. Photo documentation is strongly encouraged. Example 1: PLANTS award from Prince George’s County Example 2: Prince George’s County Government - Green up Clean up - High school abc planted shrubs and trees on campus. Add photo/image of award ADD CAPTION

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