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Kindergarten Practicum

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten Practicum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindergarten Practicum
Debriefing, Processing & Looking Ahead

2 Today’s Class Individual Reflection Skits
Small Group Activities [20 min each] Wrap-Up

3 Individual Reflection
Please respond to the questions regarding your Kindergarten practicum experience. All information you share is confidential.

4 Skits 10 min prep time & 10 min presentation!
Present what you’ve learned about kindergartners, teaching kindergarten & yourselves as teachers in a series of short skits.

5 Activity 1: K-6 Classroom Plan Part I
Read the K-6 Classroom Plan [Part I] Assignment Handout. Record any questions on the index cards provided. Based on your experiences last week, re-design your floorplan, create a list of materials, and draft your rationale.

6 Activity 2: Analyze your practicum experiences using the conceptual framework.
Children/Students Adults/Teachers Paraprofessionals Parents Curriculum Environment

7 Activity 3: Students as Learners
Respond to the discussion questions provided in the handout. Summarize your ideas on chart paper to post in the classroom.

8 Kindergarten Practicum Debriefing
Refer to Kostelnik, Chapter 5, p. 92, Fig 5.9. Discuss the questions provided in Fig 5.9. What did you learn about the following through the process of planning & teaching your lessons?: Children’s/students’ interest and participation Children’s/students’ learning Teaching effectiveness

9 Early Literacy Wednesday, 3/26/14

10 Today’s Class Small Group Activities (Monday)
Students’ strengths & needs activity

11 Activity 1: K-6 Classroom Plan Part I
Read the K-6 Classroom Plan [Part I] Assignment Handout. Record any questions on the index cards provided. Based on your experiences last week, re-design your floorplan, create a list of materials, and draft your rationale.

12 Activity 2: Analyze your practicum experiences using the conceptual framework.
Children/Students Adults/Teachers Paraprofessionals Parents Curriculum Environment

13 Activity 3: Students as Learners
Respond to the discussion questions provided in the handout. Summarize your ideas on chart paper to post in the classroom.

14 Student’s Strengths & Needs
Review your kindergarten LPs, after teaching notes, reflections & anecdotal notes. Carefully examine your student work samples. Compare the work samples to the Developmental Continuum (moodle 375 site). Complete the handout provided individually.

15 Connections to TPA Discuss your response to the prompts provided from the TPA & record your group’s conclusions. Did you have enough information (work samples, anecdotal notes) to respond fully to the prompts? What might you need to collect &/or consider when working on your TPA next semester?

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