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Learning Modules.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Modules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Modules

2 Learning Environment Modeling
Agenda Overview Components Learning Environment Modeling Lesson Breakdowns

3 What do we lose when we go online?
Specific Meeting places Specific Meeting times Instant feedback Face to face interaction What do we lose when we go online?

4 Our role as online instructors, builders, creators is to rebuild the structure that we lose from the transition away from the face to face environment. 01 Students appreciate the structure and the controlled format. 02 No individual can complete online learning “Anytime” “Anywhere” 03 Rebuild Structure

5 Account for Space Where does the learning take place?

6 Account for Time Smallest component of learning

7 Module Components Information Interaction Feedback Practice Evidence

8 Information Any information that must be conveyed to the learner including: Readings Lectures Videos Facts Figures

9 Interaction Any interaction between learners and instructor including:
Discussions Blogs Journals Wikis Skype Chat

10 Feedback Opportunities for instructor to comment or critique students.

11 Practice Any activity or action performed by learners that is not specifically used as evidence

12 Evidence The act of measuring learner ability to perform learning objective standard

13 Lesson Breakdown Students will sit in class and listen to a 60 minute PowerPoint lecture, and then take a quiz on the material.

14 Lesson Breakdown Classroom Students will sit in class for a five minute presentation. Then engage in a ten minute group discussion. After which they will build samples of the lesson topic for 10 minutes. As a class we will review the samples for 10 minutes, and then engage in a five minute discussion. Finally each student will demonstrate the learned material.

15 Group Example Think of a training you currently run. How does it break down?

16 Questions

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