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Presentation on theme: "Breathless."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breathless

2 There are lines and nodules seen throughout both lung fields in keeping with an interstitial process. The appearances are of lung fibrosis. The causes could be idiopathic, drugs connective tissue disorder or dust disease.

3 Cough

4 There are lines consistent with interstitial changes seen in both upper zones. The hilar are elevated in keeping with volume loss. The appearances are of upper lobe fibrosis.

5 Beathless

6 There is lines and nodules seen in the right mid zone consistent with interstitial changes.
There is bilateral hilar enlargement. The appearances may be in keeping with sarcoidosis with mid zone fibrosis.

7 Cough and temperature

8 There is air space shadowing seen in the left lower zone, there is loss of the silhouette sign of the left hemi diaphragm. The left heart border is clearly seen. The appearances are in keeping with consolidation in the left lower lobe.

9 Short of breath

10 There is bilateral air space shadowing with air bronchograms seen in both lower zones.
There is loss of the silhouette of both hemidiaphragms and heart borders. The appearances are in keeping with consolidation in the lower lobes, right middle lobe and lingula. The appearances may be in keeping with organ failure but infection cannot be excluded.

11 temperature

12 There is air space shadowing in the left mid zone there is loss of silhouette of the left heart border. The appearances are in keeping with consolidation in the lingula. The appearances are in keeping with infection.

13 Chronic chest problem


15 Both previous CXRs There are ring shadows and tram lines seen throughout both lung fields in keeping with wide spread bronchiectasis. Cystic fibrosis should be considered.


17 There are ring shadows seen in the bronchi proximally with lines seen extending to the apices bilaterally with volume loss. The appearances are in keeping with proximal bronchiectasis and ABPA should be considered.

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