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De La Salle College Sixth Form

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1 De La Salle College Sixth Form
Head of Sixth Form: Mr Barrett Year 12 Co-Ordinator: Mr Dowie Year 13 Co-Ordinator: Ms Hunt

2 Sixth form team Head of Sixth form – Mr Barrett
Year 12 Co-Ordinator – Mr Dowie Year 13 Co-Ordinator – Ms Hunt House tutors Year 12 – Scott/Stanley = Mr Croke. Peary/Rhodes = Mr Parslow. Year 13 – Scott/Stanley = Mr Conoops. Peary/Rhodes = Mr Bonney.

3 What subjects are you interested in taking further?
Favourite subjects New subjects Subjects required for opted career path or degree BTEC or A-level

4 What is A-Level? Advanced level qualifications (known as A levels) are subject- based qualifications that can lead to university, further study, training, or work. You can normally study three or more A levels over two years. They’re usually assessed by a series of examinations. 

5 What grades do I need to take A levels?
You normally need at least five GCSEs at grades 9 to 4/A* to C At least grade B (grade 5-6) in the specific subject(s) you want to study

6 A-Levels at DLS Art DT Mathematics English Literature
Religious Studies Sociology Psychology Photography Geography History Biology Chemistry Physics

7 A-Levels at JCG, Beaulieu or Victoria College
Music Music technology French; Spanish Drama Performing Arts Economics

8 Why choose A-Levels If you're thinking about going to university, most higher education courses require specific A levels or combinations of A levels (or alternative level 3 qualifications). If you’re not sure what career or job you want to do, studying a selection of A levels can be a good way of keeping your options open.

9 A-Level Structure

10 AS and A-level: Content tested
Year 12: M1 + M2 +M3  study these AS modules in lessons  complete AS external examination Year 13: M1 + M2 + M3  revise these modules independently  complete A-Level external examination M4 + M5 + M6  study these modules in lessons  complete A-level external examination

11 What is a BTEC? BTEC stands for the Business and Technology Education Council. BTECs are specialist work-related qualifications. On the whole, BTECs tend to be more vocational and practical, which may suit both your learning style and what you want to do after you finish your studies. 

12 What is a BTEC? Another big difference is that A-Levels are geared towards big exams at the end of two years of studying, whereas BTECs are continually assessed throughout the course through coursework and practical projects. So if the thought of exams fill you with dread, studying for a BTEC could be ideal. However, if you don’t like extended projects and the other associated hassles that can go with them, A-Levels could be more suitable. While A-Levels are graded A*-E, BTECs are awarded with Pass, Merit, Distinction or Starred Distinction.

13 A-Level or BTEC If you choose to study only one BTEC in a particular subject, it’s very likely that the courses you can apply for at university will be restricted to the same or similar kind of subject. This is great if you know in advance exactly what you want to do, but it doesn’t leave much room for changing your mind, so something to consider when you’re picking your options.

14 A-Level or BTEC A Levels meanwhile generally offer you a little more flexibility. Of course there will be some courses that you still need specific A-Levels for, but if you have studied 2- 4 different subjects, you may find your options are a little wider when it comes to application time.

15 BTEC Extended Diploma (equivalent to 3 A-levels)
At BTEC we offer Level 3 Extended Diploma’s in Sports Science and Exercise.

16 BTEC Diploma (equivalent to 2 A-levels)
At BTEC we offer Level 3 Diploma’s in Applied Science and Business Studies

17 BTEC extended certificate (equivalent to 1 A-Level)
At BTEC we offer Level 3 Extended Certificates in Sports science and exercise, ICT and Computing

18 What path is right for me?
3 A-Level subjects (not recommended due to flexibility) 4 A-Level subjects BTEC Diploma + 2 x AS/BTEC BTEC Extended Diploma + 1 x AS/BTEC

19 GCSE grades vs. A-Level/BTEC expected grades
A*/Distinction* A/Distinction B C/Merit D E/Pass

20 A Level vs. BTEC A* A B C D E Distinction A* Distinction Merit Pass

21 Or BTEC + AS 6 Study Periods
Lessons per week 4 AS levels = lessons Or BTEC + AS Study Periods

22 What does MY WEEK LOOK LIKE?
6 x lessons Per subject


24 Study periods Allocated room for study overseen by a teacher.
For homework, coursework and independent Study Student responsible to bring work (ask subject teacher if not sure) Access to other classrooms: Art, Design & Technology and Photography available, but must REGISTER in allocated room first. Own electronic devices welcome Music acceptable, but not encouraged This is very valuable time. USE IT!

25 *BTEC assignments throughout the year
Nov Int. Report Mock Week Parents Evening Individual Parent meetings BTEC complete Written report 1 Oct HT 2 Xmas 3 Feb HT 4 Easter 5 May HT 6 Summer exams begin Exam week *BTEC assignments throughout the year

26 Role model Requirement to be seen to be a stage of accomplishment.
KS3 & KS4 need to be able to look up and to follow high standards. Excellent behaviour and high expectations are paramount. Uniform sets the standard. This goes for attending CONSORTIUM lessons (organisational skills, punctuality, mock weeks at different time, all reports come back through DLS) .

27 Reporting Interim Report - November Parent Evening - December
Written Report - March Year 12 Interim report = Minimum Expected Grade Behavior, Effort in Class, Effort in Homework and Independent Study: - Excellent - Good - Room for Improvement - Cause for Concern

28 Mentoring programme Opt in programme
Useful for certain professions but also for personal statements for CV and University. 1 prep lesson a week. With a subject you are taking or have taken. Secondary/Primary. Fulfilling and supporting the community for a structured period of time

29 Student Leadership Team
*Process starts in October after half term HEAD BOY DEPUTY HEAD BOY SENIOR PREFECT PREFECT

30 Mentor Support Can be provided if we/you feel you need the extra support. During your prep lessons - will take approximately mins. Makes you accountable for classwork, revision, homework, punctuality, attendance, coursework, duties etc.

31 Absence Your son’s attendance is tracked and sanctioned as necessary
For daily illness or appointments, please contact the college as normal. or Copy in Mr Barrett and tutor Sanctions for unauthorised absence by tutor

32 Attendance Attendance % (Year) Day absent School Weeks Lessons Missed

33 Options post 18

34 University Path Support
UCAS support (writing personal statements, applying for universities, choosing universities, choosing courses etc.) University Tours Admissions staff support University talks and presentations from many different Universities around the World

35 Career Path Work Talks from the big four Accountancy firms
Talks from a huge range of other industries CV writing skills and sessions Access to a number of different firms and companies to complete work shadowing Mock interviews Time for work experience (you will need to organise) Job at the end of your A Levels

36 Sixth Form Opportunities
World Challenge Young Enterprise Mock interviews University trips Leadership roles (Head boy, Deputy head boy, prefects etc.) To continue to develop your sporting goals Du Putron challenge CV/Personal Statement workshops Business Shadowing

37 De La Salle Sixth Form ITS ABOUT YOU !
Here at De la Salle sixth form we are here to give you the best opportunities to pursue your goals and aspirations. Small class sizes mean we can focus much more time on you. ITS ABOUT YOU !

38 Contact or 01534 754100
Mr Barrett: Mr Dowie: Ms Hunt: Mr Croke: Mr Parslow: Mr McGinty:

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